[User-committee] User Survey Data Analysis

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Tue Nov 17 00:24:28 UTC 2015

On 11/16/2015 03:50 PM, Roland Chan wrote:
> I'm requesting further analysis of the user survey data in order to
> determine what factors maybe contributing to the deterioriation of the
> NPS results over the last two surveys.

This is one of the cases where I'm not particularly concerned in the
change that score but in its absolute value: the latest NPS in the
latest edition could probably be considered a new base point instead of
a down trend because the sample size of the survey has changed so

Also, I'm not sure how exactly valuable the NPS score is for the thing
that is called 'openstack' in the context of the survey: is that the
upstream code? the packages from vendors? the old releases unmaintained?
neutron? devstack? How valuable is really that number?

> I don't know what form the data for the last two user surveys is, but if
> it's in surveymonkey, 

it's not in surveymonkey, it's in a custom-built tool managed by the
Foundation. Access to the data is restricted to very few individuals
because of its super-sensitive content.

> we had some good results using their built in
> toolset (credit to Lauren for that) with the Diversity survey results.

Speaking of which, I heard rumors that the results were published at the
Board meeting in Tokyo but I haven't seen that presentation made public
yet. Did I miss the public announcement?


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