[User-committee] [app] User research during hackathons - Plans for Guadalajara

Montenegro, Patricia patricia.montenegro at intel.com
Tue Aug 2 20:16:57 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Like I mentioned yesterday on our WG meeting, we’re looking into the opportunity of having ~200 app developers in one place for 2 days playing with OpenStack to find out more about pain points and barriers for adoption. The idea is to pilot the research in the upcoming Guadalajara hackathon and maybe use the model in future ones.

First thing we need to do is brainstorm to create a list of problems we believe developers will bump into during the process to come up with the hypothesis we want to confirm with the research. I’m going to host a hang out session Thursday, August 4th, at 3PM PDT. If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll send you the invite.

Piet and Danielle from the UX Project will help us choose the appropriate technique and how to apply them during the event.

Best regards,

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