[User-committee] Summit

Tim Bell Tim.Bell at cern.ch
Wed Apr 3 13:50:26 UTC 2013




We've got a slot at the summit on Monday at 11:50 to talk about the user committee and survey results.


I was working out how we could structure the 40 minutes.. 3 chunks came to mind:


A.      Summary of user committee role and future plans (something close to Ryan's presentation to the board)

B.      User survey - feedback from the users such as their interaction with OpenStack, common areas to improve and goals for the

C.      Deployment survey - who is using what and how are they using it


Given the short time, I suspect the deployment survey part would need the most time but something like 10+5+15 minutes with 10
minutes for Q&A would work.


For a strawman, how about the following ? 


A - Ryan

B - Tim

C - JC


I'm fine doing any of the sessions so if there are strong preferences, shout.






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