[release-announce] [openstackansible] ansible-hardening 15.1.10 (ocata)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Thu Oct 26 23:13:00 UTC 2017

We are stoked to announce the release of:

ansible-hardening 15.1.10: OpenStack-Ansible: Host security hardening

This release is part of the ocata release series.

Download the package from:


For more details, please see below.


Bug Fixes

* The sysctl configuration task was not skipping configurations
  where "enabled" was set to "no". Instead, it was removing
  configurations when "enabled: no" was set.

  There is now a fix in place that ensures any sysctl configuration
  with "enabled: no" will be skipped and the configuration will be
  left unaltered on the system.

Changes in ansible-hardening 15.1.9..15.1.10

6e82b64 Cast security_shadow_utils_fail_delay as int
d0ec2e8 Configure pam_faildelay on Ubuntu
46ff2e5 Updated from OpenStack Ansible Tests
10672ae Skip sysctl configs when enabled: no

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

.gitignore                                         |  9 +--
Vagrantfile                                        | 62 ++++++---------
bindep.txt                                         | 37 ++++++---
...skip-sysctl-when-disabled-b32eca48df5b1437.yaml | 10 +++
tasks/rhel7stig/auth.yml                           | 18 +++++
tasks/rhel7stig/kernel.yml                         |  2 +
vars/main.yml                                      | 10 ++-
8 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)

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