[release-announce] neutron 23.0.0 (bobcat)

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Wed Oct 4 11:25:59 UTC 2023

We high-spiritedly announce the release of:

neutron 23.0.0: OpenStack Networking

This release is part of the bobcat release series.

The source is available from:


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For more details, please see below.

Changes in neutron

d28bcf0fe1 Revert "[OVN][Trunk] Add port binding info on subport when parent is bound"
f1638bb6d1 Use safer methods to get security groups on security group logging
05aed84c2a Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2023.2
74bca8052a Update .gitreview for stable/2023.2
0ca6953194 Fix wrong indentation in release note
b2ceb8b854 Add release note with known issue with FIP PFs and vlan tenant networks
8cba9a2ee8 Call the "tc qdisc" command for ingress qdisc without parent
34e441e06c Revert "[OVN][Trunk] Set the subports correct host during live migration"
c930196dd8 [CI] Bump OVS_BRANCH in ovs/ovn source deploy jobs
f7489abaf8 [UT] Adjust autogen_process_directives for alembic-1.12.0+
a3a113aedb [OVN] Fix rate and burst for stateless security groups
b250b85770 [UT] Reduce the binding retry loop in ``L3HATestFramework``
c6b6ecc751 Drop release notes for l3-ext-gw-multihoming and adjacent features
5c2f54ca03 Default SG rules template - Update related docs and add release note
a4c8392209 Default SG rules - use new rules templates to create rules for SGs
78bc33d300 [Fullstack] Use new DB for each running test
7f777c223e [OVN] Cleanup old Hash Ring node entries
d9eb04478e [FT] Make explicit the "publish" call check in "test_port_forwarding"
fa130f29f7 Update QoS config document: use YAML config examples
0545f40a04 [OVN] Add the 'uplink-status-propagation' extension to ML2/OVN
a3b00768d6 Check the device ID and host ID during virtual port binding
0e5c91c499 Add some more known issues to the OVN gap document
e6fb32e27d Fix race condition when creating two routers without HA network
4109ee9bb4 Use the new network HA parameter
aad82233eb Prevent internal IP change for floating IP
87b2f34a98 Fix ovn-metadata agent sync of unused namespaces
7ed79c1f78 [OVN][Trunk] Set the subports correct host during live migration
e1f887ca9f [OVN] Skip the port status UP update during a live migration
7848eb0bf9 Add "openstack-tox-py310-with-sqlalchemy-master" to check queue
24a645d1d7 Fix bindep for Debian bookworm
72b5120ac2 Remove local CI job "tox-py311" superseded by "openstack-tox-py311"
06dbc5227b [OVN] Disable the mcast_flood_reports option for LSPs
4295598261 Use SQLAlchemy expression "select"
85d3fff97e Use HasStandardAttributes as parent class for Tags DB model
49fcd2f515 Force DB migration script to be run before some fullstack tests
43b4c9ebc5 [sqlalchemy-20] TableClause.insert constructs Insert object
3044b938b9 [OVN] Retry retrieving LSP hosting information
afcce6d749 Initialize logger for rpc-server and wsgi script
4693836a1b [OVN] ovn-db-sync check for router port differences
395dd237d1 Fix missing oslo.versionedobjects library option
6fef1e6525 Add max limit to agent_down_time
0741a0d5a5 Add NET_OWNER_MEMBER and NET_OWNER_READER policy rules
5b7031841e Create is_ovn_metadata_port() method
a505ff7dbb hash-ring: Retry all DB operations if inactive
14b2f4f60f [UT] Create network to make lazy loading in the models_v2 possible
4757b46646 Fix some new pylint "W" warnings
9e8e3a7867 [OVN] Hash Ring: Better handle Neutron worker failures
019d3421f2 Update Cirros to 0.6.2
ba6f7bf83e dvr: Avoid installing non-dvr openflow rule on startup
89702218db Add extra router attributes for ECMP and BFD
6c513217c2 ovs-agent: React to DB down just like to server down
36db70a718 Add sanity check for dnsmasq 2.86
321182980d Follow up on a small nit from patch 875989 [1]
96fd203a14 For hosts in DVR mode, only fetch bound FIPs
5db57734aa Initialize config in DietTestCase class
929b383743 Fix some new pylint "R" warnings
aeb8036393 [sqlalchemy-20] Replace Query.get() with Session.get()
c831771053 [PostgreSQL] Subnet entity with ServiceType grouped by both tables
cc38cb0cee [sqlalchemy-20] Use the correct OVO field type
c94fb2bb88 [sqlalchemy-20] Define one DB model per "FromClause.join" clause
a9c8bf5c06 [neutron-api] remove leader_only for sb connection
32121ee638 Add unit tests periodic jobs to the experimental queue
b2f1cc724a Add "openstack-tox-py310-with-sqlalchemy-master" CI job
49b68d36a0 [Docs] Add recommendation about usage of cache in the neutron-metadata-agent
67be07fd5b Add new DEFAULT option named "my_ipv6"
e41fae522b Default SG api rules template - DB and OVO models
670675dd17 [sqlalchemy-20] Network "repr" should be tested with any order
02b12b0917 Refactor for ovs qos driver meter limit features
65bbbcee76 Set result when lswitch port exist
26a2266cf4 [FT] Move ``BaseOVSTestCase`` class to concurrency 1 executor
80ad28e696 Define the port "fixed_ips" in the creation call
68ecae5ff9 [OVN] Prevent binding a virtual type port
b4eb5d71ab Drop redundant index on ports table
42ae944870 Switch fullstack/functional fips jobs to 9-stream
f2dd2d3cac doc: fix typo in metering-agent.rst
4a71a7f82f Remove unused method from OVN L3 plugin
833a6d82cd [OVN] Prevent Trunk creation/deletion with parent port bound
28926957d6 [OVN] Expose chassis hosting information in LSP
