[User-committee] User Survey: Development Tools

Michael Krotscheck krotscheck at gmail.com
Fri May 8 16:49:53 UTC 2015

Hey there, Tom!

However - did you see the new question about packaging in the March
> questions update? Is there potential to tweak that one?

If you're referring to the "What packages does this deployment use...?"
question, I feel that yes- a tweak could be possible simply by adding the
"Other" field. From the small amount of data that I have from our horizon
survey so far, it seems that there are a couple of odd ducks in the
options, but not enough to warrant its own field. Specifically, we've got a
couple of "Built a package from source" (which the survey has), "Install
directly from source" (Which the survey doesn't), and a few "Hey we wrote
our own tooling to deploy and the plumbing is weird" options.

That last one is interesting, as from what I know of the company, they're
actually checking out horizon, only installing select bits of it, and
building on top of that.

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