[User-committee] OpenStack Sample Application

eric saxe eric.saxe at oracle.com
Thu Mar 5 19:14:51 UTC 2015

Hi Chris

Since you posed this idea a few weeks back I've been talking with a 
number of other folks across Oracle. I agree with Bill, I think there's 
a lot of value that can come from this, and I think the timing is right.

The sense I get is that when folks get started with OpenStack, the 
initial value they see is the agility and simplified administration 
benefits the system can provide thanks to self-service, and 
automated/orchestrated infrastructure provisioning. Obviously there's a 
lot of benefit to be gained by using OpenStack for infrastructure 
management and provisioning. But at some point, these cloud systems 
should mature enough to become a cohesive compute platform. At some 
point, you come into work and realize your little cloud has grown up, 
and you should use it as a platform for running software and services. :)

When I hear folks say they want to "move to the cloud", I think this is 
what they instinctively want to do...but in the absence of easily 
conveyed understanding how to write to this platform, the interfaces, 
examples that show of best practices for their use...it's a barrier and 
a challenge. There's a need to provide this guidance, and I think a lot 
at stake for it to be correct. Especially as we look to meet the broader 
needs of workloads in the enterprise, the need and benefit for this 

So I'm happy to help out, and there's certainly a number of us at Oracle 
that are very interested in this.

Eric Saxe
Director of Engineering
Solaris Cloud Technologies
Oracle OpenStack

On 2/18/2015 2:30 PM, Franklin, William (OpenStack) wrote:
> I know it is redundant but I really think that this is an excellent way forward.   I talk to hundreds of customers each year.  A common request is to provide best coding practices, examples and sample code.  A well written and documented sample application targeting IT developers and ISV will go a long way to satisfying that need.  More than willing to help with this effort.
> Bill Franklin
> VP - OpenStack and Strategic Customer Cloud Enablement
> HP Cloud
> On Feb 18, 2015, at 14:10, "Chris C. Kemp" <chris.c.kemp at nebula.com<mailto:chris.c.kemp at nebula.com>> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've been thinking more about the conversation many of us had at the Paris Summit around the best way to help advance the Application Ecosystem working Group, and in particular the idea of a standard OpenStack "Sample Application.”
> Many of you are aware of the Java J2EE "Pet Store" sample application, or the .NET "IBuySpy Portal" sample application.   These applications were used to demonstrate the core capabilities of these platforms, and served to illustrate the typical design decisions and tradeoffs developers make when building applications for these platforms.   Running an application on OpenStack presents a number of opportunities and challenges to those that may be otherwise familiar with running applications on traditional virtualized infrastructure, or are accustomed to some of the features in various public cloud platforms.
> I, as well as Bill Franklin, have been socializing this idea with some of our peers here in Silicon Valley, and there seems to be a lot of interest in the idea of developing a sample application for OpenStack.   The application could be itself an OpenStack project, and could have a set of community defined requirements such as "must use OpenStack core capabilities" and could be used to demonstrate portability between different OpenStack implementations.  Furthermore, just as code from PetStore found itself into thousands of applications, this application could serve as a fantastic starting point for developers that are building next generation applications targeting the OpenStack platform.
> If there was enough interest, we wanted to propose that we bring folks interested together to collaboratively develop a set of "core requirements" for the application.  We could then perhaps work with the Foundation to crowdsource a "concept" for the application (It's 2015, I think the OpenStack Community can do better than a Pet Store, or a Spy Shop, right?).  We could, with sufficient interest and sponsorship, have a hackathon around the Vancouver Summit to build the first prototype.  I know there are a few folks from Nebula, HP and other companies that would love to chip in.   Please let me know what you think here on the mailing list, and if there is enough interest we can schedule an online discussion to discuss further.
> Best,
> Chris
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