b92d133de6 [OVN] Read the necessary configuration options in the OVN agent load
c8c74f12e0 Load FIP information during initialize not init
0090572b93 Ensure traffic is not centralized if DVR is enabled
024704625a Add missing port_binding policies
39e167ab27 Add neutron-tempest-plugin-linuxbridge job to the periodic queue
4a97429e7f [OVN] Improve ovn_l3/plugin.py exception logging
add2a6eb8c [ovn][ipv6] Add some more tests to skiplist
b084213382 Add more debugging to common agent code
8cd949fc9b Increase timeout in test_get_all_devices()
22ace8a752 [OVS] Check the datapath ID set by the creation method
6632420675 Revert "Use ``TextClause`` to define the DB model "server_default""
7b85f9c244 [OVN][L3] Optimize FIP update operation
32d589f03e Don't allow deletion of the router ports without IP addresses
576c468b71 Disable pool recycle in tests
67a0b07287 Delete sg rule which remote is the deleted sg
a174467639 Explicitly define the subnet creating a new port
08fe84f443 [sqlalchemy-20] Remove redundant indexes from some tables
126d54badc Fix some new pylint "E" warnings
dfe29e6760 Delete network namespace on last port deletion
9d9f47c20c [OVN] Remove SB "Chassis"/"Chassis_Private" duplicated registers
8887cdf5d3 Imported Translations from Zanata
955e621167 [OVN][Trunk] Add port binding info on subport when parent is bound
f2e3ab3805 [OVN] Hash Ring: Set nodes as offline upon exit
6e3525188f [S-RBAC] Fix policies for CUD subnets APIs
ec4bfb91f0 [qos] _validate_create_network_callback return in no network
593278550a Functional: assert multiple calls for update_virtual_port_host
0c66dfaed8 [OVN] The all() and count() methods should be inside a DB txn
8b0c7d2c8d Return back the test_dvr_ha_router_interface_mtu_update test case
57e860ca19 Return back the test_dvr_router_interface_mtu_update test case
afa20faec3 [OVN] Improve Hash Ring logs
0c09dbdb2a Subnet now inherit the sRBAC perm. from the parent resource Network
9ca0e34a5e Delete the "Chassis_Private" register when deleting an agent
5e0c102830 Send ovn heatbeat more often.
15fb672641 dhcp/agent: add more detail to a todo note regarding call_driver
a9323f0325 dhcp/agent: fix 'get_metadata_bind_interface' driver call
050536c66e Stop the RPC connections when the agent exits
ce12b6ac19 Do not query neutron-rpc for sg rules upon sg deletion
1f5f8965c3 gate: bump ovn to the latest LTS release (22.03)
2a8c7ff4f0 [ovn][ipv6] Skip test_update_router_admin_state
f9be5d886d Fix 'consider-using-with' warning
f070ba6f9d Revert "[OVN] Remove backwards compatibility with OVN < v20.09"
e8cd39b3d7 Make DB migration creating indexes in RBACs conditional
61b358b6b5 [S-RBAC] Add API policies for get and activate port bindings
b6ce722324 Raise the timeout of "neutron-ovn-rally-task" to 9000
e9da29d16c Change RBAC relationship loading method to "joined"
37dda9bc69 Move ``determine_bind_host`` to ``ovn.utils``
ac24dbed1c Implement ``get_port_type_virtual_and_parents`` method
a22b1dedc2 Implement ``get_subnets_address_scopes`` method
9f6f6d5082 Return 409 Conflict to tenant user deleting port attached to FIP
2fbfe3855e Improve the ``PortBindingUpdateVirtualPortsEvent`` match filter
413044f253 [OVN] The L3 scheduler does not use all chassis by default
1b9a16c956 Add description field to the security_group_default_rules resource
a72e97ddff Update api extension for default sg rules API
a221764751 Allow Multiple External Gateways
0b67da59c6 [sqlalchemy-20] Open a connection to execute a command
ac231c8174 Improve "sync_ha_chassis_group" method
35cb164ea5 [ovn]disable security group notifier
9e6675ec06 Increase the waiting period to receive a port creation event
43ef447a57 SG rule dict method allows DB object and Neutron OVO
846003c437 Start metadata proxy even if IPv6 DAD fails
452973c0db Revert "Use a writer context for the online alembic migrations"
f42d86cc0d Bump neutron-lib to 3.6.1
ebc0658d55 Revert "Delete sg rule which remote is the deleted sg"
e0a2427a2f [ovn] Avoid unwanted ACL_NOT_FOUND error when deleting log objects
b677d65b2d [OVN][Migration] Enable settings backup subnet for NFS clients
6fa3d8019f Use ``TextClause`` to define the DB model "server_default"
1d0335810d Disable mysql gather performance in jobs
10ff1caaca Fix some new pylint "C" warnings
ed274efcf7 Update pylint version
5f4a41326d Add rate-limiting to metadata agents
43c756d728 [alembic] Alembic operations require keywords only arguments
0959e452d3 [sqlalchemy-20] Retrieve the ``URL`` string with the password
a86e300a0b Handle no more IP addresses available during a network sync
a612346146 Fix not working use_random_fully config option
a06b44e12d Imported Translations from Zanata
01af4b2cda Remove the neutron-debug tool
3b7699bc66 Add scope ID to the "GROUP BY" clause in ``get_scoped_floating_ips``
01de74dedf [S-RBAC] Get QoS rule types API available for READER role
7573fca58c Notify neutron-server ovs is restarted
d409296bde docs: Deindent code blocks
043a8ecad9 [OVN] Use the API context in ``OVNClient._add_router_ext_gw`` method
363c690529 Replace "tenant_id" with "project_id" in address scope
6a2ccfac32 Make "project_id" in "L3HARouterNetwork" unique constraint
98ac1fa31a [sqlalchemy-20] Add the transaction context to the upgrade checks methods
3e65ef863c Mark "ipv6_pd_enabled" as deprecated and experimental.
