[User-committee] Horizon Customization in User Survey

Jonathan Proulx jon at csail.mit.edu
Mon May 4 19:18:08 UTC 2015

Hi Michael,

In the long term the user survey is porbably the right place if this
is something you want to track over time.

It is definitely too late to use this for YVR though.

For short term quick turn around I'd suggest seting up a survey monkey
and sending an email to the openstack-operators list asking for people
to respond.


On Mon, May 04, 2015 at 06:59:35PM +0000, Michael Krotscheck wrote:
:Hi everyone!
:I am curious as to whether the user survey would be the correct venue for a
:question I'd like to ask of our user community: I would like to know how
:many installed instances of openstack use the default out-of-the-box
:horizon, vs. a version that has been white-labeled and/or customized.
:Stefano pointed me here, because he feels the user survey may be the best
:venue to ask this question, though it might be tricky to get a meaningful
:result before vancouver. Either way, I feel it'd be a valuable datapoint
:for the horizon team (David Lyle's also interested).
:Michael Krotscheck

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