[release-announce] puppet-tripleo 8.4.0 (queens)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Fri Feb 15 14:49:36 UTC 2019

We are chuffed to announce the release of:

puppet-tripleo 8.4.0: Puppet module for OpenStack TripleO

This release is part of the queens stable release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through launchpad:

    http://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo (tag: puppet)

For more details, please see below.


New Features

* Add support to enable ODL deployment on IPv6 networks

* Added Dell EMC SC multipath support This change adds support for

* Add new parameter haproxy_log_facility.

* Added support for networking-ansible ML2 plugin.

Upgrade Notes

* Logrotate's copytruncate is used by default for containerized
  services logs rotation.  The default period to keep old logs remains
  unchanged (14 days).

Changes in puppet-tripleo 8.3.6..8.4.0

6117bf9 Prepare for 8.4.0 release
f50f3a8 Prepare for 8.3.7 release
7b4ac46 Allow to set log facility for HAProxy
cc05fec Allow user to define a custom tuned profile
f61d202 Configure the Metadata Agent only when enable_metadata_agent is set
8b0fade Create barbican's creator role by default
dd92d59 Explicitly set certmonger's CA cert's permissions
575504f Configure switchedv while there is no vfs bounded
adfca27 Filter apache_certificates_specs if hostname is empty
5bb0a71 Remove some of the excessive rabbitmq bundle logging
e85f96d Add additional tuning options for mariadb/galera
a9848a9 ceilometer: escape % in crontab
882c78c Make sure we do not match multiple remotes when waiting for them
8e57bf8 Include octavia::controller
a925449 Switch scenarios to non-voting
14ac445 Add manifest for networking_ansible ML2 plugin
c86e514 Dell EMC SC: Add use_multipath_for_image_xfer
bae6123 Pass variable from puppet-tripleo to puppet-neutron
fa2fb53 Include ::cinder::nova in cinder's configuration
a127d06 Add support for ODL-OVS IPv6 deployment
1858189 Switch stable scenarios to voting
b43dc05 Pin puppet-snmp
dcecde4 Disable puppet-5 jobs
6a6f932 Fix ceph-nfs duplicate property
fd99abf Make sure that ceph-nfs and the VIP start in the right order
b9fb5db Disable chrony-wait
9f0aa72 adding deployment_type fact in support
cae8cd6 Prevent triggering firewall actions while configuring HA services
59a1e9a Copytruncate containerized logrotate configuration
7a255f8 Enable TLS in the internal network for Octavia API
5f43470 Make sure rhel-plugin-push.service is stopped after pacemaker stops
04d2822 Revert "Revert "SSL support for haproxy -> novnc proxy connection""

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

Puppetfile_extras                                  |  6 +-
lib/puppet/functions/add_brackets.rb               | 14 ++++
lib/puppet/provider/sriov_vf_config/numvfs.rb      | 47 +++++------
manifests/certmonger/ca/local.pp                   |  7 ++
manifests/certmonger/novnc_proxy.pp                | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++
manifests/fencing.pp                               |  6 +-
manifests/haproxy.pp                               | 17 +++-
manifests/host/sriov/numvfs_persistence.pp         |  7 +-
manifests/profile/base/ceilometer/expirer.pp       |  2 +-
manifests/profile/base/certmonger_user.pp          | 23 +++++-
manifests/profile/base/cinder.pp                   |  1 +
manifests/profile/base/cinder/volume/dellsc.pp     | 29 +++----
manifests/profile/base/database/mysql.pp           | 19 +++++
manifests/profile/base/database/mysql/client.pp    |  2 +-
manifests/profile/base/keystone.pp                 |  6 ++
manifests/profile/base/logging/logrotate.pp        |  5 ++
manifests/profile/base/neutron/agents/nuage.pp     | 27 ++++---
manifests/profile/base/neutron/plugins/ml2.pp      |  3 +
.../base/neutron/plugins/ml2/networking_ansible.pp | 36 +++++++++
.../base/neutron/plugins/ml2/opendaylight.pp       |  9 +++
.../base/neutron/plugins/ovs/opendaylight.pp       | 26 ++++++-
manifests/profile/base/octavia/api.pp              | 72 ++++++++++++++++-
manifests/profile/base/octavia/health_manager.pp   |  1 +
manifests/profile/base/octavia/housekeeping.pp     |  1 +
manifests/profile/base/octavia/worker.pp           |  1 +
manifests/profile/base/pacemaker.pp                |  7 +-
manifests/profile/base/pacemaker_remote.pp         |  5 ++
manifests/profile/base/time/ntp.pp                 |  5 ++
manifests/profile/base/tuned.pp                    | 22 +++++-
manifests/profile/pacemaker/ceph_nfs.pp            | 38 +++++++--
manifests/profile/pacemaker/rabbitmq_bundle.pp     | 15 ++++
metadata.json                                      |  2 +-
...pport-for-IPv6-deployment-988400c781b92066.yaml |  4 +
.../notes/dellsc-driver-b7cd300a24a64b01.yaml      |  5 ++
.../notes/haproxy-facility-8196cc8e1299d79b.yaml   |  3 +
...otate-copytruncate-hourly-f0851bec551f5f5f.yaml |  5 ++
.../notes/networking-ansible-741fd4a6c8374db8.yaml |  3 +
...a_novnc_proxy_ssl_support-507a776063403a8e.yaml |  7 ++
spec/classes/tripleo_certmonger_ca_local_spec.rb   |  8 ++
spec/classes/tripleo_haproxy_spec.rb               | 26 +++++++
...tripleo_profile_base_ceilometer_expirer_spec.rb |  2 +-
spec/classes/tripleo_profile_base_cinder_spec.rb   |  6 ++
...pleo_profile_base_database_mysql_client_spec.rb | 22 ++++++
...o_profile_base_neutron_ovs_opendaylight_spec.rb | 59 +++++++++++++-
.../tripleo_profile_base_octavia_api_spec.rb       | 31 ++++++++
spec/classes/tripleo_profile_base_tuned_spec.rb    | 23 +++++-
.../tripleo_host_sriov_numvfs_persistence_spec.rb  | 12 +--
templates/logrotate/containers_logrotate.conf.erb  |  8 +-
templates/switchdev/switchdev.epp                  | 12 +--
zuul.d/layout.yaml                                 | 54 ++-----------
50 files changed, 690 insertions(+), 152 deletions(-)

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