[User-committee] [app] Training day (1st AppKit) actions from Tokyo

Stig Telfer stig at telfer.org
Wed Nov 25 14:24:32 UTC 2015

Hello Adam - 

Thanks for your interest, that is tremendous.  At this stage the working group is taking shape, please by all means do add your name to the etherpad - and your input.

Best wishes,

> On 25 Nov 2015, at 11:32, Adam Huffman <adam.huffman at gmail.com <mailto:adam.huffman at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hello
> Not wishing to hijack the thread, but I'm very interested in participating in the academia working group.
> May I just add myself to the list on the Etherpad, or do I need to ask to be nominated? I do know a couple of the people on there already...
> Cheers,
> Adam
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 11:14 AM, David F Flanders <dff.openstack at gmail.com <mailto:dff.openstack at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Brilliant to hear Matjaz! 
> I've added your name to the proposed OpenStack in Academia Working Group at the below etherpad, if you could please have a look over it and add your comments directly:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/academia-wg <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/academia-wg>
> Stig (Cc'd) and myself have been trying to announce far and wide to all interested academic institutions, please do help us spread the word :D
> I'm also very interested to hear about what training you have started in on, it would be great to compare as we have created a training for researchers (aka PhDs and Postgraduates) on how to use our OpenStack as their research operating system of choice:
> https://github.com/resbaz/nectar-cloud-lessons <https://github.com/resbaz/nectar-cloud-lessons>
> Naturally, the first app guide is also something we are keen to promote...
> So much to do!
> Kind Regards,
> David F. Flanders <david.flanders at unimelb.edu.au <mailto:david.flanders at unimelb.edu.au>>
> Research Community Manager, Digital Infrastructure Services
> University of Melbourne.  @DFFlanders
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 8:55 PM, Pančur, Matjaž <Matjaz.Pancur at fri.uni-lj.si <mailto:Matjaz.Pancur at fri.uni-lj.si>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m the lead of the Docs Training guides Speciality team [1]. We already update the material for Upstream Training (slides that are used there and intro pages that explain them a bit more) [2] and we’re also working on the Training slides material (currently a WIP published under draft docs pages). Everything is written in RST (slides too - we use Hieroglyph+Sphinx) and we’re continuously publishing all training material under Training guides section on the Docs pages [3], with standard Docs contribution process with patches&bugs for slides too.
> This effort you guys started here for the 1stAppKit Training is really great, I too have a lot of feedback about the need for this from my contacts in the Academia and from our partners in the industry.
> I would like to help with developing training materials for it. Can we reuse the tools/processes already established for the Upstream training? I think that it would be good to gather together all community made training related stuff under the same Docs Section [3] - this would increase the visibility of it for all.
> Matjaz Pancur
> University Of Ljubljana
> [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/SpecialityTeams <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/SpecialityTeams>
> [2] http://docs.openstack.org/upstream-training/ <http://docs.openstack.org/upstream-training/>
> [3] http://docs.openstack.org/#training-guides <http://docs.openstack.org/#training-guides>
> > From: David F Flanders
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 6:13 AM
> > To:
> > user-committee at lists.openstack.org <http://lists.openstack.org/>
> >
> > Cc: Anni Lai ; John ; Stefano Maffulli ; Rainya Mosher (ramosher) ; 张淳 ;
> > kenny.johnston at rackspace.com <http://rackspace.com/>
> >
> > Subject: [User-committee] [app] Training day (1st AppKit) actions from Tokyo
> >
> >
> > My Dear Fellow Application Ecosystem Working Group,
> >
> > I hope your return travels home have treated you well.
> >
> > As per ​my action from ​our WG meeting in Tokyo[1], I'm emailing you'll ​to ​request some info to help roll out the 'My First App Guide + Training"? ​!​
> >
> > If the following people would be so kind as to provide me with the following information:
> >     a.) contact details for the developer wranglers who help provide internal training events/activities at your companies, random leads welcome,
> >     b.) name of an app developer who has or is interested in developing cloud native applications,
> >     c.) [optional] where we might help advertise the "my first app guide" ​and training day(s)?,
> >     d.) [optional] opinions on what we need to do with developer.openstack.org <http://developer.openstack.org/> to make it valuable for visiting app developers?
> >
> >   a.. @Michael/Carol could you provide the above (a)(b), optionally (c)(d) for Intel?
> >   b.. @John could you provide the above (a)(b), optionally (c)(d) for HP?
> >   c.. @Kenny could you provide the above (a)(b), optionally (c)(d) for Rackspace?
> >   d.. @Shamail could you provide the above (a)(b), optionally (c)(d) for IBM?
> >   e.. @Rainya/Nicky could you provide the above (a)(b), optionally (c)(d) for Cisco?
> >   f.. @Annie could you provide the above (a)(b), optionally (c)(d) for Huawei?
> >   g.. @Chun could you provide the above (a)(b), optionally (c)(d) for 99 Cloud?
> >   h.. @Stefano could you provide the above (a)(b), optionally (c)(d) for Dreamhost?
> > ​...​
> >
> > ​​@All I would really also appreciate your ideas for what your organisation might expect in terms of an "app kit" for training days, ​e.g. training curricula outline, training support, partnership with local meetup & user groups, engagement opportunities with up and coming talent from Universities, swag (stickers, shirts), prizes for "best app pitches", etc. ​ ???​
> >
> > Once compiled, I'll l ​liaise with you all to help take forward  ​training opportunities of the my first app guide ​ training #AppKit.​ If interested in being a guinea pig please do reply on list :)
> >
> > Getting very excited to see cloud native apps grow in our community!
> >
> >
> > ​​ ​[1]=
> > https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/TYO-app-eco-wg <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/TYO-app-eco-wg>​​
> >
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> >
> > Flanders
> > ======
> > ​​David F. Flanders, Research Community Manager
> > University of Melbourne > University Services > Research Platforms
> > @ResPlat -
> > http://blogs.unimelb.edu.au/researchplatforms/ <http://blogs.unimelb.edu.au/researchplatforms/>
> >
> > We ❤ the 'Research Bazaar' community, join today! #ResBaz
> >
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> =================
> Twitter: @DFFlanders <https://twitter.com/dfflanders>
> Skype: david.flanders
> Based in Melbourne, Australia
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