[User-committee] FW: Your proposal for OpenStack Summit, Apr. 2013, Portland
Tim Bell
Tim.Bell at cern.ch
Thu Mar 14 07:10:50 UTC 2013
The talk proposal for the summit has been accepted.
From: Kyle Mestery [mailto:mestery at mestery.com]
Sent: 14 March 2013 05:21
To: Tim Bell
Cc: seanrob at yahoo-inc.com; stefano at openstack.org
Subject: Your proposal for OpenStack Summit, Apr. 2013, Portland
Hi Tim,
Thank you for submitting a speaking proposal for the OpenStack April 2013
Summit. We received an incredible 250+ submissions for the Portland Summit,
and had to make some tough decisions for the schedule. Your session was
chosen to be part of the official agenda. Your talk is scheduled for Monday,
15 April 2013, 11:50-12:30am. We will forward more information on speaker
resources and timing as it becomes available.
Are there any changes or updates to your talk as we have it? We have your
talk titled "The OpenStack user committee". If there are changes to either
your title or abstract, please let us know so we can publish them in the
official conference track.
Again, we truly appreciate your contribution to the speaking submission
process, and look forward to seeing you in Portland!
Community Building Track Chairs
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