[release-announce] skyline-console 3.0.0 (bobcat)
no-reply at openstack.org
no-reply at openstack.org
Wed Oct 4 11:52:26 UTC 2023
We are glad to announce the release of:
skyline-console 3.0.0: OpenStack Skyline Console
This release is part of the bobcat release series.
The source is available from:
Download the package from:
Please report issues through:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in skyline-console
a1044d4f feat: update package for release
7a516dfd fix: remove content validator about certification
39855264 fix: show project id and filter data by it
f3c18beb fix: fix request twice
d2565177 fix: set az as optional when create network
524a0888 fix: fix i18n for affinity(not mandatory) server group
520c930a Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2023.2
f7b950c1 Update .gitreview for stable/2023.2
61e07535 feat: add detail info to action in detail tab
8d0678db admin-menu.jsx updated.
d5b58ac1 feat: add action props to ModalAction component
74ffcc62 feat: update ActionButton component
19e1de77 feat: update Confirm component
94b2e8d5 feat: update Action component
961d6d21 fix: fix table height
e1893756 fix: remove reboot e2e case
bf74084a fix: fix the magic input
3f23280d fix: update delete tip for instance soft delete
711fdaf5 refactor: update render tabs components
b36d5593 feat: support custom locale language
06e58119 refactor: refactor create ironic
29c4030d refactor: refactor create instance
c6f92259 feat: support custom option col
cfe389dd fix: fix the domain description
0bc19114 Add Masakari UI to Skyline-Console
a95c588a fix: fix table header buttons style
1f5940fd fix: update policy for project roles
206ffc9e fix: fix the hints of allocation pool
4dcccdd3 fix: add gaps for magic input tags
5b982202 refactor: update magic input value
8732b9ef fix: update magic input component style
be82085d fix: remove useless config in e2e config
b0101e8a fix: fix cirros version in e2e config
e0e0a49e fix: fix virtual resources data display
dad25eeb feat: Update i18n Korean translation
d0722782 feat: add jwt expire check
4496eb4f feat: update layout styles
2d6f7200 feat: support domain name fuzzy search
38c2939d fix: fix the error message
eedea3ec fix: update create metadata
a0dcb587 fix: fix edit fip
ee25e44c feat: add domain link in projects page
861876cd fix: fix the virtual resource in administrator
1c78e635 feat: update request
0213d8c6 feat: optimize configuration reading
ec59419f feat: update color variables
36a69b0a feat: update the cirros version
19922d50 Fix Conflict Object Storage Key Name
f395e0e2 fix: fix MagicInput component
3c5aeaa9 feat: set default os_type
482e4ba3 fix: update the time display
614d8370 fix: optimize the Transfer
ce254bd8 fix: fix the menu title
5c85078d fix: better display cluster health status
2939a504 fix: fix the port type display
1f8c96a5 fix: Do not remove if the listener has an SNI certificate installed
c31a341f fix: fix close the error message
2a0b4429 fix: fix click link in the modal-button
b30e7ae9 feat: support clear all selected data for select-table
56230e52 feat: optimize the clicking event in the select-table
d792dfc6 fix: fix the pool data
f6535f71 Add admin state up switch
ce20a90c Add Designate (DNS) UI to Skyline-Console
a9370ef2 feat: update zh-cn to zh-hans
f6347c1f feat: update the Korean i18n
235ee19d feat: support Korean i18n
decd2bfe fix: Fix the label of node count in magnum cluster
4965609c docs: Remove invalid README.rst
27dea86d Update master for stable/2023.1
520504e2 fix: fix the network IP availability showing
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
.eslintrc | 10 +-
.gitignore | 1 +
.gitreview | 2 +-
.stylelintrc.json | 8 +-
Gruntfile.js | 8 +-
README-zh_CN.rst | 4 +-
README.rst | 6 +-
config/config.yaml | 10 +
config/server.dev.js | 31 +
config/utils.js | 64 +
config/webpack.common.js | 8 +-
config/webpack.dev.js | 20 +-
.../configuration/skyline-console-settings.rst | 42 +-
jest.config.js | 6 +
package.json | 1 +
releasenotes/README.rst | 15 -
.../Add-JWT-Expire-Check-c4dce4d269782a8c.yaml | 4 +
...e-Count-In-Magnum-Cluster-207d96a2899569b4.yaml | 6 +
...y-And-Usage-Stats-Showing-46c89740ccc36e04.yaml | 10 +