4edff4fe8d [S-RBAC] Fix new policies for FIP PFs APIs
be0dc09d52 [S-RBAC] Fix new policies for get QoS rules APIs
97d658c4ce port-hint-ovs-tx-steering: shim extension
6b55589ae0 port-hint-ovs-tx-steering: agent side
0390ada97c port-hints: api extension
c3602ac19b [OVN] Update ovn meter when neutron server reloads
be4e150de9 [OVN] Remove backwards compatibility with OVN < v20.09
dde1d69c78 Add host metadata haproxy manager
c0af5b3b5e Reduce lock contention on subnets
256297fc7f rbacs: clean-up to use defined constants ACCESS_*
6eb7006801 Drop retries in tests for TimeoutException
78dbe55f19 Add extra log to help figuring out OVS events
30c0e5699e Fix doc links for networking option 2
adaba13bdb Add new DEFAULT option named "my_ip"
b1cc242fad Add a method to retrieve router gateway ports
7a59cf0eb9 Correct planned removal for maintenance function
2be53b1719 [functional] Fix db_set use in test_cascading_del_in_txn
a9963e90d9 ``_get_ovn_version`` returns a 3 element tuple
4ad979a534 Mark "test_port_creation_and_deletion" as unstable
9ac59e4b4a Avoid retrieving ports if network list is empty
4bac350f68 Remove "neutron-ovn-tempest-ovs-release-ubuntu-old" job
b19b55909d Don't set and remove immediately DEAD VLAN tag in tests
88ce859b56 Change API to validate network MTU minimums
9f22dc1d3a Doc: Add FWaaS v2 install details
853dc2570d Add py39 jobs to tox override template
39d252da7c Deprecated support for Windows OS
82029c2c51 Use a writer context for the online alembic migrations
2cafe0a9c4 Revert "Move to python3.9 as minimal python version"
f93c9be1c1 Move to python3.9 as minimal python version
4e27e27ae2 Replace context decorators with context managers
dd184c5c10 Fix Loki tempest jobs
b31453af47 [OVN] Admin procedure for duplicated or deleted OVN agents
872b53f618 Fix functional tests modules which are using PluginFixture
670cc383e0 [S-RBAC] Switch to new policies by default
d757c530bc Update QoS documentation
a84567b8d6 Remove the ``OVNSqlFixture`` class workaround
05ba4257de Remove creation of DHCP port in the OVN metadata unit test
f23d7af8d7 Use explicit inner join for networks in port query
43829301f3 Handle "no such process" during keepalived process cleanup
34ea8988d6 [OVN] Add update event to ``OVSInterfaceEvent`` class
a5e26408d2 Fix dns_integration and ml2 plugin unit tests modules
5db17654b9 Fix servicetype unit tests module
f92d6fa72a Fix segments unit tests module
6b5acb5835 [S-RBAC] Get availability zone API available for READER role
340fd3cfe7 Run master jobs only on master branch
706a0e0268 Fix parent of neutron-ovn-tempest-with-uwsgi-loki
28961c8b76 Fix network_segment_range unit tests module
73ac4510c7 [grenade] Collect ovn services logs
2364327bd1 Run periodic jobs in experimental queue too
9d51633013 Fix intermittent failures in finding metada port in SB DB
267efd2984 OVN: Always try and create a metadata port on subnets
c7ef824941 Do not check the context object in ``TestMeteringPlugin``
5510cdab92 [ovn] OVNClient._get_router_ports: Drop unused parameter
e5d4499672 [ovn] Drop use of LR OVN_GW_NETWORK_EXT_ID_KEY
d67d1c2736 [ovn] Drop use of OVN_GW_PORT_EXT_ID_KEY
69f30c92ef [sqlalchemy-20] Add reader context to ``get_ports_on_host_by_subnet``
7dfbdf65a7 Add support for localnet_learn_fdb OVN option
e374b82d8f [CI][fullstack/functional] Report slowest tests
8eecccfeae [S-RBAC] Allow network owners to get ports from that network
95c19c8868 Checkout "sqlalchemy/alembic" main branch in sqlalchmey-master jobs
3de8ebebd8 Pin OVS_BRANCH to working commit
a06fe7cfd9 Fix NoSuchOptError error in Ipam unit tests
5a17f2b24a Pass physical bridge informations to OVS agent extension API
33cf2cdc83 Fix ACL sync when default sg group is created
7828acaf4f [ovn] Add end to end test for QosExtension
2aee961ab6 Suppress IPv6 metadata DAD failure and delete address
ade2a9f893 Mark "test_multiple_agents_for_network" as unstable
fa172ab7dc rbacs: fix typo, s/cxt/ctx
e6de524555 rbacs: filter out model that are already owned by context
7073410be3 Bump skip-level lower version to stable/zed
775d5de9f1 Add debug information to ``MacvtapAgentTestCase.test_get_all_devices``
0ec04dd638 Ensure redirect-type=bridged not used for geneve networks
d4654e3011 Filter out unsatisfied routers in SQL
33c4a2d97e Update url and package name
3cc28a004a Add plugin.spec to irrelevant-files
b777aa57b2 Update the quota guide examples
cfe38a0014 Change name of ``_TestIsSessionActive`` test case.
