[User-committee] [App] Application Eco WG - meeting - "first app tutorial"
Tom Fifield
tom at openstack.org
Tue Feb 10 15:18:53 UTC 2015
Thank you very much to those who attended.
For those who couldn't make it, the recording can be found at:
General agreement in the meeting was reached on the following points ( a
video version of this can be found at 47 minutes into the video):
* There is a burning need for this tutorial, the aim as stated will meet
it and we need to achieve it as soon as possible
* A simple, minimal approach is required and creating a custom
application is the best way to achieve this (eg
https://github.com/fifieldt/openstack-firstapp based on the RabbitMQ
* Application shouldn't star more than the education, but creating
something functional with a story behind it that could be used to more
easily demonstrate scaling is desirable
* We will use SDKs, and multi-cloud toolkits are acceptable unless their
use causes additional confusion/complication
* Ideal tutorial will be prose with code snippets, where code snippets
from various languages can be substituted in
* Preference to start with Python, but will also look to achieve Java,
Ruby, PHP, node.js and C#
* Need to determine how the progression section-by-section will go. Will
it be more and more automation, or more and more durability?
* Section 1 aim makes sense, as does scaling up later down the track and
additional services like Heat, Ceilometer is desirable down the track
* Need to find 6 testers for testing the material (Chuck Burkett, Dana
Bauer signed up)
* The guide will be sent to OSSG for security analysis as part of the
post production
On 10/02/15 21:51, Tom Fifield wrote:
> On 10/02/15 18:35, Tom Fifield wrote:
>> Hi AppEcoWG,
>> This is a meeting reminder for today Tuesday, 10 February 2015,
>> 14:00:00 UTC - about 3.5 hours from now.
>>> You can find the meeting time in your local time using this link:
>> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=AppEco+WG+Meeting&iso=20150210T22&p1=241
>> So far I'm inviting:
>> * Shilla Saebi
>> * Anne Gentle
>> * Rushi Agrawal
>> * Dana Bauer
>> * Lauren Sell
>> to the hangout.
>> If you intend to speak a lot, please contact me so you can get on that
>> (limited to 10) invite list.
>> If you just want to watch the meeting, or plan to be doing something
>> else at the time, you can watch it via live streaming on YouTube and
>> ask any questions via the little app thing on g+.
>> A link will be posted on this mailing list.
> Link is at:
> https://plus.google.com/events/cumjdt2m4tgfjnlc5jc6h3panfg
> In about 10 minutes, you should be able to stream from there, or ask
> questions.
>> Regards,
>> Tom
>> On 05/02/15 09:13, Tom Fifield wrote:
>>> Hi AppEcoWG,
>>> Thanks for filling out the poll.
>>> The conclusion was (apologies to Carol!):
>>> Tuesday, 10 February 2015, 14:00:00 UTC
>>> You can find the meeting time in your local time using this link:
>>> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=AppEco+WG+Meeting&iso=20150210T22&p1=241
>>> As we have less than 10 people interested, I would like to try
>>> conducting the meeting using Google Hangouts on Air. To facilitate an
>>> easy setup, please add me to a circle on G+ if you plan to speak at the
>>> meeting:
>>> https://plus.google.com/+TomFifield
>>> If you just want to watch the meeting, or plan to be doing something
>>> else at the time, you can watch it via live streaming on YouTube and ask
>>> any questions via the little app thing.
>>> See you "Tuesday"!
>>> Regards,
>>> Tom
>>> On 29/01/15 10:03, Tom Fifield wrote:
>>>> Hi AppEcoWG,
>>>> Let's have a discussion around the tutorial entitled "Writing your first
>>>> OpenStack application".
>>>> Please fill out the doodle poll with your preferred time slot at:
>>>> http://doodle.com/ibbniv5gyzdexi72
>>>> as always, ensuring you select your correct timezone in the top right ;)
>>>> I want to run through the current details on:
>>>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/first-app-tutorial and have a general
>>>> discussion to solicit ideas.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Tom
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