...ize-Configuration-Reading-5914bb51c3ecb0c4.yaml | 7 +
.../Support-Clear-Selected-80e66080d37c96e3.yaml | 5 +
...ort-Custom-Local-Language-84ad3016c2469a51.yaml | 10 +
...upport-Domain-Name-Filter-1d433cb2d548ca2f.yaml | 10 +
.../Support-Korean-I18n-6f258836f7b30db9.yaml | 10 +
...ate-loadbalancer-switches-721264bd7d7bcf75.yaml | 5 +
releasenotes/source/2023.1.rst | 6 +
releasenotes/source/index.rst | 1 +
.../static/Container.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/Container.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 11883 -> 0 bytes
.../static/Container.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/Container.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 15324 bytes
.../static/Inctance-HA.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/Inctance-HA.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 6301 bytes
skyline_console/static/asset/image/cloud-logo.svg | 15 +
.../{cloud.1663167892.png => cloud.1695986149.png} | Bin
...rd.1663167892.svg => empty-card.1695986149.svg} | 0
...1663167892.png => load-balancer.1695986149.png} | Bin
...ll.1663167892.png => login-full.1695986149.png} | Bin
skyline_console/static/asset/image/logo-extend.svg | 10 -
skyline_console/static/asset/image/logo-small.svg | 18 -
...router.1663167892.png => router.1695986149.png} | Bin
skyline_console/static/auth.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/auth.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 6904 -> 0 bytes
skyline_console/static/auth.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/auth.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 7095 bytes
skyline_console/static/base.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/base.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 25785 -> 0 bytes
skyline_console/static/base.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/base.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 25815 bytes
skyline_console/static/basic.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/basic.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 73725 -> 0 bytes
skyline_console/static/basic.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/basic.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 78599 bytes
skyline_console/static/common.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/common.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 93051 -> 0 bytes
skyline_console/static/common.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/common.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 95386 bytes
.../static/compute.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/compute.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 67890 -> 0 bytes
.../static/compute.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/compute.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 68406 bytes
.../static/configuration.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/configuration.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 8605 -> 0 bytes
.../static/configuration.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/configuration.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 8630 bytes
.../static/container-infra.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/container-infra.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 8598 -> 0 bytes
.../static/container-infra.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/container-infra.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 12898 bytes
skyline_console/static/heat.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/heat.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 5109 -> 0 bytes
skyline_console/static/heat.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/heat.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 5108 bytes
.../static/identity.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/identity.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 15967 -> 0 bytes
.../static/identity.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/identity.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 16750 bytes
skyline_console/static/index.html | 2 +-
