[release-announce] [openstackansible] openstack-ansible-galera_server 14.2.9 (newton)
no-reply at openstack.org
no-reply at openstack.org
Thu Oct 5 20:44:44 UTC 2017
We are pleased to announce the release of:
openstack-ansible-galera_server 14.2.9: Galera Server role for
This release is part of the newton stable release series.
Download the package from:
For more details, please see below.
Bug Fixes
* MariaDB 10.0.32 released on Aug 17 which, when configured to use
xtrabackup for the SST, requires percona xtrabackup version 2.3.5 or
higher. As xtrabackup is the default SST mechanism in the
"galera_server" role, the version used has been updated from 2.2.13
to 2.3.5 for the x86_64 hardware architecture. See the percona
release notes for 2.3.2 (https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-
xtrabackup/LATEST/release-notes/2.3/2.3.2.html#new-features) for
more details of what was included in the fix.
Changes in openstack-ansible-galera_server 14.2.7..14.2.9
8bb3464 Fix MariaDB apt package pinning
3ed010a Update percona xtrabackup to 2.3.5
2a14d3b Toggle percona repo without extra-vars
9106e4f Use block/rescue for error handling
d9f8113 Allow MariaDB repo overrides without extra-vars
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
defaults/main.yml | 20 ++++++++
.../notes/xtrabackup-update-0aedcb9baa88ce35.yaml | 10 ++++
tasks/galera_install_apt.yml | 60 +++++++++++-----------
tasks/galera_install_yum.yml | 49 +++++++++---------
vars/redhat-7.yml | 16 +++---
vars/ubuntu-14.04.yml | 20 ++++----
vars/ubuntu-16.04.yml | 20 ++++----
7 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
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