5c60d697c3 OVN agent: Stop registering unused options
27b3eacd3d Revert "Ensure vlan network traffic is not centralized"
e4da60740b [sqlalchemy-20] Do not use strings for aatribute names in loader options
0a69dd5e3d [sqlalchemy-20] query.join should define one table/column per call
4b8e484e1d Increase port name size and type to internal
2ccf1e1e90 [OVN] OVN agent should register "Chassis_Private" by default
f42f1cfa69 [sqlalchemy-20] Provide SQL "case" expression correct input paremeters
831ac3152d Fix a number of configuration typos
5b4ed5b117 Fix concurrent port binding activate
1646e5b28d Add neutron-lib project to the SQLAlchemy master branch CI jobs
0220236c63 Cleanup before executing "test_get_all_devices"
6e1dbe9781 Add oslo.db project to the SQLAlchemy master branch CI jobs
97aa84b69a Open the 2023.2 (Bobcat) DB branch
c97dcfd03f doc: state that O flag can be 0 in dhcpv6-stateful
6358495720 Delete sg rule which remote is the deleted sg
04d3f889ef Fix metadata agent intermittent test failures
9704dca84e [OVN] Explicitly define the fixed IPs for the metadata port
dea48cfc0a Only create a frozen  Row on matching events
711fbb9820 Imported Translations from Zanata
8ea2a9c128 Fix typo in unit test
442b437a81 Change external process manager tests to clean temp files
efab60c0bf Try to optimize Mysql server mem usage on some CI jobs
745497a112 [OVN] Remove "update_port_qos_with_external_ids_reference"
5c98d9e8d1 [OVS] Parse the "permitted_ethertypes" at the FW initialization
bffa642b35 [OVN] Method ``get_port_qos`` should always return 2 values
008277b8c1 [OVS] Allow custom ethertype traffic in the ingress table
b9567033fc [OVN] Use the BW values retrieved from ``get_port_qos``
08eb8e2498 Use neutron-lib policy rules
c8ccf2ffbb [OVN] Change oslo config options entry point for the OVN agent
cf96bd8bdf ovs: fix regression when vlan mapping is not already registered
d44f164f4d ovn_idl_impl: fix a logic bug in get_sg_port_groups
d9358b67bd functional: set dns_domain config option after its registration
8946684fb2 Remove duplicate rows in MySQL query output
5d2086c698 Add 2023.1 release name in routed networks doc
b6bc4c8a66 Add Lajos Katona to Client and Doc areas as lieutenant
d4a85833a7 [sqlalchemy-20] The Session.begin.subtransactions flag is deprecated
0a214b0437 Imported Translations from Zanata
999116126e Add full support for OVN NB "Gateway_Chassis" table
4254ccd1bc Update master for stable/2023.1
8e3bddbf8b Ensure vlan network traffic is not centralized
39b65575cd Change the release tag to use the release identification
44ac03de14 Fix policy unit test deprecation warnings
ebcde41fc8 [OVN] Add ``get_gateway_chassis_az_hints`` method to OVN API
2af5fd889b Add sleep before checking if ovs port is in the namespace
12093015de Add Jens Harbott as Lieutenants in Infra area
75e8360224 Reintroduce agent bridge resync test
3cf4899cf0 [OVN] Adding support for VNIC type virtio-forwarder.
f3c743d090 Do not update static routes in snat-ns for dvr router with ha

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

.gitreview                                         |   1 +
.pylintrc                                          |  26 +-
bindep.txt                                         |   9 +-
...g-bgp-floating-ip-over-l2-segmented-network.rst | 420 +++++++------
.../shared/deploy-selfservice-initialnetworks.txt  |   7 +
.../internals/ovn/ovn_network_logging.rst          | 114 ++--
.../contributor/internals/ovn/port_forwarding.rst  | 110 ++--
.../contributor/testing/ci_scenario_jobs.rst       |   8 -
.../install/compute-install-option2-ubuntu.rst     |   4 +-
etc/oslo-config-generator/neutron.conf             |   1 +
neutron/agent/common/ip_lib.py                     |   9 +
neutron/agent/common/ovsdb_monitor.py              |  12 +
neutron/agent/dhcp/agent.py                        |  12 +-
.../l2/extensions/metadata}/__init__.py            |   0
.../l2/extensions/metadata/host_metadata_proxy.py  | 200 ++++++
neutron/agent/l3/agent.py                          |   7 +-
neutron/agent/l3/dvr_edge_ha_router.py             |   4 +
neutron/agent/l3/dvr_edge_router.py                |  19 +-
neutron/agent/l3/dvr_local_router.py               |   3 +
neutron/agent/l3/router_info.py                    |   7 +-
neutron/agent/l3_agent.py                          |   3 +
neutron/agent/linux/dhcp.py                        |  47 +-
neutron/agent/linux/interface.py                   |   2 +-
neutron/agent/linux/ip_lib.py                      |  19 +-
neutron/agent/linux/iptables_firewall.py           |   6 +-
neutron/agent/linux/iptables_manager.py            |  14 +-
.../agent/linux/openvswitch_firewall/firewall.py   |  43 +-
neutron/agent/linux/tc_lib.py                      |   2 +-
neutron/agent/metadata/driver.py                   |  62 +-
neutron/agent/metadata_agent.py                    |   3 +
neutron/agent/ovn/agent/ovn_neutron_agent.py       |   2 +-
neutron/agent/ovn/agent/ovsdb.py                   |   9 +-
neutron/agent/ovn/extensions/qos_hwol.py           |  10 +-
neutron/agent/ovn/metadata/agent.py                |  25 +-
neutron/agent/ovn/metadata/driver.py               |  23 +-
neutron/agent/ovn/metadata_agent.py                |   2 +
neutron/agent/ovn/ovn_neutron_agent.py             |   6 +-
neutron/agent/rpc.py                               |   3 +-
neutron/api/rpc/callbacks/version_manager.py       |   9 +-
neutron/api/rpc/handlers/securitygroups_rpc.py     |  15 +-
neutron/cmd/ovn/neutron_ovn_db_sync_util.py        |   8 +-
