[release-announce] trove 20.0.0 (bobcat)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Wed Oct 4 11:23:25 UTC 2023

We are satisfied to announce the release of:

trove 20.0.0: OpenStack DBaaS

This release is part of the bobcat release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through:


For more details, please see below.

Changes in trove 19.0.0..20.0.0

2bd3ead0 Fix bindep.txt for python 3.11 job(Debian Bookworm)
e4079989 Fix Zuul warnings with regexps
e1b72b51 [CI]: Add support for Ubuntu Jammy
cd383e49 Fix typo in release note
5424152b Fix error create backup in PostgreSQL
ccaa00d4 Fix typo
ae3c0a22 Fix: failed to create the replicas
d29efdf1 [CI]: fix trove api started failed
b841781f Imported Translations from Zanata
d2602bbf Adds postgres guestagent test driver
2f755b64 Add network isolation for trove
8cd982be Fix postgresql database creation failures from prepare func
f5eb7426 Replace	deprecated terms
40363f87 [CI] optimize the image build script
c4efd57e Imported Translations from Zanata
773115ad Remove the idle_timeout option.
5535153d Remove logics for old Python versions
7e5b54e9 [CI] fix devstack install failed
98b43977 Update backup requirements
2ade4d87 [CI]: fix the tox cover zuul jobs.
caf06bc4 Prevent docker from manipulating iptables
6f81ed8f Build backup images during the devstack installation
0d4a24c7 Fixes cluster creation error
3ba1f0d9 mysql: explicitly use utf8mb3
7a6666f4 [CI]: Don't run periodic jobs on stable branchs
c0f27335 Imported Translations from Zanata
7ba99014 Add python 3.10 to setup.cfg metadata
0fd7bf2a Enable flake8 E129 rule
cd11d767 Fix "create database" failed for postgress
22df03a0 CI: fix trove tempest postgresql job
89514c0d Don't ignore E125 check
09fd6061 synchronize guest logs to controller node
06c8ed94 Revert "Add debug log for CI tests"
49c16b88 Add debug log for CI tests
c1761147 Don't ignore H306 pep8 check
e854cb58 Imported Translations from Zanata
ee3ba237 Remove tempest ipv6 job to experimental pipeline
18a83dba Fix inspect.getargspec() deprecation warning
7d4b1733 Test 5.7.29 for mysql datastore
9929847a Add missing releasenotes
db24fc01 Using 5.7.29 tag for mysql image.
05522c76 Ignore more files for zuul jobs
f62d3197 Do not configure removed [DEFAULT] rpc_backend
083fd5a3 Imported Translations from Zanata
e613be98 Imported Translations from Zanata
75071d5b Imported Translations from Zanata
4b9c3d30 Use new get_rpc_client API from oslo.messaging
ce5956d6 Update master for stable/2023.1
ad1e5fe4 Fix tox cover check
553c5789 Fixes permission problem when restoring backup
3de6c1b2 Creates the mysqld extra configuration dir
e9f81375 Change StrictRedis usage to Redis

