[release-announce] ansible-role-redhat-subscription 1.1.3

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Thu Apr 29 16:39:24 UTC 2021

We are stoked to announce the release of:

ansible-role-redhat-subscription 1.1.3: ansible-role-redhat-
subscription - An ansible role to Manage Red Hat subscritions and

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


For more details, please see below.

Changes in ansible-role-redhat-subscription 1.1.2..1.1.3

4178cf5 Fix service fact reference

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

tasks/satellite.yml | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

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