[release-announce] ovn-bgp-agent 1.0.0 (bobcat)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Wed Oct 4 11:24:07 UTC 2023

We are pleased to announce the release of:

ovn-bgp-agent 1.0.0: The OVN BGP Agent allows to expose
VMs/Containers/Networks through BGP on OVN

This release is part of the bobcat release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through:


For more details, please see below.

Changes in ovn-bgp-agent 0.4.0..1.0.0

eaf217d Fix issue with virtual ports not being exposed on time
6184856 Make debug log less chatty
26df66b [functional testing] enhance _get_device aux function
6c765fc Ensure agent is protected again wrong/missing bridge mappings
4054120 Explicitly define the MAC address when creating the interface
dbf0e71 Avoid vlan device leaking
bc9e779 Reshape code around ip neigh
c9af4df CI: add periodic weekly and experimental queue
727f99b Config register_opts for tests in base class
6194a57 Minor code improvements around move from NDB to IPRoute
3e50c27 Ensure FIPs are exposed as part of cr-lrp binding events
14a7850 Avoid usage of NDB linux_net utils
1e95409 Avoid usage of NDB in ovn_bgp_driver, and ovs and wire utils
7115d6b Add new privileged rule methods implementations
6f1d816 Add more new privileged method implementations
1cbfe78 Add new privileged method implementations
1d00d2c Retry get_ovs_patch_port_ofport if empty port
b5ac73f Ensure PortBindingChassis Events consider the port up status
e3828ac Minor code improvements on priviledged linux_net functions
8028e8f [NB Driver] Ensure proper processing of LSP ports creation updates
cbe1e16 Ensure watchers do not crash
721dfdf Add more pyroute2 protection
331bbb5 Give more time for patch ports to be created
fa68b78 Publish docs at docs.openstack.org
4d5e42c Handle DatapathNotFound in l2 driver

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

README.rst                                         |   2 +-
ovn_bgp_agent/config.py                            |   6 +-
ovn_bgp_agent/constants.py                         |   3 +
.../drivers/openstack/nb_ovn_bgp_driver.py         |   9 +-
ovn_bgp_agent/drivers/openstack/ovn_bgp_driver.py  |  98 +--
ovn_bgp_agent/drivers/openstack/ovn_evpn_driver.py |   6 +-
.../openstack/ovn_stretched_l2_bgp_driver.py       |  15 +-
ovn_bgp_agent/drivers/openstack/utils/ovn.py       |  27 +-
ovn_bgp_agent/drivers/openstack/utils/ovs.py       |  49 +-
ovn_bgp_agent/drivers/openstack/utils/wire.py      |  48 +-
.../drivers/openstack/watchers/base_watcher.py     |  32 +-
.../drivers/openstack/watchers/bgp_watcher.py      |  58 +-
.../drivers/openstack/watchers/evpn_watcher.py     |  19 +-
.../drivers/openstack/watchers/nb_bgp_watcher.py   | 183 ++++--
ovn_bgp_agent/exceptions.py                        |  40 ++
ovn_bgp_agent/privileged/linux_net.py              | 670 ++++++++++++++-------
.../drivers/openstack/test_nb_ovn_bgp_driver.py    |  27 +-
.../unit/drivers/openstack/test_ovn_bgp_driver.py  |  30 +-
.../unit/drivers/openstack/test_ovn_evpn_driver.py |   2 -
.../openstack/test_ovn_stretched_l2_bgp_driver.py  |  52 +-
.../drivers/openstack/watchers/test_bgp_watcher.py |  51 +-
.../openstack/watchers/test_nb_bgp_watcher.py      | 163 +++--
ovn_bgp_agent/utils/helpers.py                     |  27 +
ovn_bgp_agent/utils/linux_net.py                   | 404 +++++++------
test-requirements.txt                              |   1 +
tox.ini                                            |  14 +-
zuul.d/project.yaml                                |  14 +-
40 files changed, 2497 insertions(+), 1105 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index dbf4eea..8e2cc74 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -7,0 +8 @@ coverage>=4.0,!=4.4 # Apache-2.0
+eventlet>=0.26.1 # MIT

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