[User-committee] Efficiency of WGs?

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Tue Aug 30 16:39:58 UTC 2016

On 08/29/2016 05:36 PM, David F Flanders wrote:
> Q: Is there any good practice we can draw from? I've been digging
> around my old W3C and IETF notes to see what good practice there may
> be?

I would suggest to send the agenda *with* an email reminder.

Check what our own TC does: they send a weekly notice of meeting the day
before, on the TC mailing list with the topics of the agenda that will
be discussed. This allows TC members to immediately see if there is
something worth their time to join.

Instead all the WGs I get notifications for, only send an copy-paste
email with one or more links to follow. I usually ignore those because
I'm checking openstack emails on my breaks, often on mobile and I don't
want to deal with new apps or mobile-broken sites like etherpad. I am
not the only one, as any email marketer will confirm: put all the
relevant info in a short, concise email because you only have one shot
at getting someone's attention.

My feeling is that email is very very under-utilized by the WGs. IRC,
etherpads, wiki etc should be IMHO complements to email, not the other
way around.


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