neutron/cmd/sanity/checks.py                       |  54 +-
neutron/cmd/sanity_check.py                        |  25 +
neutron/cmd/upgrade_checks/checks.py               | 145 +++--
neutron/common/_constants.py                       |   6 +
neutron/common/metadata.py                         |  67 ++
neutron/common/ovn/constants.py                    |   9 +-
neutron/common/ovn/exceptions.py                   |   7 +-
neutron/common/ovn/extensions.py                   |   6 +
neutron/common/ovn/hash_ring_manager.py            |   9 +-
neutron/common/ovn/utils.py                        | 237 ++++++++
neutron/common/utils.py                            |  40 +-
neutron/conf/agent/common.py                       |  11 +-
neutron/conf/agent/database/agents_db.py           |  21 +-
neutron/conf/agent/database/agentschedulers_db.py  |   9 +-
neutron/conf/agent/dhcp.py                         |  14 +-
neutron/conf/agent/l3/config.py                    |  29 +-
neutron/conf/agent/metadata/config.py              |  45 +-
neutron/conf/agent/ovn/metadata/config.py          |   6 +-
neutron/conf/agent/ovs_conf.py                     |   8 +-
neutron/conf/agent/ovsdb_api.py                    |   4 +-
neutron/conf/agent/securitygroups_rpc.py           |   8 +-
neutron/conf/common.py                             |  44 +-
neutron/conf/db/dvr_mac_db.py                      |   8 +-
neutron/conf/db/l3_agentschedulers_db.py           |   4 +-
neutron/conf/db/l3_dvr_db.py                       |   2 +-
neutron/conf/db/l3_extra_gws_db.py                 |  36 ++
neutron/conf/db/l3_hamode_db.py                    |  16 +-
neutron/conf/db/l3_ndpproxy_db.py                  |   2 +-
neutron/conf/experimental.py                       |   5 +
neutron/conf/extensions/conntrack_helper.py        |   2 +-
neutron/conf/plugins/ml2/drivers/agent.py          |   6 +-
neutron/conf/plugins/ml2/drivers/linuxbridge.py    |  16 +-
.../ml2/drivers/mech_sriov/mech_sriov_conf.py      |   2 +-
neutron/conf/plugins/ml2/drivers/ovn/ovn_conf.py   |  50 +-
neutron/conf/plugins/ml2/drivers/ovs_conf.py       |  14 +-
neutron/conf/policies/__init__.py                  |   4 +
neutron/conf/policies/address_group.py             |   8 +-
neutron/conf/policies/address_scope.py             |  18 +-
neutron/conf/policies/agent.py                     |  23 +-
neutron/conf/policies/auto_allocated_topology.py   |   5 +-
neutron/conf/policies/availability_zone.py         |  11 +-
neutron/conf/policies/base.py                      |  64 +-
.../conf/policies/default_security_group_rules.py  |  91 +++
neutron/conf/policies/flavor.py                    |  23 +-
neutron/conf/policies/floatingip.py                |  11 +-
neutron/conf/policies/floatingip_pools.py          |   3 +-
.../conf/policies/floatingip_port_forwarding.py    |  25 +-
neutron/conf/policies/l3_conntrack_helper.py       |  17 +-
neutron/conf/policies/local_ip.py                  |   9 +-
neutron/conf/policies/local_ip_association.py      |  13 +-
neutron/conf/policies/logging.py                   |  11 +-
neutron/conf/policies/metering.py                  |  13 +-
neutron/conf/policies/ndp_proxy.py                 |   9 +-
neutron/conf/policies/network.py                   |  57 +-
neutron/conf/policies/network_ip_availability.py   |   3 +-
neutron/conf/policies/network_segment_range.py     |   9 +-
neutron/conf/policies/port.py                      | 280 ++++-----
neutron/conf/policies/port_bindings.py             |  75 +++
neutron/conf/policies/qos.py                       |  77 +--
neutron/conf/policies/quotas.py                    |   7 +-
neutron/conf/policies/rbac.py                      |  21 +-
neutron/conf/policies/router.py                    |  77 ++-
neutron/conf/policies/security_group.py            |  21 +-
neutron/conf/policies/segment.py                   |   9 +-
neutron/conf/policies/service_type.py              |   5 +-
neutron/conf/policies/subnet.py                    |  35 +-
neutron/conf/policies/subnetpool.py                |  25 +-
neutron/conf/policies/trunk.py                     |  15 +-
neutron/conf/quota.py                              |  16 +-
neutron/conf/service.py                            |   2 +-
neutron/conf/services/extdns_designate_driver.py   |   4 +-
neutron/db/address_scope_db.py                     |   7 +-
neutron/db/agents_db.py                            |  22 +-
neutron/db/db_base_plugin_common.py                |  11 +-
neutron/db/db_base_plugin_v2.py                    |  92 ++-
neutron/db/dvr_mac_db.py                           |   1 +
neutron/db/external_net_db.py                      |  24 +-
neutron/db/ipam_backend_mixin.py                   |   2 +-
neutron/db/l3_agentschedulers_db.py                |   4 +-
neutron/db/l3_attrs_db.py                          |  10 +-
neutron/db/l3_db.py                                | 102 +++-
neutron/db/l3_dvr_db.py                            |  26 +-
neutron/db/l3_dvrscheduler_db.py                   |   2 +-
neutron/db/l3_extra_gws_db.py                      | 577 ++++++++++++++++++
neutron/db/l3_hamode_db.py                         |  89 ++-
neutron/db/migration/__init__.py                   |   6 +-
...53938cdc1_update_segment_networks_constraint.py |   3 +
.../0aefee21cd87_remove_dedundant_indexes.py       |  65 ++
...19773d7_create_l3harouternetwork_project_id_.py |  40 ++
.../2023.2/expand/6f1145bff34c_port_hints.py       |  45 ++
.../expand/89c58a70ceba_ecmp_bfd_attributes.py     |  39 ++
