[release-announce] glance 27.0.0 (bobcat)
no-reply at openstack.org
no-reply at openstack.org
Wed Oct 4 11:15:29 UTC 2023
We jubilantly announce the release of:
glance 27.0.0: OpenStack Image Service
This release is part of the bobcat release series.
The source is available from:
Download the package from:
Please report issues through:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in glance 26.0.0..27.0.0
6d8f1248 Reduce concurrency for tempest jobs
d5759353 Refresh Glance example configs for bobcat rc1
11af8f0e Imported Translations from Zanata
b5f3a1dc Fix openstack-tox-py311 job
fb3aba94 Fix post failures causing by image conversion failure
fd222f31 Sort locations based on store weight
8c5091cd db: Drop use of implicit auto-commit
2e716b53 db: Enable foreign keys for SQLite backend
ce5056ad db: Replace dict-style access of Row attributes
25dcacea db: Don't pass strings to Connection.execute()
44050a2f db: Replace use of aliased keyword arguments
e5a8918e db: Pass case.whens as positionals, not a list
c70349d8 db: Replace use of 'Query.values()'
36329c0a db: Don't invoke and_() without arguments
abddf333 db: Enable batch migrations by default
9b9afcaa db: Disable logging by default for alembic
1f5bbf0b db: Remove use of 'bind' arguments
6c150194 db: Replace use of legacy select() calling style
604ffd39 tests: Add tests for loading, unloading metadefs
d409b27a tests: Enable SQLAlchemy 2.0 deprecation warnings
1557eab3 db: Avoid import variable shadowing
5636008d db: Update import location of declarative_base
f136d103 tox: Unset basepython
dc20d4a2 tests: Use WarningsFixture in all tests
cbabd575 tests: Restore - don't reset - warning filters
46c30f0b Imported Translations from Zanata
0bc55d4f Clean generated source RST files
2fd57d68 Correct item numbering in install docs
735db034 Release notes for Bobcat Milestone 2
d68f99a7 Refresh Glance example configs for bobcat milestone 2
11061d5b Remove the last occurrence of six.add_metaclass
97551b95 Doc: remove "stores" and "default_store" options
0a7c5d6a Doc: Factorise installation instructions
076c06e1 Imported Translations from Zanata
d4780361 Handle case for multiple cirros images
43b2116a Test glance RBAC old defaults
dca70d1c Run integrated test if zuul.yaml file is changed
bdb8b515 Bump eventlet to a version that fixes #632[1]
56700c6c Imported Translations from Zanata
7ab90017 Refactor pipeline definition
84c3939f Release notes for Bobcat Milestone 1
02de7a7d Refresh Glance example configs for bobcat milestone 1
4fb03af0 Add rocky linux to useful image properties os_images list
fa9450d5 Deploy healthcheck middleware as app instead of filter
084c8a32 Update functional jobs for 2023.2
41da684f Fix functional test failures with PasteDeploy 3.x
babf8f19 Remove duplicate value in compute-host-capabilities.json
969de4ef Change DB migration constant to 2023_2
6e62b872 Add a check on startup for staging directory
f5a41df0 Imported Translations from Zanata
ecab9b87 Update master for stable/2023.1
84625bed Allow easier admin override in policies
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
.zuul.yaml | 17 +-
api-ref/source/v2/discovery-parameters.yaml | 3 +
.../v2/samples/stores-list-detail-response.json | 4 +
bindep.txt | 9 +-
etc/glance-api-paste.ini | 61 ++--
etc/glance-api.conf | 70 ++++-
etc/glance-cache.conf | 22 +-
etc/glance-scrubber.conf | 22 +-
etc/metadefs/compute-host-capabilities.json | 1 -
glance/api/__init__.py | 12 +
glance/api/v2/discovery.py | 1 +
glance/api/v2/images.py | 3 +-
.../flows/_internal_plugins/base_download.py | 4 +-
glance/common/utils.py | 25 +-
glance/common/wsgi.py | 9 +
glance/common/wsgi_app.py | 11 +-
glance/db/__init__.py | 4 +-
glance/db/migration.py | 2 +-
glance/db/simple/api.py | 9 +-
.../db/sqlalchemy/alembic_migrations/__init__.py | 13 +-
.../ocata_migrate01_community_images.py | 99 +++---
.../train_migrate01_backend_to_store.py | 38 ++-
glance/db/sqlalchemy/alembic_migrations/env.py | 24 +-
.../mitaka01_add_image_created_updated_idx.py | 23 +-
.../mitaka02_update_metadef_os_nova_server.py | 20 +-
.../versions/ocata_contract01_drop_is_public.py | 18 +-
.../versions/ocata_expand01_add_visibility.py | 23 +-
glance/db/sqlalchemy/api.py | 110 ++++---
glance/db/sqlalchemy/metadata.py | 343 ++++++++++++---------
glance/db/sqlalchemy/metadef_api/namespace.py | 6 +-
.../metadef_api/resource_type_association.py | 13 +-
glance/db/sqlalchemy/models.py | 2 +-
glance/db/sqlalchemy/models_metadef.py | 2 +-
glance/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/glance.po | 94 +++---
glance/locale/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES/glance.po | 16 +-
glance/policies/base.py | 20 +-
glance/policies/discovery.py | 2 +-
glance/policies/image.py | 8 +-
glance/policies/metadef.py | 3 +-
glance/policies/tasks.py | 2 +-
.../db/migrations/test_ocata_expand01.py | 42 +--
.../db/migrations/test_ocata_migrate01.py | 18 +-
.../db/migrations/test_train_migrate01.py | 6 +-
playbooks/post-check-metadata-injection.yaml | 16 +-
...-milestone-1-releasenotes-2d109105530877d6.yaml | 7 +
...-milestone-2-releasenotes-085084b03f66d671.yaml | 10 +
.../notes/store-weight-3ed3ee612579bc25.yaml | 7 +
releasenotes/source/2023.1.rst | 6 +
releasenotes/source/index.rst | 1 +
.../locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/releasenotes.po | 133 +++++++-
.../source/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/releasenotes.po | 63 ----
requirements.txt | 2 +-
tox.ini | 21 +-
80 files changed, 1725 insertions(+), 983 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 3e823077..89f60da9 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -10 +10 @@ SQLAlchemy>=1.3.14 # MIT
-eventlet>=0.25.1 # MIT
+eventlet>=0.33.3 # MIT
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