[User-committee] Approval/support for Product WG to be a project under User Committee

Rochelle Grober rochelle.grober at huawei.com
Tue Jul 7 02:26:43 UTC 2015

Hey, folks.

The Product Working Group is in the process of trying to get a repository instantiated for User Stories (hopefully at openstack/openstack-user-stories) and in the process of walking through the process, found it would be much simpler to actually form a project that owns the repository.  Once that was realized, it was suggested (thanks Thierry!) that the likely best location for us would be under the auspices of the User Committee.

With the committee's ok, I'd like to modify the current patch commit message, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/197754/ to read:

"The Product Working group would like to be formally recognized as a project within the User Committee governance body."

And would change the file to be modified to be the openstack/governance/reference/user-committee-repos.yaml with the group's information.

What do you guys think?  The patch is under discussion at tomorrow's meeting, but if I get a generally positive response from the list, I will be able to at least propose that the current patch be abandoned for one that puts the Product WG under the auspices of the User Committee.

Rocky Grober (on behalf of the Product Working Group)
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