skyline_console/static/main.bundle.1663167892.js | 83 -
.../static/main.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 911416 -> 0 bytes
skyline_console/static/main.bundle.1695986149.js | 83 +
.../static/main.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 981281 bytes
.../static/management.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/management.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/monitor-center.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/monitor-center.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 29548 -> 0 bytes
.../static/monitor-center.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/monitor-center.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 29772 bytes
.../static/network.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/network.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 65183 -> 0 bytes
.../static/network.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/network.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 71352 bytes
skyline_console/static/runtime.1663167892.js | 1 -
skyline_console/static/runtime.1695986149.js | 1 +
skyline_console/static/share.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/share.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 19404 -> 0 bytes
skyline_console/static/share.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/share.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 19451 bytes
.../static/storage.bundle.1663167892.js | 1 -
.../static/storage.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 18884 -> 0 bytes
.../static/storage.bundle.1695986149.js | 1 +
.../static/storage.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 18954 bytes
.../static/user-center.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 7453 -> 0 bytes
...3167892.js => user-center.bundle.1695986149.js} | 2 +-
.../static/user-center.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 7589 bytes
.../static/vendor.bundle.1663167892.js.gz | Bin 1309411 -> 0 bytes
...e.1663167892.js => vendor.bundle.1695986149.js} | 72 +-
.../static/vendor.bundle.1695986149.js.gz | Bin 0 -> 1325812 bytes
src/client/client/constants.js | 4 +
src/client/client/request.js | 15 +-
src/client/designate/index.js | 91 +
src/client/index.js | 2 +
src/client/masakari/index.js | 45 +
src/components/Cards/NotFound/index.less | 2 +-
src/components/Confirm/index.jsx | 6 +
src/components/DetailCard/index.jsx | 26 +-
src/components/DetailCard/index.less | 5 -
src/components/Form/index.less | 2 +-
src/components/FormItem/NetworkSelect/index.jsx | 11 +-
src/components/FormItem/SelectTable/index.jsx | 35 +-
src/components/FormItem/TabSelectTable/index.jsx | 23 +-
src/components/FormItem/Upload/index.jsx | 4 +-
.../Layout/GlobalHeader/AvatarDropdown.jsx | 94 +-
src/components/Layout/GlobalHeader/Token.jsx | 2 +-
src/components/Layout/GlobalHeader/index.less | 2 +-
src/components/Layout/GlobalNav/index.jsx | 4 +-
src/components/Layout/GlobalNav/index.less | 2 +-
src/components/Loading/index.jsx | 2 +-
src/components/MagicInput/index.jsx | 21 +-
src/components/MagicInput/index.less | 17 +-
src/components/ModalButton/index.jsx | 93 +-
src/components/Notify/index.jsx | 15 +-
src/components/Progress/index.jsx | 6 +-
src/components/ProjectProgress/index.jsx | 6 +-
src/components/QuotaChart/Ring.jsx | 6 +-
src/components/SelectLang/index.jsx | 26 +-
src/components/TableButton/RuleButton.jsx | 1 +
src/components/TableButton/index.jsx | 13 +-
src/components/Tables/Base/Action/index.jsx | 12 +
src/components/Tables/Base/ActionButton/index.jsx | 104 +-
src/components/Tables/Base/index.jsx | 2 +-
src/components/Tables/Base/index.less | 3 +-
src/components/Tables/SimpleTable/index.jsx | 2 +-
src/containers/Action/ModalAction/index.jsx | 5 +
src/containers/List/index.jsx | 29 +-
src/containers/List/index.less | 2 +-
src/core/i18n.js | 75 +-
src/core/index.jsx | 22 +-
src/layouts/Base/Menu.jsx | 2 +-
src/layouts/Base/index.jsx | 4 +-
src/layouts/Base/index.less | 14 +-
src/layouts/Blank/index.jsx | 7 +-
src/layouts/admin-menu.jsx | 61 +
src/layouts/menu.jsx | 41 +-
src/locales/en.json | 111 +-
