[User-committee] OpenStack End User Working Group
rochelle.grober at huawei.com
Wed Sep 10 18:49:56 UTC 2014
Stefano Maffulli (September 10, 2014 9:55 AM) wrote:
On 09/10/2014 07:47 AM, Everett Toews wrote:
> The bulk of the effort of the initial release of developer.openstack.org
> <http://developer.openstack.org> went into infra issues. I welcome the
> evolution of developer.openstack.org <http://developer.openstack.org> by
> the community. The primary exemplar in this area for open source is
> developer.mozilla.org <http://developer.mozilla.org>. It's amazing
> really. And they're going toe to toe with Microsoft, Google, and Apple.
Mozilla has a massive amount of different products and audiences; our
portal should probably be a little simpler than theirs. Also, we will
probably continue to count a lot on content developed outside of our
circles (well, depending on who we hire).
I have the feeling we also want to coordinate this with the docs portal
redesign, as I think it would make sense to have to
developer.openstack.org host content from
[Rocky Grober] Some parts of the developer documents will be useful for enduser developers, such as the API docs (which really are for all developers in/on OpenStack), but many of the documents are specifically focused on OpenStack *code* developers. I think Endusers, Operators and Docs teams need to work to determine which docs belong where, and with links to the main pages where the other OpenStack documents live (with a short description of the focus of those other document libraries). For instance, I don't really see the Gerrit Workflow document being particularly useful for the enduser community.
But, otherwise, yeah, having the documents endusers need in the area they will look for them is key.
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