[release-announce] venus 3.0.0 (bobcat)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Wed Oct 4 11:30:45 UTC 2023

We are amped to announce the release of:

venus 3.0.0

This release is part of the bobcat release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through:


For more details, please see below.

Changes in venus 2.0.0..3.0.0

caaebe6 update samples
c3c2713 Fix params to required of api 'add anomaly rule' in api-ref
7d85a66 Modify the URL field in the document, uniform case
abffa88 Add request sample of API 'delete anomaly record'
f5e51d2 Add request sample of API 'add anomaly rule
d34bbb2 Adding uuid param for callchain api interface
4549137 Add response sample of API 'add anomaly rule'
2607e76 Add request sample of API 'get anomaly record'
79cfc43 add api doc: add anomaly rule
f24112d Using latest sphinx release version
78f7a68 Updated links in documentation to be safe links
dac967e fix contributing.rst text content display bug
14928a6 Unify interface description
d7fba86 Updated links in documentation to be safe links
6625e27 use stable sphinx version
be7e04a Add governance badges and tags into venus README.RST
8b11fbe Updated links in documentation to be safe links
7c371e7 The JSON format  wrong
171d2da Fix missing oslo.versionedobjects library option
542d21b delete duplicate content Get anomaly rule list
590f989 update anomaly rule list
611771e Updated links in documentation to be safe links
78d2cf8 improve doc format
52627c6 add request parameters of get anomaly rule list
1de2b7b Updated links in documentation to be safe links
f04e972 Add sample of API 'update anomaly rule'
a9062fd Fix the respose name of records
ec72259 add api doc: delete anomaly detect rule
8af4d2e add api doc: add sample of delete anomaly rule
f890356 Add request parameters of api 'update anomaly rule'
e37e8a7 Modify the sample of api 'get anomaly rule'
5172929 Add api 'update anomaly rule'
5a9f71c add api doc: add sample of get anomaly rule list
5c20f59 display anomaly detect API
9b700c0 Add sample of delete anomaly record
97ddb5d add api doc: delete anomaly record
62499e4 add sample of API 'get anomaly rule'
2bb867a Fix the sample name in doc
497b4ad Fix the project name in tox.ini.
1efc4d2 add request parameters of get anomaly record list
0677f5f Fix the project name in doc.
71e74c0 Delete useless backup readme file.
3f6b9b6 improve doc format
0dc7a3c improve doc format
03b19bf Add api ref of 'get anomaly rule'
e80a4f8 add api doc: add sample of get anomaly record list
bcfeb71 Add anomaly detect api doc
8f09d6e Remove redundant "-" to imporve doc format
c15a83c add id of result
4d341e4 fix detect anomal task bug
22c43af rewrite anomaly detect task
f92c940 fix anomaly detect api bugs
cdf6c05 fix invalid db name
e6c5ee6 anomaly detect:improve detect conditions
dbb348c anomaly detect: add detect task
c7d3628 anomaly detect: add db api (add record)
da1412d anomaly detect: add delete record task
b8a227d anomaly detect: add new tables in db script
160ea2b remove sqlalchemy
6f6770d anomaly detect: add api (delete record)
fc37322 anomaly detect: add api (get record list)
b8cb522 anomaly detect: replace params to dict
63eba13 anomaly detect: replace param match_num to log_type
5d4cfc4 anomaly detect: add api (get rule list)
ee5a0cf anomaly detect: add api (update rule)
70d8d02 anomaly detect: add api (get rule)
ba0a023 anomaly detect: add api (delete rule)
8a79f8e anomaly detect: add api (add rule)
6c9e747 add anomaly detect db models
fac0147 delete unused function
44a6e75 fix entry points error
ed9762f add task entry_points in setup.cfg
1f595c3 task connect rpc server
bd3fb2a add rpc function
d9e4f38 line too long
ef55993 Supplement a unit test case for 'get_items'
a57f814 continuation line with same indent as next logical line to conforms to pep8
33cf7f0 line too long
f2b9fad Regular expressions need to be written as // to  conforms to pep8
deed2bc improve  doc format
650ebbb fix  log store days as str
aa9759b fix operate error
ba6ea75 change func name
9f9c676 add new table config in sql init
1155b19 add updatetime field in table to_mo_register_task
10721f1 update migrate to alembic
5e94c56 Supplement a unit test case for 'get_controller_extensions'
61aae3d Supplement a unit test case for 'get_resources'
d29f36c improved some function name & note & log
16320c8 change log level
99da415 improve doc format
6bbae87 improve doc format
ca9605e improve api doc format
157fefd remove not user variables
67718e3 The json standard does not allow comments
bcee973 blank line is required after a literal block
6f0fd87 The variable is not declared in advance
67762a7 remove unicode from code
241a592 setup.cfg: Replace dashes with underscores
d63d4c5 Remove extra placeholders
4ec937b update version api sample
c87cf72 improve api doc format
f55e8b6 Add test for extensions api
91c3b07 Add test for xmlutil api
dbaec8a Add test for urlmap api
f02a42a add test for common api
8a29ab7 fix post error
e83cbb7 add interface log storage days
9f96007 fix:select es index key from db
dce4431 Update master for stable/2023.1

