I have already include you as active WG under UC and therefore we are considering you for having space in BCN summit. Please, take into account that the convention center in BCN is much more smaller that Austin and we have some limitation in time and space. The foundation team is doing their best to provide everybody with enough resources. Thanks, Edgar On 8/2/16, 5:13 AM, "Blair Bethwaite" <blair.bethwaite at monash.edu> wrote: Hi Edgar, I hear we need to talk to you regarding organising meeting time and place for UC WGs? The inaugural Scientific Working group meeting in Austin was very well attended so I suspect we'll need a reasonably large space if possible. Best regards, Blair and Stig (scientific-wg co-chairs) -- Blair Bethwaite HPC Consultant (eResearch) - Monash eResearch Centre (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__platforms.monash.edu_eresearch_&d=DQIBaQ&c=DS6PUFBBr_KiLo7Sjt3ljp5jaW5k2i9ijVXllEdOozc&r=G0XRJfDQsuBvqa_wpWyDAUlSpeMV4W1qfWqBfctlWwQ&m=yy_nRVkOaTd9yHPgxnfP3ycMHZhXEqR22pu8gcOPj_A&s=2FY5Zfv--cP5MU5RKMizbc98fgRv0MUGntcb3fw7al8&e= ) R&D, System Admin, Cloud & Grid support specialist - Monash eScience & Grid Engineering Lab (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.messagelab.monash.edu.au_&d=DQIBaQ&c=DS6PUFBBr_KiLo7Sjt3ljp5jaW5k2i9ijVXllEdOozc&r=G0XRJfDQsuBvqa_wpWyDAUlSpeMV4W1qfWqBfctlWwQ&m=yy_nRVkOaTd9yHPgxnfP3ycMHZhXEqR22pu8gcOPj_A&s=1OYnzLfeA5yUmUXtaYIfUWFRgz9g8i68m4kBphJPnzI&e= ) Mobile: 0439-545-002 Office: +61 3-9903-2800