src/locales/index.js | 6 +-
src/locales/ko-kr.json | 3081 ++++++++++++++++++++
src/locales/{zh.json => zh-hans.json} | 113 +-
src/pages/auth/containers/ChangePassword/index.jsx | 2 +-
.../auth/containers/ChangePassword/index.less | 6 +-
src/pages/auth/containers/Login/index.jsx | 12 +-
src/pages/auth/containers/Login/index.less | 6 +-
.../AdminOverview/components/ResourceOverview.jsx | 12 +-
.../AdminOverview/components/VirtualResource.jsx | 6 +-
src/pages/base/containers/AdminOverview/style.less | 2 +-
.../Overview/components/QuotaOverview.jsx | 6 +-
src/pages/base/containers/Overview/style.less | 2 +-
src/pages/basic/routes/index.js | 13 +-
.../containers/Flavor/actions/ManageAccess.jsx | 2 +-
.../actions/StepCreate/AccessTypeSetting.jsx | 5 +-
.../Flavor/actions/StepCreate/ParamSetting.jsx | 2 +-
.../compute/containers/Image/actions/Create.jsx | 14 +-
.../containers/Image/actions/ManageAccess.jsx | 2 +-
.../Instance/Detail/BaseDetail/index.jsx | 4 +-
.../SecurityGroup/action/ManageSecurityGroup.jsx | 1 -
.../Instance/Detail/SecurityGroup/index.jsx | 2 +
.../actions/CreateIronic/NetworkStep/index.jsx | 1 -
.../Instance/actions/CreateIronic/index.jsx | 34 +-
.../Instance/actions/ManageSecurityGroup.jsx | 1 -
.../compute/containers/Instance/actions/Resize.jsx | 2 +-
.../containers/Instance/actions/SoftDelete.jsx | 6 +-
.../actions/StepCreate/NetworkStep/index.jsx | 1 -
.../Instance/actions/StepCreate/index.jsx | 33 +-
src/pages/compute/containers/Instance/index.jsx | 4 +
.../containers/Metadata/actions/Create.jsx | 5 +
.../containers/ClusterTemplates/Detail/index.jsx | 4 +-
.../containers/Clusters/Detail/BaseDetail.jsx | 4 +-
.../containers/Clusters/Detail/index.jsx | 4 +-
.../container-infra/containers/Clusters/index.jsx | 1 +
.../containers/Backups/Detail/BaseDetail.jsx | 6 +-
.../Configurations/Detail/BaseDetail.jsx | 6 +-
.../containers/Instances/Detail/Backups.jsx | 3 +-
.../containers/Instances/Detail/BaseDetail.jsx | 6 +-
src/pages/ha/App.jsx | 19 +
.../ha/containers/Hosts/Detail/BaseDetail.jsx | 64 +
src/pages/ha/containers/Hosts/Detail/index.jsx | 73 +
src/pages/ha/containers/Hosts/actions/Delete.jsx | 53 +
src/pages/ha/containers/Hosts/actions/Update.jsx | 83 +
src/pages/ha/containers/Hosts/actions/index.jsx | 28 +
src/pages/ha/containers/Hosts/index.jsx | 126 +
.../containers/Notifications/Detail/BaseDetail.jsx | 80 +
.../ha/containers/Notifications/Detail/index.jsx | 59 +
src/pages/ha/containers/Notifications/index.jsx | 87 +
.../ha/containers/Segments/Detail/BaseDetail.jsx | 56 +
.../ha/containers/Segments/Detail/HostDetail.jsx | 85 +
src/pages/ha/containers/Segments/Detail/index.jsx | 70 +
.../ha/containers/Segments/actions/AddHost.jsx | 131 +
.../ha/containers/Segments/actions/Delete.jsx | 54 +
.../Segments/actions/StepCreate/StepHost.jsx | 189 ++
.../Segments/actions/StepCreate/StepSegment.jsx | 76 +
.../Segments/actions/StepCreate/index.jsx | 151 +
.../ha/containers/Segments/actions/Update.jsx | 74 +
src/pages/ha/containers/Segments/actions/index.jsx | 34 +
src/pages/ha/containers/Segments/index.jsx | 97 +
src/pages/ha/routes/index.js | 40 +
.../identity/containers/Domain/actions/Create.jsx | 20 +-
.../identity/containers/Domain/actions/Delete.jsx | 21 +-
.../identity/containers/Project/actions/Delete.jsx | 21 +-
.../containers/Project/actions/ManageUser.jsx | 10 +-
.../containers/Project/actions/ManageUserGroup.jsx | 10 +-
src/pages/identity/containers/Project/index.jsx | 18 +-
.../identity/containers/User/actions/Create.jsx | 8 +-
.../identity/containers/User/actions/Edit.jsx | 4 +
src/pages/identity/containers/User/index.jsx | 9 +
src/pages/identity/containers/UserGroup/index.jsx | 9 +
.../containers/OpenstackService/Services.jsx | 2 +-
.../containers/Overview/components/Tops/index.jsx | 3 +-
src/pages/monitor/containers/Overview/config.jsx | 6 +-
.../monitor/containers/PhysicalNode/index.jsx | 3 +-
.../containers/StorageCluster/RenderTabs.jsx | 23 +-
.../monitor/containers/StorageCluster/index.jsx | 6 +-
.../monitor/containers/StorageCluster/index.less | 4 +-
.../containers/Certificate/actions/Create.jsx | 14 +-
.../containers/DNS/Reverse/Detail/BaseDetail.jsx | 61 +