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

HACKING.rst                                        |   6 +-
README.bak.rst                                     |  24 --
README.rst                                         |  12 +-
api-ref/source/conf.py                             |  12 +-
api-ref/source/index.rst                           |   4 +-
api-ref/source/v1/anomaly-detect.inc               | 305 +++++++++++++++++++++
api-ref/source/v1/api-versions.inc                 |   6 +-
api-ref/source/v1/custom-config.inc                |   6 +-
api-ref/source/v1/index.rst                        |   3 +
api-ref/source/v1/parameters.yaml                  |  98 +++++++
.../add-anomaly-rule-request-curl.json             |   4 +
.../add-anomaly-rule-show-response.json            |   4 +
.../delete-anomaly-record-request-curl.json        |   3 +
.../delete-anomaly-record-show-response.json       |   4 +
.../delete-anomaly-rule-show-response.json         |   4 +
.../get-anomaly-record-request-curl.json           |   3 +
.../get-anomaly-record-show-response.json          |  30 ++
.../get-anomaly-rule-list-show-response.json       |  28 ++
.../get-anomaly-rule-show-response.json            |  15 +
.../update-anomaly-rule-failed-response.json       |   4 +
.../update-anomaly-rule-request.json               |   3 +
.../update-anomaly-rule-success-response.json      |   4 +
.../get-custom-config-show-response.json           |   2 +-
api-ref/source/v1/samples/versions-response.json   |   4 +-
api-ref/source/v1/search.inc                       |   9 +-
devstack/README.md                                 |   4 +-
devstack/plugin.sh                                 |   2 +-
etc/venus/venus.conf                               |   8 +-
openstack_venus.egg-info/PKG-INFO                  |   2 +-
releasenotes/source/2023.1.rst                     |   6 +
releasenotes/source/index.rst                      |   7 +-
releasenotes/source/unreleased.rst                 |   6 +-
requirements.txt                                   |   2 +-
setup.cfg                                          |   5 +-
tools/config/venus-config-generator.conf           |   1 +
tox.ini                                            |   2 +-
venus/api/common.py                                |   2 +-
venus/api/middleware/env.py                        |   2 +-
venus/api/openstack/wsgi.py                        |   5 +-
venus/api/v1/router.py                             |  47 ++++
venus/api/v1/views/versions.py                     |   2 +-
venus/cmd/api.py                                   |   3 +
venus/cmd/manage.py                                |  16 +-
venus/cmd/task.py                                  |  53 ++++
venus/conf/api.py                                  |   4 +-
venus/conf/common.py                               |   5 +-
venus/context.py                                   |  30 +-
venus/db/alembic.ini                               | 110 ++++++++
venus/db/alembic/README                            |   1 +
venus/db/alembic/env.py                            |  97 +++++++
venus/db/alembic/script.py.mako                    |  24 ++
venus/db/alembic/versions/a6cf98f55b4d_.py         | 158 +++++++++++
venus/db/api.py                                    |  48 ++++
venus/db/base.py                                   |  13 +-
venus/db/migration.py                              | 122 ++++++---
venus/db/sqlalchemy/api.py                         | 161 -----------
venus/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/README            |   4 -
venus/db/sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/migrate.cfg       |  20 --
.../migrate_repo/versions/001_venus_init.py        |  85 ------
.../sqlalchemy/migrate_repo/versions/__init__.py   |   0
venus/hacking/checks.py                            |   3 +-
venus/i18n.py                                      |   2 +-
venus/manager.py                                   |  99 +++++++
.../anomaly_detect}/__init__.py                    |   0
venus/modules/anomaly_detect/action.py             |  53 ++++
.../anomaly_detect/backends}/__init__.py           |   0
venus/modules/anomaly_detect/backends/models.py    |  90 ++++++
venus/modules/anomaly_detect/backends/sql.py       | 162 +++++++++++
venus/modules/anomaly_detect/controller.py         | 165 +++++++++++
venus/modules/custom_config/backends/sql.py        |   3 +-
venus/modules/custom_config/controller.py          |   7 +-
venus/modules/search/action.py                     |   1 -
venus/modules/search/es_template.py                |   2 +-
venus/modules/search/search_lib.py                 |   2 +-
venus/openstack/common/README                      |   2 +-
venus/openstack/common/_i18n.py                    |   2 +-
venus/rpc.py                                       | 165 +++++++++++
venus/service.py                                   |  46 +++-
venus/task/adapter.py                              |  12 +
venus/task/core/anomaly_detect_task.py             | 117 ++++++++
venus/task/core/delete_anomaly_record_task.py      |  58 ++++
venus/task/core/delete_es_index_task.py            |   6 +-
venus/task/timer.py                                |   6 +-
venus/utils.py                                     |   2 +-
94 files changed, 2312 insertions(+), 472 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index bb17477..ddb7d12 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -23 +23 @@ osprofiler>=3.4.0
-SQLAlchemy>=0.9.0,!=1.1.5,!=1.1.6,!=1.1.7,!=1.1.8 # MIT
+SQLAlchemy>=1.4.0 # MIT

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