[User-committee] FW: [openstack] - [New Idea] - Automatically track non-engineering ATCs

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Sat Mar 9 00:17:57 UTC 2013

On 03/08/2013 03:17 PM, Joshua McKenty wrote:
> I'd like to emphasize that using the same tool for developers, and
> users, is probably not ideal.

Totally agreed. Ask is not for developers, it's a replacement for the 
forums and a better system than a mailing list for (at least some) 

> Again, the Launchpad workflow is optimized
> for the SOLUTION side - feedback, or user feature requests, aren't

I agree they're not questions.

My concern is that adding tools may create problems. I get the feeling 
that I'm missing something here: what's exactly the need? How do you 
think the processes will have to be? who's going to be responsible for what?


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