[Transparency] Moving the transparency policy to gerrit

Alan Clark aclark at suse.com
Mon May 4 18:10:12 UTC 2015

I like this approach.  Be great to track all changes.
How about adding the process steps, you list below, to the readme or other doc in the repository.

> Hi
> At last week's committee meeting[1], one topic was how we should manage
> proposals for changes to the transparency policy. Previously, we have
> used google docs comments for this.
> I proposed experimenting with using gerrit for this, similar to how the
> Technical Committee uses gerrit for its policies and resolutions. I've
> just proposed the creation of the openstack/transparency-policy repo:
>   https://review.openstack.org/179648
> The initial repo is here:
>   https://github.com/markmc/transparency-policy
> and you can see how the published result would currently look like:
>   https://markmc.fedorapeople.org/transparency-policy/
> compare to:
>   https://www.openstack.org/legal/transparency-policy/
> With proposed changes to the policy, the process would roughly be:
>   1) Someone proposes the changes by checking out the git repo, editing
>      the document, and running the git-review command line too
>   2) Discussion of the changes would happen through the gerrit web
>      interface, with people able to propose changes in line
>   3) The author would respond to that discussion, mostly likely making 
>      amendments, and uploading those new reviews to gerrit
>   4) The proposal would be discussed in a committee meeting.
>   5) Eventually, the committee members would individually vote +1 on 
>      the  proposal.
>   6) The proposal would be presented to the board, showing the diff, 
>      and the end result. Perhaps several changes would be proposed to 
>      the board at once.
>   7) Each change that is approved by the board is then merged into the 
>      repo using the gerrit web interface by either the foundation board 
>      chair or the committee chair.
> Thanks,
> Mark.
> [1] - See notes at 
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Transparency_Committee_Meeting_%28Apr_28,_20
> 15%29
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