[User-committee] [AppEco-WG] AppDev Summit Cheat Sheet

Michael Krotscheck krotscheck at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 22:11:57 UTC 2016

I'm imagining an "Get the most out of your summit" single page PDF or
grab-bag insert with a proposed agenda, open invites to different parts of
the summit, and maybe a sticker that lets app devs advertise passively :).


On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 1:56 PM Montenegro, Patricia <
patricia.montenegro at intel.com> wrote:

> Hi Flanders,
> I loved the idea! I’ll add the topic to the agenda of our next meeting!
> :D
> Patricia
> From: David F Flanders <dff.openstack at gmail.com>
> Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 4:53 AM
> To: user-committee <user-committee at lists.openstack.org>
> Cc: Patricia Montenegro <patricia.montenegro at intel.com>, Michael
> Krotscheck <michael.krotscheck at hpe.com>
> Subject: [AppEco-WG] AppDev Summit Cheat Sheet
> Dear Michael, Patricia and other members of the AppEco-WG,
> I'm writing to suggest that the AppEco-WG should create a "summit cheat
> sheet" for any and all activities intended for AppDev during the summit.
> I feel this is an important document we should put together collectively
> so we can advertise the numerous AppDev activities ongoing.
> For example here are some of the things which I've been trying to keep
> pace which would be good to let any AppDev coming to the summit know about:
>    1. cloudAppDev focused track and key presentations.
>    2. new app dev training videos and tutorials building on
>    #my1stCloudAppGuide
>    3. forthcoming call for proposal from the CloudAppHack-WG for the next
>    series hackathons.
>    4. shade, shade and more shade (SDK/API)
>    5. cloud application developer lounge
>    6. self-paced labs at the summit
>    7. AppEco-WG activities
>    8. ISV-WG activities, esp book sprint for enteprise apps
>    9. Container training
>    10. Shade training
> And that's just a starter for ten, I'm sure I am missing another dozen
> activities including BoFs, etc..  Let alone, the initiatives which
> companies will have ongoing at booths.
> How best can we: a.) collect a comprehensive list of appDev activities
> (along with clear descriptions of how they relate), and b.) what format can
> we present this info for appDev?  <-- a blog post on SuperUser, as part of
> the summit app, an online guide like:
> https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/city-guide/
> Any suggestion most welcome, or perhaps we just get quickly started by
> having everyone quickly list (and categorise) the AppDev activities ad hoc
> here:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/appdev-summit-cheat-sheet-barcelona
> ^^Pretty please contribute 🙏to this shared resource :)
> Greatly appreciated for any considerations, very glad to chat further via
> the AppEco-WG meetings, as per Michael and Patricia's agenda.
> Kind Regards,
> Flanders
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