.../93f394357a27_remove_in_use_on_subnets.py       |  42 ++
.../b1199a3adbef_de_duplicate_indices_for_ports.py |  54 ++
.../c33da356b165_security_group_default_rules.py   | 130 ++++
.../alembic_migrations/versions/EXPAND_HEAD        |   2 +-
.../liberty/expand/45f955889773_quota_usage.py     |   2 +-
.../2b4c2465d44b_dvr_sheduling_refactoring.py      |  29 +-
.../mitaka/contract/4ffceebfcdc_standard_desc.py   |  11 +-
.../8a6d8bdae39_migrate_neutron_resources_table.py |  23 +-
...tributes_to_support_external_dns_integration.py |  15 +-
...86_add_binding_index_to_routerl3agentbinding.py |  19 +-
.../7bbb25278f53_device_owner_ha_replicate_int.py  |  21 +-
.../7d9d8eeec6ad_rename_tenant_to_project.py       |   2 +-
.../8fd3918ef6f4_add_segment_host_mapping.py       |   5 +-
.../newton/contract/97c25b0d2353_add_name_desc.py  |  25 +-
.../a84ccf28f06a_migrate_dns_name_from_port.py     |  21 +-
.../a8b517cff8ab_add_routerport_bindings_for_ha.py |  29 +-
...12a3ef66e62_add_standardattr_to_qos_policies.py |  27 +-
.../62c781cb6192_add_qos_policies_default_table.py |   1 -
.../804a3c76314c_add_data_plane_status_to_port.py  |   2 +-
...2437bf41_add_propagate_uplink_status_to_port.py |   2 +-
...454a9655_add_dns_publish_fixed_ip_to_subnets.py |   3 +-
.../expand/86274d77933e_change_mtu_to_not_null.py  |  11 +-
.../Ibac91d24da2_port_forwarding_description.py    |  19 +-
.../expand/c3e9d13c4367_add_binding_index_to_.py   |  17 +-
.../fd6107509ccd_ovn_distributed_device_owner.py   |   9 +-
...766_add_standard_attributes_to_address_group.py |  21 +-
...8d6f371_rbac_target_tenant_to_target_project.py |   2 +-
.../expand/ba859d649675_add_indexes_to_rbacs.py    |  26 +-
.../I43e0b669096_port_forwarding_port_ranges.py    |  27 +-
neutron/db/migration/cli.py                        |   5 +-
neutron/db/models/address_group.py                 |   2 +-
neutron/db/models/address_scope.py                 |   2 +-
neutron/db/models/data_plane_status.py             |   2 +-
neutron/db/models/dns.py                           |  12 +-
neutron/db/models/l3_attrs.py                      |   6 +
neutron/db/models/l3ha.py                          |   5 +
neutron/db/models/port_hints.py                    |  35 ++
neutron/db/models/securitygroup.py                 |   2 +-
neutron/db/models/securitygroup_default_rules.py   |  47 ++
neutron/db/models/segment.py                       |   2 -
neutron/db/models/tag.py                           |   2 +-
neutron/db/models/uplink_status_propagation.py     |   2 +-
neutron/db/models_v2.py                            |  60 +-
neutron/db/ovn_hash_ring_db.py                     |  78 ++-
neutron/db/ovn_revision_numbers_db.py              |  18 +-
neutron/db/port_hints_db.py                        |  53 ++
neutron/db/qos/models.py                           |   4 +-
neutron/db/quota/models.py                         |   4 +-
neutron/db/securitygroups_db.py                    | 301 +++++++--
neutron/db/securitygroups_rpc_base.py              |  12 +-
neutron/debug/README                               |  38 --
neutron/debug/commands.py                          | 130 ----
neutron/debug/debug_agent.py                       | 176 ------
neutron/debug/shell.py                             |  92 ---
neutron/exceptions/mtu.py                          |  28 +
neutron/extensions/l3_extra_gws.py                 |  22 +
neutron/extensions/network_ha.py                   |  21 +
neutron/extensions/network_ip_availability.py      |   6 +-
neutron/extensions/port_hint_ovs_tx_steering.py    |  21 +
neutron/extensions/port_hints.py                   |  20 +
.../extensions/security_groups_default_rules.py    |  76 ++-
neutron/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/neutron.po           | 452 +-------------
neutron/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/neutron.po           | 411 +------------
neutron/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/neutron.po           | 415 +------------
neutron/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/neutron.po           | 409 +------------
neutron/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/neutron.po           | 404 +-----------
neutron/locale/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES/neutron.po        | 372 +-----------
neutron/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/neutron.po        | 400 +-----------
neutron/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/neutron.po           | 401 +-----------
neutron/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/neutron.po        | 348 +----------
neutron/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/neutron.po        | 352 +----------
neutron/objects/db/api.py                          |  18 +-
neutron/objects/l3agent.py                         |   4 +-
neutron/objects/port/extensions/port_hints.py      |  53 ++
neutron/objects/port_forwarding.py                 |  13 +-
neutron/objects/ports.py                           |   9 +-
neutron/objects/router.py                          |  74 ++-
neutron/objects/securitygroup_default_rules.py     |  58 ++
neutron/objects/subnet.py                          |   8 +
neutron/opts.py                                    |   9 +-
neutron/pecan_wsgi/hooks/policy_enforcement.py     |   3 +-
neutron/plugins/ml2/driver_context.py              |   2 +-
neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/agent/_common_agent.py |  15 +-
.../linuxbridge/agent/linuxbridge_neutron_agent.py |   2 +-
