[release-announce] heat-dashboard 10.0.0 (bobcat)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Wed Oct 4 11:14:07 UTC 2023

We eagerly announce the release of:

heat-dashboard 10.0.0: Heat Management Dashboard

This release is part of the bobcat release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through:


For more details, please see below.

Changes in heat-dashboard 9.0.0..10.0.0

2bbd7e8 Regenerate policy files
9473768 Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2023.2
f309128 Update .gitreview for stable/2023.2
f6e1e9c Use py3 as the default runtime for tox
7da98c0 Remove note about old pip behavior
b7f3dcc Fix 500 error when fetch data about deleted stack
dcaa644 Imported Translations from Zanata
437dcde Add Python 3.10 to supported runtime.
5bd2307 Update master for stable/2023.1
0525d54 remove unicode prefix from code
64aeebd Deal with bytestring serialized json

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

.gitreview                                         |   2 +-
heat_dashboard/conf/default_policies/heat.yaml     | 861 +++++++-------------
heat_dashboard/conf/heat_policy.yaml               | 888 +++++++++++++++++++--
heat_dashboard/content/stacks/api.py               |  18 +-
heat_dashboard/content/stacks/mappings.py          |   6 +-
heat_dashboard/content/stacks/views.py             |   8 +-
heat_dashboard/test/test_data/cinder_data.py       |  18 +-
heat_dashboard/test/test_data/glance_data.py       |  44 +-
heat_dashboard/test/test_data/heat_data.py         |   2 +-
heat_dashboard/test/test_data/keystone_data.py     |   2 +-
releasenotes/source/2023.1.rst                     |   6 +
releasenotes/source/conf.py                        |  16 +-
releasenotes/source/index.rst                      |   1 +
.../locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/releasenotes.po       |   8 +-
requirements.txt                                   |   8 -
setup.cfg                                          |   1 +
tox.ini                                            |   6 +-
20 files changed, 1179 insertions(+), 740 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 0aa0c4a..a1f4947 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -4,8 +3,0 @@
-# The order of packages is significant, because pip processes them in the order
-# of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration
-# process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
-# Order matters to the pip dependency resolver, so sorting this file
-# changes how packages are installed.  New dependencies should be
-# added in alphabetical order, however, some dependencies may need to
-# be installed in a specific order.

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