.../containers/DNS/Reverse/Detail/index.jsx | 53 +
.../network/containers/DNS/Reverse/actions/Set.jsx | 73 +
.../containers/DNS/Reverse/actions/Unset.jsx | 51 +
.../containers/DNS/Reverse/actions/index.jsx | 29 +
src/pages/network/containers/DNS/Reverse/index.jsx | 62 +
.../DNS/Zones/Detail/BaseDetail/index.jsx | 115 +
.../Detail/RecordSets/Detail/BaseDetail/index.jsx | 105 +
.../DNS/Zones/Detail/RecordSets/Detail/index.jsx | 76 +
.../DNS/Zones/Detail/RecordSets/actions/Delete.jsx | 56 +
.../DNS/Zones/Detail/RecordSets/actions/Update.jsx | 84 +
.../DNS/Zones/Detail/RecordSets/actions/index.jsx | 32 +
.../DNS/Zones/Detail/RecordSets/index.jsx | 68 +
.../network/containers/DNS/Zones/Detail/index.jsx | 81 +
.../containers/DNS/Zones/actions/Create.jsx | 91 +
.../containers/DNS/Zones/actions/Delete.jsx | 52 +
.../DNS/Zones/actions/Records/Create.jsx | 70 +
.../containers/DNS/Zones/actions/Update.jsx | 95 +
.../network/containers/DNS/Zones/actions/index.jsx | 36 +
src/pages/network/containers/DNS/Zones/index.jsx | 60 +
.../containers/FloatingIp/actions/Allocate.jsx | 58 +-
.../network/containers/FloatingIp/actions/Edit.jsx | 18 +-
.../LoadBalancers/Listener/Actions/Edit.jsx | 14 +
.../Detail/Member/Actions/CreateMember.jsx | 2 +-
.../actions/StepCreate/BaseStep/index.jsx | 16 +-
.../actions/StepCreate/index.jsx | 10 +-
.../HealthMonitorStep/index.jsx | 10 +-
.../StepCreateComponents/ListenerStep/index.jsx | 7 +
.../StepCreateComponents/PoolStep/index.jsx | 14 +-
.../network/containers/Network/Detail/index.jsx | 8 +-
.../containers/Network/actions/CreateNetwork.jsx | 57 +-
.../containers/Network/actions/CreateSubnet.jsx | 47 +-
.../containers/Port/Detail/BaseDetail/index.jsx | 2 -
.../Port/Detail/SecurityGroups/index.jsx | 1 +
.../Port/actions/ManageSecurityGroup.jsx | 1 -
.../containers/QoSPolicy/actions/Create.jsx | 53 +-
.../containers/Router/Port/Detail/BaseDetail.jsx | 2 -
.../network/containers/Subnet/Detail/Detail.jsx | 4 +-
.../network/containers/Subnet/Detail/index.jsx | 1 +
src/pages/network/containers/Subnet/index.jsx | 4 +-
src/pages/network/containers/Topology/index.jsx | 31 +-
src/pages/network/routes/index.js | 10 +
.../containers/ShareGroupType/actions/Create.jsx | 5 +-
.../ShareGroupType/actions/ManageAccess.jsx | 2 +-
.../containers/ShareInstance/Detail/index.jsx | 4 +-
.../share/containers/ShareNetwork/Detail/index.jsx | 2 +-
.../share/containers/ShareServer/Detail/index.jsx | 4 +-
.../share/containers/ShareType/actions/Create.jsx | 5 +-
.../containers/ShareType/actions/ManageAccess.jsx | 2 +-
.../containers/Volume/Detail/BaseDetail.jsx | 2 +-
.../VolumeType/VolumeType/actions/Create.jsx | 5 +-
.../VolumeType/VolumeType/actions/ManageAccess.jsx | 2 +-
src/resources/dns/record.jsx | 110 +
src/resources/keystone/domain.jsx | 34 +-
src/resources/keystone/{project.js => project.jsx} | 38 +-
src/resources/octavia/secrets.jsx | 10 +
src/resources/prometheus/monitoring.js | 6 +-
src/stores/designate/recordSets.js | 51 +
src/stores/designate/reverse.js | 49 +
src/stores/designate/zones.js | 37 +
src/stores/keystone/project.js | 18 +
src/stores/masakari/hosts.js | 68 +
src/stores/masakari/notifications.js | 22 +
src/stores/masakari/segments.js | 27 +
src/stores/neutron/network.js | 6 +-
src/stores/neutron/subnet.js | 4 +-
src/stores/root.js | 14 +-
src/styles/base.less | 2 +-
src/styles/variables.less | 23 +
src/utils/constants.js | 2 +-
src/utils/dns-rrtype.js | 46 +
src/utils/translate.js | 4 +-
src/utils/translate.spec.js | 10 +-
test/e2e/config/config-compute.yaml | 3 +-
test/e2e/config/config-network.yaml | 3 +-
test/e2e/config/config-other.yaml | 3 +-
test/e2e/config/config-storage.yaml | 3 +-
test/e2e/config/config.yaml | 3 +-
.../e2e/integration/pages/compute/instance.spec.js | 28 +-
.../e2e/integration/pages/identity/project.spec.js | 1 +
test/e2e/support/commands.js | 23 +-
test/e2e/support/common.js | 2 +-
test/e2e/support/detail-commands.js | 2 +-
test/e2e/support/index.js | 2 +-
test/e2e/support/table-commands.js | 20 +-
test/unit/locales/{zh-CN.js => zh-hans.js} | 0
tox.ini | 4 +-
yarn.lock | 5 +
331 files changed, 8812 insertions(+), 827 deletions(-)
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