.../agent/extension_drivers/qos_driver.py          | 156 +++--
.../openvswitch/agent/openflow/native/br_int.py    |  89 ++-
.../openvswitch/agent/openflow/native/br_tun.py    |  16 +-
.../openvswitch/agent/ovs_agent_extension_api.py   |  17 +-
.../openvswitch/agent/ovs_dvr_neutron_agent.py     |  18 +-
.../drivers/openvswitch/agent/ovs_neutron_agent.py | 104 +++-
.../plugins/ml2/drivers/ovn/agent/neutron_agent.py |  10 +-
.../ml2/drivers/ovn/mech_driver/mech_driver.py     |  73 ++-
.../ml2/drivers/ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/api.py       |   9 +
.../ml2/drivers/ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/commands.py  |  40 +-
.../ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/extensions/qos.py        |  11 -
.../drivers/ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/impl_idl_ovn.py  |  22 +-
.../drivers/ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/maintenance.py   | 298 +++++++--
.../drivers/ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/ovn_client.py    | 570 +++++++++--------
.../drivers/ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/ovn_db_sync.py   |  85 ++-
.../drivers/ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/ovsdb_monitor.py |  64 +-
.../ml2/extensions/port_hint_ovs_tx_steering.py    |  35 ++
neutron/plugins/ml2/extensions/port_hints.py       |  45 ++
neutron/plugins/ml2/plugin.py                      |  27 +-
neutron/policy.py                                  |  23 +-
neutron/profiling/profiled_decorator.py            |  63 +-
neutron/scheduler/l3_agent_scheduler.py            |  17 +-
neutron/scheduler/l3_ovn_scheduler.py              |  23 +-
neutron/server/__init__.py                         |   1 +
neutron/service.py                                 |   5 +-
neutron/services/l3_router/l3_router_plugin.py     |   5 +-
neutron/services/logapi/common/db_api.py           |  11 +-
.../logapi/drivers/openvswitch/ovs_firewall_log.py |   2 +-
neutron/services/logapi/drivers/ovn/driver.py      |  86 ++-
neutron/services/loki/loki_plugin.py               |   4 +-
neutron/services/network_ip_availability/plugin.py |   4 +-
neutron/services/ovn_l3/plugin.py                  |  35 +-
neutron/services/qos/qos_plugin.py                 |   8 +-
neutron/services/tag/tag_plugin.py                 |   3 +
.../trunk/drivers/openvswitch/agent/driver.py      |   5 +-
.../drivers/openvswitch/agent/ovsdb_handler.py     |   7 +-
neutron/services/trunk/drivers/ovn/trunk_driver.py |  25 +-
neutron/services/trunk/plugin.py                   |   7 +-
.../agent/l3/test_keepalived_state_change.py       |   2 +-
.../functional/agent/l3/test_metadata_proxy.py     | 173 +++++-
.../functional/agent/linux/test_keepalived.py      |  17 +-
.../agent/ovn/extensions/test_qos_hwol.py          |  49 +-
.../agent/ovn/metadata/test_metadata_agent.py      |  61 +-
.../test_ba859d649675_add_indexes_to_rbacs.py      |  55 ++
.../test_c3e9d13c4367_add_binding_index_to_.py     |  29 +-
.../macvtap/agent/test_macvtap_neutron_agent.py    |  25 +-
.../ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/extensions/test_qos.py   | 202 +++++-
.../drivers/ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/test_impl_idl.py |  38 ++
.../ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/test_maintenance.py      | 156 ++++-
.../ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/test_ovn_client.py       |  86 +++
.../ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/test_ovn_db_sync.py      |  40 +-
.../ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/test_ovsdb_monitor.py    |  69 ++-
.../drivers/ovn/mech_driver/test_mech_driver.py    |  90 ++-
.../privileged/agent/linux/test_tc_lib.py          |  44 +-
.../scheduler/test_l3_agent_scheduler.py           |   6 +
.../l3_router/test_l3_dvr_ha_router_plugin.py      |  13 +-
.../l3_router/test_l3_dvr_router_plugin.py         |  78 ++-
.../services/logapi/drivers/ovn/test_driver.py     |   9 +-
.../functional/services/ovn_l3/test_plugin.py      |  42 +-
.../portforwarding/test_port_forwarding.py         |   7 +-
.../trunk/drivers/ovn/test_trunk_driver.py         |  37 +-
.../l2/extensions/metadata}/__init__.py            |   0
.../metadata/test_host_metadata_proxy.py           | 104 ++++
.../linux/openvswitch_firewall/test_firewall.py    |  22 +
.../unit/agent/linux/test_external_process.py      | 113 ++--
.../unit/agent/linux/test_iptables_manager.py      |  34 ++
.../api/rpc/handlers/test_securitygroups_rpc.py    | 114 +++-
.../unit/conf/policies/test_availability_zone.py   |   6 -
.../policies/test_default_security_group_rules.py  | 133 ++++
.../policies/test_floatingip_port_forwarding.py    | 347 ++++++-----
.../unit/extensions/test_availability_zone.py      |  21 +-
.../unit/extensions/test_data_plane_status.py      |  12 +-
.../unit/extensions/test_default_subnetpools.py    |   8 +-
.../test_expose_port_forwarding_in_fip.py          |  22 +-
.../extensions/test_floating_ip_port_forwarding.py |  31 +-
.../unit/extensions/test_l3_conntrack_helper.py    |  21 +-
.../extensions/test_network_ip_availability.py     |  86 ++-
.../unit/extensions/test_network_segment_range.py  |  36 +-
.../test_security_groups_default_rules.py          | 484 +++++++++++++++
.../unit/extensions/test_subnet_service_types.py   |   5 +-
.../unit/extensions/test_subnetpool_prefix_ops.py  |   4 +-
.../objects/port/extensions/test_port_hints.py     |  33 +
.../objects/test_securitygroup_default_rules.py    |  27 +
.../ml2/drivers/agent/test__common_agent.py        |  11 +-
