[User-committee] OpenStack End User Working Group
Lauren Sell
lauren at openstack.org
Wed Sep 10 07:23:52 UTC 2014
Thanks Chris and Tom! A few thoughts below.
On Sep 9, 2014, at 7:07 AM, Chris C. Kemp <Chris.C.Kemp at nebula.com> wrote:
> Tom and Everett,
> Thanks for the push, I assure you that you have not lost your leadership. :) I had emailed Lauren a few weeks back regarding the possibility of organizing a f2f discussion to move this forward prior to Paris, and not heard back.
I’m wondering if it might make sense to move forward with team phone calls / mailing list emails, and wait to do a f2f in Paris since we’re only two months out.
Topics I would love to discuss in the regular meetings include:
- user survey (specifically the app dev section)
- working with SDK communities
- agenda and goals for Summit f2f meeting
- any activities or at least learnings we can gather from re:invent
- syncing up with the personas team as they are building out new end user personas
> I think that this topic is broader than just Application Ecosystems, however, so I don't want to overly constrain the discussion, given the initial focus on End Users (Application Developers are a subset of End users). This would be a good topic for further discussion.
> If Tom can make a room available for a working group discussion in Paris, I would be very happy to help organize an agenda and promote the discussion. I think that we could easily fill an 80 person room. 90 minutes should be sufficient.
One possible agenda suggestion: if we can get some app developers / end users in the room, it would be great to gather feedback on developer.openstack.org and the type of content that would be useful to them as we build out this section going forward.
> Regarding topics, I believe that there was a tremendous amount of consensus on the call. The goal of this meeting should be to reach a wider audience with this effort, recruit folks to help develop content and outreach. I believe we should also flesh out how this working group can interact with the User Committee, Foundation, Vancouver Summit, and broader OpenStack community.
I also think one of the primary functions of this group should be getting feedback into the development process (as well as efforts like defcore) to improve the platform and experience for app developers.
Finally, we mentioned this on the first call, but the Foundation is posting a job opening for an app dev community manager, who I think could play an important supporting many of these efforts. We’ll be promoting the new position next week, so please let us know if you have any recommendations from your networks.
> Looking forward to your feedback.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Fifield [mailto:tom at openstack.org]
> Sent: Monday, September 8, 2014 8:59 PM
> To: Everett Toews; Rainya Mosher
> Cc: user-committee at lists.openstack.org; Nati Shalom; Chris C. Kemp
> Subject: Re: [User-committee] OpenStack End User Working Group
> On 06/09/14 02:55, Everett Toews wrote:
>> No response on this in some time. Shall we take that as lazy consensus
>> and move forward with Application Ecosystem Working Group?
> That is indeed a fine idea.
> However, we seem to have lost our leadership, having not heard from Chris Kemp during the past few weeks of our discussion :s
>> It would be good to get this squared away well before the Summit so we
>> can plan to meet there and come up with a strategy and plans to
>> promote the Application Ecosystem.
>> One venue for discussing this could be one of these Tech Talks [1]. Or
>> we could have a “Birds of a Feather” session and just meet somewhere
>> to discuss ourselves.
>> Does anyone have any other ideas for venues to discuss this?
> I actually have a room up my sleeve on Thursday for a smallish (50-80) working group discussion such as this!
> How much time do we need:
> * 45 mins
> * 90 mins
> * 140 mins
> * 2 x 90 minutes
> ?
> What topics should we try to find closure on?
>> Thanks,
>> Everett
>> [1] http://openstack.prov12n.com/techtalks-at-openstack-summit-paris/
>> On Aug 29, 2014, at 10:59 AM, Rainya Mosher
>> <rainya.mosher at RACKSPACE.COM <mailto:rainya.mosher at RACKSPACE.COM>> wrote:
>>> Everett, +1 for Application Ecosystem Working Group.
>>> Rainya Mosher
>>> Dev Manager, PSST Release & Deploy
>>> 210.316.5065 (mobile)
>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>> Strategic • Activator • Connectedness • Individualization •
>>> Communication /I am an artist. This means I live in a perverse
>>> fantasy world with unrealistic expectations. Thank you for
>>> understanding./ / /
>>> From: Everett Toews <everett.toews at RACKSPACE.COM
>>> <mailto:everett.toews at RACKSPACE.COM>>
>>> Date: Friday, August 29, 2014 at 10:37 AM
>>> To: Tom Fifield <tom at openstack.org <mailto:tom at openstack.org>>
>>> Cc: "user-committee at lists.openstack.org
>>> <mailto:user-committee at lists.openstack.org>"
>>> <user-committee at lists.openstack.org
>>> <mailto:user-committee at lists.openstack.org>>
>>> Subject: Re: [User-committee] OpenStack End User Working Group
>>> 4. Application Ecosystem Working Group
>>> I’m partial to 4 because the connotations of an ecosystem promote
>>> broader thinking about the applications built for OpenStack clouds.
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