[release-announce] puppet-nova 14.2.0 (stein)
no-reply at openstack.org
no-reply at openstack.org
Fri Feb 15 00:29:30 UTC 2019
We are stoked to announce the release of:
puppet-nova 14.2.0: Puppet module for OpenStack Nova
This release is part of the stein release series.
Download the package from:
For more details, please see below.
New Features
* nova::db::postgresql now creates the nova_cell0 database
* Added new parameter nova::network::neutron::neutron_timeout that
replaces the current neutron_url_timeout parameter.
* Added new parameter
nova::network::neutron::neutron_valid_interfaces which can be used
to override the keystone catalog interface nova should lookup for
the neutron endpoint.
* Added new parameter
nova::network::neutron::neutron_endpoint_override that can be used
to force the endpoint nova should use to talk to neutron, otherwise
it will be looked up in the keystone endpoint catalog.
Upgrade Notes
* nova::db::postgresql now creates the nova_cell0 database, you can
disable this behaviour by setting setup_cell0 to false.
* The deprecated parameter auth_uri is now removed, please use
Deprecation Notes
* check_revocations_for_cached option is now deprecated for removal,
the parameter has no effect.
* hash_algorithms option is now deprecated for removal, the
parameter has no effect.
* nova::network::neutron::neutron_url is deprecated and will be
removed in a future release. Nova will default to looking up the
neutron endpoint in the keystone catalog, you can override the
endpoint type with neutron_endpoint_type or by overriding the
endpoint with the neutron_endpoint_override parameter.
* nova::network::neutron::neutron_url_timeout is deprecated, please
use neutron_timeout instead.
* nova::network::bridge class is deprecated and will be removed in a
future release because it doesn't align with this modules purpose to
configure nova nad not networking interfaces.
* nova::network::flat, nova::network::flatdhcp and
nova::network::vlan classes is now deprecated and will be removed in
a future release. Nova-network is deprecated in nova and will be
removed in a future release.
* firewall_driver and dhcp_domain parameters in
nova::network::neutron is deprecated and will be removed in a future
release. These are replaced by use_neutron and DNS domain
functionality in neutron, these were focused on supporting nova-
network and will be removed when nova-network support is removed
from nova.
* nova_network resource is deprecated and will be removed in a
future release.
* nova::compute::neutron class is deprecated and will be removed in
a future release.
* nova::manage::network is deprecated and will be removed in a
future release.
* nova::use_ipv6 is deprecated and will be removed in a future
Changes in puppet-nova 14.1.0..14.2.0
b756c5a Prepare Stein M2
98c2275 Fix editorial problem
b618c1c Fix rabbitmq version in metadata
2cb8554 Cleanup documentation
d65396b Use puppet4 functions-api
54f25f2 Deprecate PKI parameters in novajoin
1aaf10e Convert to rspec-puppet-facts
1d8da71 Fix lint
a2a3d51 Change openstack-dev to openstack-discuss
64f5875 Remove auth_uri
80d0c00 Add support for native TLS encryption on NBD for disk migration
6efc36b Update python packaging version for RHEL8
64541b4 Deprecate pki related options
c7f44fd Fix duplicated and overwritten user keys
9171b9b Add cell0 database creation in postgresql
6c22e04 Deprecate neutron options and add alternatives
1296187 Deprecate nova-network code
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
README.md | 2 +-
lib/puppet/functions/to_array_of_json_strings.rb | 43 ++++
.../parser/functions/to_array_of_json_strings.rb | 30 ---
lib/puppet/type/nova_network.rb | 5 +
manifests/api.pp | 3 +-
manifests/compute/libvirt/qemu.pp | 57 +++-
manifests/compute/libvirt/version.pp | 43 ++++
manifests/compute/neutron.pp | 6 +
manifests/db/mysql.pp | 3 +-
manifests/db/postgresql.pp | 25 +-
manifests/db/sync.pp | 4 +-
manifests/db/sync_api.pp | 6 +-
manifests/init.pp | 20 +-
manifests/keystone/auth.pp | 26 +-
manifests/keystone/auth_placement.pp | 26 +-
manifests/keystone/authtoken.pp | 54 ++--
manifests/logging.pp | 176 ++++++-------
manifests/manage/network.pp | 4 +
manifests/metadata/novajoin/authtoken.pp | 58 ++---
manifests/network/bridge.pp | 4 +
manifests/network/flat.pp | 4 +
manifests/network/flatdhcp.pp | 4 +
manifests/network/neutron.pp | 122 ++++++---
manifests/network/vlan.pp | 4 +
manifests/params.pp | 3 +-
manifests/policy.pp | 4 +-
metadata.json | 16 +-
.../add-cell0-db-postgresql-8bb48f15e4e77554.yaml | 8 +
.../add_qemu_nbd_parameters-f8b975e695d6efd9.yaml | 11 +
...te_pki_related_parameters-bb4a91ed4d5068a5.yaml | 6 +
...eprecated-neutron-options-c506d893a1529ed5.yaml | 21 ++
.../deprecated-nova-network-1480284ccb3b93cf.yaml | 23 ++
.../notes/remove-auth-uri-6e98c7c2bf6a8932.yaml | 4 +
setup.cfg | 2 +-
spec/classes/nova_cell_v2_map_cell0_spec.rb | 52 ++--
spec/classes/nova_compute_libvirt_qemu_spec.rb | 149 ++++++++++-
spec/classes/nova_compute_neutron_spec.rb | 2 +
spec/classes/nova_compute_serial_spec.rb | 34 ++-
spec/classes/nova_compute_spice_spec.rb | 38 ++-
spec/classes/nova_compute_xenserver_spec.rb | 159 +++++++-----
.../classes/nova_cron_archive_deleted_rows_spec.rb | 4 -
spec/classes/nova_db_postgresql_spec.rb | 26 +-
spec/classes/nova_init_spec.rb | 1 -
spec/classes/nova_keystone_auth_spec.rb | 286 +++++++++++----------
spec/classes/nova_keystone_authtoken_spec.rb | 6 -
.../nova_metadata_novajoin_authtoken_spec.rb | 6 -
spec/classes/nova_migration_libvirt_spec.rb | 52 ++--
spec/classes/nova_network_flat_spec.rb | 1 +
spec/classes/nova_network_flatdhcp_spec.rb | 1 +
spec/classes/nova_network_neutron_spec.rb | 203 +++++++--------
spec/classes/nova_network_vlan_spec.rb | 1 +
spec/classes/nova_scheduler_spec.rb | 39 ++-
spec/classes/nova_serial_proxy_spec.rb | 60 ++---
spec/classes/nova_spicehtml5proxy_spec.rb | 139 +++++-----
spec/defines/nova_generic_service_spec.rb | 65 +++--
spec/defines/nova_manage_networks_spec.rb | 2 +-
spec/functions/to_array_of_json_strings_spec.rb | 51 ++++
spec/unit/provider/nova_network/nova_spec.rb | 1 +
spec/unit/type/nova_network_spec.rb | 1 +
59 files changed, 1320 insertions(+), 886 deletions(-)
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