.../plugins/ml2/drivers/l2pop/test_mech_driver.py  |  68 ++-
.../agent/extension_drivers/test_qos_driver.py     |  34 +-
.../agent/openflow/native/test_br_int.py           |  47 +-
.../agent/openflow/native/test_br_tun.py           |  33 +-
.../agent/test_ovs_agent_extension_api.py          |   8 +
.../openvswitch/agent/test_ovs_neutron_agent.py    | 122 ++++
.../drivers/openvswitch/agent/test_ovs_tunnel.py   |   9 +-
.../drivers/ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/test_commands.py |  24 +-
.../ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/test_impl_idl_ovn.py     |  85 ++-
.../ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/test_maintenance.py      | 306 ++++++++--
.../ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/test_ovn_client.py       | 269 +++++---
.../ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/test_ovn_db_sync.py      |  42 ++
.../ovn/mech_driver/ovsdb/test_ovsdb_monitor.py    |  17 +-
.../drivers/ovn/mech_driver/test_mech_driver.py    | 430 +++++++------
.../plugins/ml2/drivers/ovn/test_db_migration.py   |   6 +-
.../ml2/extensions/test_dns_domain_keywords.py     |   6 +-
.../plugins/ml2/extensions/test_dns_integration.py |   4 +-
.../test_tag_ports_during_bulk_creation.py         |  22 +-
.../unit/plugins/ml2/test_extension_driver_api.py  |  16 +-
.../unit/plugins/ml2/test_tracked_resources.py     |  51 +-
.../unit/scheduler/test_l3_agent_scheduler.py      |  44 +-
.../unit/services/logapi/common/test_db_api.py     |   7 +
.../services/logapi/drivers/ovn/test_driver.py     | 116 ++--
.../unit/services/metering/test_metering_plugin.py | 211 +++----
.../services/revisions/test_revision_plugin.py     |   8 +-
plugin.spec                                        |   2 +-
...ecurity-group-rules-added-94a9ac6cdd1c538e.yaml |  23 +
...te-support-for-Windows-OS-80e32ef7e5e05b44.yaml |   5 +
...d-distributed-FIPs-config-0b4e9a92255cf4a8.yaml |  13 +
...dd-metadata-rate-limiting-bf0c17a31f86ee16.yaml |   8 +
.../agent_down_time_max-af3b62763aaa2fe5.yaml      |   6 +
.../notes/bug-1953165-6e848ea2c0398f56.yaml        |  16 +
.../notes/bug-1986003-9bf5ca04f9304336.yaml        |  10 +
.../notes/bug-1999209-febf1fa3512556b3.yaml        |   7 +
.../notes/bug-2022914-edbf1ea3514596b8.yaml        |   7 +
.../notes/dvr-external-mac-934409413e515eb2.yaml   |  10 +
...ce-scope-and-new-defaults-1f82a9eb71125f5d.yaml |  25 +
...tworks_unique_per_project-4d02e963cfc8d546.yaml |   8 +
...e_neutron_server-db-check-82fc780ff9455446.yaml |   7 +
.../notes/hash-ring-cleanup-1079d2375082cebe.yaml  |   6 +
.../notes/localnet-learn-fdb-22469280b49701fc.yaml |  23 +
...d_enabled_as_experimental-c9bfe343a0beb334.yaml |   7 +
.../network_ha_extension-99578e7ee47f47db.yaml     |   8 +
.../notes/new-my-ip-config-b8efeb05dd50cfd6.yaml   |   9 +
.../notes/new-my-ipv6-config-361b5dc824591fe5.yaml |   9 +
...uplink-status-propagation-4c232954f8b4f0ef.yaml |   7 +
...eduler-only-on-gw-chassis-33c22c1f5f7a73d4.yaml |  12 +
.../ovn-mcast_flood_reports-4eee20856ccfc7d7.yaml  |   7 +
...vn-recreate-metadata-port-76e2c0e651267aa0.yaml |  11 +
...n-trunk-check-parent-port-eeca2eceaca9d158.yaml |   6 +
...tual-port-prevent-binding-50efba5521e8a28e.yaml |  10 +
...port-hint-ovs-tx-steering-277a411933ed372b.yaml |  13 +
.../notes/port-hints-d465bb2fa144537c.yaml         |  12 +
.../notes/redirect-type-f29e89ca97357fe9.yaml      |  24 +
...ve_duplicated_ovn_chassis-df12fb6233ea3d3e.yaml |  17 +
.../remove_neutron_debug-262a139650d71183.yaml     |   6 +
...ork_subnet_mtu_validation-c221f22efcfae927.yaml |  22 +
releasenotes/source/2023.1.rst                     |   6 +
releasenotes/source/index.rst                      |   1 +
.../locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/releasenotes.po       |  59 +-
.../source/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/releasenotes.po   |   4 +-
requirements.txt                                   |   6 +-
setup.cfg                                          |   5 +-
tools/configure_for_func_testing.sh                |   7 +-
.../infrared/tripleo-ovn-migration/README.rst      |   6 +-
.../infrared/tripleo-ovn-migration/main.yml        |   2 +-
.../tripleo_environment/ovn_migration.sh           |   4 +-
.../playbooks/roles/recovery-backup/tasks/main.yml |   1 +
tox.ini                                            |  20 +-
zuul.d/base.yaml                                   |  47 +-
zuul.d/grenade.yaml                                |  27 +-
zuul.d/job-templates.yaml                          |  95 +--
zuul.d/project.yaml                                |   9 +-
zuul.d/rally.yaml                                  |  14 +-
zuul.d/tempest-multinode.yaml                      |  44 +-
zuul.d/tempest-singlenode.yaml                     |  75 ++-
504 files changed, 15686 insertions(+), 10821 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 2b2d62fbb9..cb72debe32 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -23 +23 @@ netifaces>=0.10.4 # MIT
-neutron-lib>=3.4.0 # Apache-2.0
+neutron-lib>=3.7.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -47 +47 @@ oslo.upgradecheck>=1.3.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=4.8.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=6.2.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -53 +53 @@ ovs>=2.10.0 # Apache-2.0
-ovsdbapp>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0
+ovsdbapp>=2.2.1 # Apache-2.0

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