[User-committee] [App] "First App" Tutorial for OpenStack

Tom Fifield tom at openstack.org
Wed Apr 1 09:54:49 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Checking in from the sprint.

At this stage (Wednesday night) we've written the bulk of the content
we're going to produce this week, and the next couple of days are going
to be spent fixing it so that it looks reasonable and actually works :)

We're pretty confident that section 1 is indeed already in this state,
and would invite you to try it out :)

On a linux system, you should be able to run:

{yum,apt-get,zypper} install graphviz
git clone https://github.com/fifieldt/openstack-firstapp
cd openstack-firstapp
tox -e libcloud

and then open doc/build/html/section1.html in your favourite browser.

Feedback on other sections is welcome too, but they're all very much in
flux and can still change in big ways between now and Friday night - so
no pull requests yet please ;)

We'll keep you posted as best we can with progress. Still a long way to go!


Christian, James, Nick, Sean & Tom

On 30/03/15 13:59, Tom Fifield wrote:
> Hi all,
> As promised we're sprinting this week. I'm being joined here in Taipei
> by James Dempsey, Christian Berendt and Sean Collins, with Nick Chase
> phoning in. We're going to spend the first few days writing like crazy,
> locked in a room not really communicating with the outside world.
> However, starting about mid-week (or sooner, if we get to the point
> where things are stable) when we become more focused on testing and
> editing I'd expect that we'll open up the etherpads for outside review.
> In case you're interested in the mechanics of the sprint, basically what
> happens is first thing we get together and write up all of our ideas on
> a series of post-it notes, and stick them on the wall to perform a card
> sort (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Card_sorting). From there we have the
> basic structure of the guide, and simply write to fill in the blanks.
> For the technically inclined, what we've set up to make this happen is a
> temporary, internal etherpad server so we have low latency access to
> collaboratively edit (in RST) and are able to use the API secrets. The
> latter is important for Christian's magic script:
> https://github.com/fifieldt/openstack-firstapp/blob/master/bin/pads2files.py
> that downloads the raw RST from the etherpads so they can be built using
> sphinx.
> For this sprint, testing is very important, so we've got about a few
> clouds at our disposal, and where the early part of the week will be
> trying to get a lot of prose done, the latter part is more focused on
> ensuring the reader experience of the tutorial is exceptional,
> repeatably every time by using them.
> Standby for more as it comes in :)
> Regards,
> Tom
> On 03/03/15 12:26, Tom Fifield wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Thanks very much for those who got in touch after this email, either via
>> the etherpad, our subsequent meeting or regarding a potential sprint.
>> I'm pleased to announce that from our collection of volunteers we have
>> found a team of folks who not only live and breathe the precise problem
>> we're trying to solve, but have agreed to give up a week of their time
>> to solve it.
>> So, put the week of 30th of March in your calendar. We're going to need
>> review help! Details to follow!
>> Regards,
>> Tom
>> On 12/01/15 11:38, Tom Fifield wrote:
>>> Post-new-year bump!
>>> On 31/12/14 12:32, Tom Fifield wrote:
>>>> Hi AppEcoWG,
>>>> I'm sure many have seen the "Writing your first Django app" tutorial before:
>>>> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/
>>>> If you haven't go and take a look - it's arguably the gold standard for
>>>> an open source tutorial.
>>>> As discussed in our meeting in Paris, OpenStack needs something in that
>>>> style.
>>>> We recently saw a real example of the need on the ops ml[1], when James
>>>> Dempsey posted:
>>>> "How do you help new OpenStack users learn to build awesome stuff in
>>>> your OpenStack clouds?"
>>>> Solving this is our aim here - create something that Operators like
>>>> James can give to their users to allow them to become effective at
>>>> building cloud applications.
>>>> The plan for now: flesh out ideas on what this would look like and how
>>>> it would work. Particularly we need to think about the kinds of example
>>>> applications we should go with.
>>>> We could look at finding an open source app that already exists that we
>>>> could modify, or look to come up with something that we could code up.
>>>> There's an etherpad and your ideas are welcome there or by reply email:
>>>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/first-app-tutorial
>>>> We could also brainstorm a little in an online meeting format too, where
>>>> I could rant about the idea a bit more if desired.
>>>> In parallel, I'm working to collect a half dozen experts that we can
>>>> lock in a room for a week in the future to make this happen. Who we need
>>>> will depend on the path we take, but if you know someone who you think
>>>> has the right stuff, drop me an email off-list.
>>>> In terms of deadlines, it seems like a reasonable aim to have the entire
>>>> tutorial finished by May for the Vancouver summit. Doable? :)
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Tom
>>>> [1]
>>>> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-operators/2014-December/005786.html
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