[release-announce] keystonemiddleware 6.0.0 (stein)
no-reply at openstack.org
no-reply at openstack.org
Thu Feb 28 18:15:53 UTC 2019
We jubilantly announce the release of:
keystonemiddleware 6.0.0: Middleware for OpenStack Identity
This release is part of the stein release series.
The source is available from:
Download the package from:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
New Features
* [bug 1803940
Request ID and global request ID have been added to CADF
Bug Fixes
* [bug 1649735 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1649735)]
The auth_token middleware no longer attempts to retrieve the
revocation list from the Keystone server. The deprecated options
*check_revocations_for_cached* and *check_revocations_for_cached*
have been removed.
* [bug 1800017
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystonemiddleware/+bug/1800017)] Fix
audit middleware service catalog parsing for the scenario where a
service does not contain any endpoints. In that case, we should just
skip over that service.
* [bug 1809101
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystonemiddleware/+bug/1809101)] Fix
req.context of Keystone audit middleware and Glance conflict with
each other issue. The audit middleware now stores the admin context
to req.environ['audit.context'].
* [bug 1813739
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystonemiddleware/+bug/1813739)] When
admin identity endpoint is not created yet, keystonemiddleware emit
EndpointNotFound exception. Even after admin identity endpoint
created, auth_token middleware could not be notified of update since
it does not invalidate existing auth. Add an invalidation step so
that endpoint updates can be detected.
* [bug 1797584
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystonemiddleware/+bug/1797584)] Fixed
a bug where the audit code would select the wrong target service if
the OpenStack service endpoints were not using unique TCP ports.
Changes in keystonemiddleware 5.3.0..6.0.0
caa899b Fix service_token_role_required option
ca76ced add python 3.7 unit test job
1360bab trivial: fix convention in release note
4e51cb8 Add auth invalidation in auth_token for identity endpoint update
1e1f971 Remove testr.conf as it's been replaced by stestr
82707e1 Make sure audit middleware use own context
c4e81b3 Trivial: Update pypi url to new url
58c5115 Change openstack-dev to openstack-discuss
f2f5820 Added request_id and global_request_id to CADF notifications
d381514 Add py36 tox environment
67fc715 Documentation Fix - auth_url Port Number
7e1b536 Stop supporting revocation list
782729b Fix audit target service selection
6779838 Skip the services with no endpoints when parsing service catalog
0c0eae3 Expect paste.deploy and gnocchi/panko options
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
.testr.conf | 8 -
.zuul.yaml | 1 +
README.rst | 4 +-
examples/pki/gen_cmsz.py | 38 ---
keystonemiddleware/_common/config.py | 11 +-
keystonemiddleware/audit/__init__.py | 7 +-
keystonemiddleware/audit/_api.py | 21 +-
keystonemiddleware/auth_token/__init__.py | 50 +--
keystonemiddleware/auth_token/_identity.py | 25 +-
keystonemiddleware/auth_token/_opts.py | 18 --
keystonemiddleware/auth_token/_revocations.py | 128 --------
.../unit/auth_token/test_auth_token_middleware.py | 341 +--------------------
.../notes/bug-1649735-3c68f3243e474775.yaml | 8 +
.../notes/bug-1800017-0e5a9b8f62b5ca60.yaml | 7 +
.../notes/bug-1803940-9a39c66014763af0.yaml | 5 +
.../notes/bug-1809101-6b5088443d5970ba.yaml | 7 +
.../notes/bug-1813739-80eae72371903119.yaml | 9 +
...no-service-endpoint-ports-72b2009d631dcf19.yaml | 6 +
setup.cfg | 2 +-
tox.ini | 2 +-
26 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 772 deletions(-)
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