[release-announce] [tripleo] os-net-config 8.0.0 (queens)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Fri Oct 27 16:17:16 UTC 2017

We high-spiritedly announce the release of:

os-net-config 8.0.0: OpenStack network configuration

This release is part of the queens release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through launchpad:


For more details, please see below.

Changes in os-net-config 7.2.0..8.0.0

d6e5314 Add retry and timeout for VPP interface discovery
0b8cd76 Added driver option for Contrail DPDK
8ddab87 Allow to pass more than two DNS while putting 2 DNS
e1c9456 This patch adds initial support for the Contrail vRouter interface
ebc1c1b Add NIC Mapping Reporting Feature
f8d76d2 Delete controller for standalone OVS bridges
9e980f1 Make onboot parameter for ifcfg configuration configurable
23c1082 Update .coveragerc after the removal of respective directory
cae3684 Removes unnecessary utf-8 encoding
593fe64 Drop MANIFEST.in - it's not needed by pbr

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

.coveragerc                                        |   2 +-
MANIFEST.in                                        |   6 -
etc/os-net-config/samples/contrail_vrouter.json    |  14 +
etc/os-net-config/samples/contrail_vrouter.yaml    |   9 +
.../samples/contrail_vrouter_dpdk.json             |  15 ++
.../samples/contrail_vrouter_dpdk.yaml             |  10 +
.../samples/contrail_vrouter_dpdk_bond.json        |  20 ++
.../samples/contrail_vrouter_dpdk_bond.yaml        |  14 +
etc/os-net-config/samples/interface.json           |   3 +-
etc/os-net-config/samples/interface.yaml           |   1 +
etc/os-net-config/samples/mapping_report.yaml      |   5 +
os_net_config/__init__.py                          |  23 +-
os_net_config/cli.py                               |  76 ++++--
os_net_config/impl_ifcfg.py                        |  59 ++++-
os_net_config/objects.py                           | 277 ++++++++++++++------
os_net_config/schema.yaml                          | 137 ++++++++++
os_net_config/utils.py                             | 120 +++++----
25 files changed, 1100 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-)

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