[release-announce] swift 2.15.2 (pike)
no-reply at openstack.org
no-reply at openstack.org
Mon Feb 25 16:23:34 UTC 2019
We eagerly announce the release of:
swift 2.15.2: OpenStack Object Storage
This release is part of the pike stable release series.
Download the package from:
For more details, please see below.
Bug Fixes
* Fixed a cache invalidation issue related to GET and PUT requests
to containers that would occasionally cause object PUTs to a
container to 404 after the container had been successfully created.
* Removed a race condition where a POST to an SLO could modify the X
-Static-Large-Object metadata.
* Fixed rare socket leak on range requests to erasure-coded objects.
* Fix SLO delete for accounts with non-ASCII names.
* Fixed an issue in COPY where concurrent requests may have copied
the wrong data.
* Fixed time skew when using X-Delete-After.
* Send ETag header in 206 Partial Content responses to SLO reads.
Changes in swift 2.15.1..2.15.2
472ec6b pike stable backports
68fc87a copy: Stop hanging per-request data on middleware instance
2faab63 Move legacy-swift-dsvm-functional job in-tree
6f4d068 import zuul job settings from project-config
68e9cd4 Fix time skew when using X-Delete-After
933fbf9 Make X-Backend-Replication consistent for HEAD
af6aeb3 Native Zuul v3 tox jobs
b7adec7 Be more tolerant of exception messages from sqlite
6b69400 py36: Fix test_get_logger_sysloghandler_plumbing
1e6645d Clean up a couple hand-rolled mocks.
d44b00d Fix SLO delete for accounts with non-ASCII names.
3090658 slo: Send ETag header in 206 responses
8ff69e6 Fix socket leak on 416 EC GET responses.
bf5b49c Use "poll" or "selects" Eventlet hub for all Swift daemons.
ac85f5d Preserve X-Static-Large-Object from .data file after POST
69a7be6 Delay cache invalidation during container creation
02ee5c1 proxy: Use the right ranges when going to multiple object servers
aecf912 Update install guide to pull Pike sample confs
97da459 Fix more X-Delete-At timing issues
c54c6b3 Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/pike
06d229a Update .gitreview for stable/pike
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
.gitreview | 1 +
.zuul.yaml | 289 +++++++++++++++++++++
.../finalize-installation-ubuntu-debian.rst | 2 +-
.../install/storage-install-ubuntu-debian.rst | 6 +-
.../notes/2_15_2_release-6996eccabba558b4.yaml | 22 ++
swift/common/constraints.py | 9 +-
swift/common/daemon.py | 3 +
swift/common/db.py | 4 +-
swift/common/middleware/copy.py | 33 ++-
swift/common/middleware/slo.py | 6 +-
swift/common/utils.py | 19 ++
swift/obj/diskfile.py | 6 +-
swift/obj/mem_diskfile.py | 5 +-
swift/obj/reconstructor.py | 8 +-
swift/obj/replicator.py | 6 +-
swift/obj/server.py | 14 +-
swift/proxy/controllers/base.py | 11 +-
swift/proxy/controllers/container.py | 4 +-
swift/proxy/controllers/obj.py | 16 +-
test/functional/test_slo.py | 28 +-
test/unit/common/middleware/test_slo.py | 57 +++-
test/unit/common/ring/test_ring.py | 14 +-
test/unit/common/test_bufferedhttp.py | 7 +-
test/unit/common/test_constraints.py | 251 +++++++++---------
test/unit/common/test_daemon.py | 20 +-
test/unit/common/test_utils.py | 19 +-
test/unit/obj/test_diskfile.py | 26 ++
test/unit/obj/test_server.py | 215 ++++++---------
test/unit/proxy/controllers/test_base.py | 22 +-
test/unit/proxy/test_server.py | 43 +++
tools/playbooks/dsvm/post.yaml | 4 +
tools/playbooks/dsvm/pre.yaml | 9 +
tools/playbooks/dsvm/run.yaml | 11 +
tools/test-setup.sh | 14 +
tox.ini | 2 +-
41 files changed, 854 insertions(+), 386 deletions(-)
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