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

.coveragerc                                        |   2 +-
.../source/samples/databases-create-request.json   |   4 +-
.../source/samples/instance-create-request.json    |   4 +-
backup/Dockerfile                                  |   2 +-
backup/drivers/postgres.py                         |  29 +-
backup/requirements.txt                            |   1 +
backup/storage/swift.py                            |   2 +-
bindep.txt                                         |   5 +-
contrib/trove-network-driver                       |  29 ++
devstack/files/apache-trove-api.template           |   2 +
devstack/files/debs/trove                          |   1 -
devstack/files/rpms/trove                          |   3 +-
devstack/plugin.sh                                 |  58 +++-
devstack/settings                                  |   5 +-
etc/trove/trove.conf.test                          |   2 +-
integration/README.md                              |   6 +-
.../31-guest-agent-install                         |  13 +-
.../docker-hostnic-dev.service                     |  13 +
.../docker-hostnic.service                         |  13 +
.../docker-hostnic.socket                          |   8 +
.../guest-log-collection.service                   |  13 +
.../guest-log-collection.timer                     |  11 +
.../scripts/files/elements/guest-agent/pkg-map     |   4 +-
.../post-install.d/31-enable-guest-agent-systemd   |   6 +-
.../ubuntu-mysql/pre-install.d/10-percona-apt-key  |   2 +-
integration/scripts/functions_qemu                 |   5 +
integration/scripts/trovestack                     |  28 +-
playbooks/image-build/docker-registry.yaml         |  13 +-
...network-isolation-support-640f7105eb90651a.yaml |   8 +
...ix-cluster-creation-error-c1fd7674e71dd6a2.yaml |   5 +
...ql-database-create-failed-abd4f99cc7dde44c.yaml |   4 +
...postgress-create-database-75fbe03e3b4e296d.yaml |   8 +
...x_mysql_missing_configdir-fa9e2e647dd46846.yaml |   8 +
..._mysql_permission_problem-2698e6a4dcc6e444.yaml |   5 +
releasenotes/notes/mysql8-6a81a8498ee2c229.yaml    |   2 +
.../remove-idle-timeout-e4a5db0d5ee524d7.yaml      |   5 +
releasenotes/source/2023.1.rst                     |   6 +
releasenotes/source/index.rst                      |   1 +
.../locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/releasenotes.po       | 271 +++++++++++++++++-
requirements.txt                                   |   7 +-
setup.cfg                                          |   2 +
tools/install_venv.py                              |   6 -
tox.ini                                            |   7 +-
trove/backup/models.py                             |   2 +-
trove/backup/service.py                            |   4 +-
trove/cluster/models.py                            |   1 +
trove/cmd/guest.py                                 |   5 +-
trove/cmd/manage.py                                |   2 +-
trove/cmd/network_driver.py                        | 306 +++++++++++++++++++++
trove/common/cfg.py                                |  19 +-
trove/common/constants.py                          |   4 +
trove/common/db/mysql/data.py                      |   2 +
trove/common/db/mysql/models.py                    |   4 +-
trove/common/neutron.py                            |   2 +-
trove/common/schemata.py                           | 303 ++++++++++++++++++++
.../cluster/experimental/mongodb/taskmanager.py    |   5 +-
trove/common/stream_codecs.py                      |  14 +-
trove/common/utils.py                              |   4 +-
.../versions/047_image_tag_in_datastore_version.py |   2 +-
.../048_add_version_to_datastore_version.py        |   4 +-
trove/extensions/mgmt/datastores/service.py        |   2 +-
trove/guestagent/common/operating_system.py        |   2 +-
trove/guestagent/datastore/manager.py              |   8 +-
trove/guestagent/datastore/mariadb/service.py      |   4 +-
trove/guestagent/datastore/mysql_common/manager.py |  94 ++++---
trove/guestagent/datastore/mysql_common/service.py |  57 ++--
trove/guestagent/datastore/postgres/manager.py     |   4 +-
trove/guestagent/datastore/postgres/service.py     |  21 +-
trove/guestagent/datastore/service.py              |  11 +-
.../strategies/replication/mysql_base.py           |  17 +-
.../strategies/replication/postgresql.py           |  16 +-
trove/guestagent/utils/docker.py                   | 124 +++++++--
trove/instance/models.py                           |  33 ++-
trove/instance/service.py                          |   6 +-
trove/rpc.py                                       |   7 +-
trove/taskmanager/models.py                        |  52 +++-
.../extensions/mgmt/instances/test_models.py       |   9 +-
.../guestagent/datastore/postgres/test_service.py  |  54 ++++
zuul.d/jobs.yaml                                   |  82 ++++--
zuul.d/nodesets.yaml                               |   8 +-
zuul.d/projects.yaml                               |  20 +-
118 files changed, 1963 insertions(+), 338 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index b9dabd20..4e1d65a1 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -41 +41 @@ stevedore>=1.20.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.messaging>=5.29.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.messaging>=14.1.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -52,0 +53,5 @@ oslo.cache>=1.26.0 # Apache-2.0
+# for trove network driver
+Flask>=2.2.3 # BSD
+pyroute2>=0.7.7;sys_platform!='win32' # Apache-2.0 (+ dual licensed GPL2)
+gunicorn>=20.1.0 # MIT
\ No newline at end of file

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