[release-announce] [tripleo] tripleo-ui 7.3.0 (pike)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Thu Aug 24 21:15:14 UTC 2017

We are stoked to announce the release of:

tripleo-ui 7.3.0: tripleo-ui

This release is part of the pike stable release series.

Download the package from:


For more details, please see below.


New Features

* Implements websocket-logging Adds an interface where users can
  request logs from the server

* Implements websocket-logging Implement Zaqar logger adapter

Bug Fixes

* Fixes bug 1701277 Display plan description on plan cards

* Fixes bug 1707055 Fixes incorrectly generated exported plan URL
  for specific application configurations

Changes in tripleo-ui 7.2.0..7.3.0

1158a37 Imported Translations from Zanata
745a271 Fix Warning status icon on validation
67517a5 Imported Translations from Zanata
070a522 Release 7.3.0 (pike rc1)
f625982 Download logs interface
b04e510 Don't log app state in Zaqar
da97d30 Fix plan export URL
8fe685a Update updatePlan action
cfb90b7 Upgrade webpack and webpack-dev-server
3a2320c Imported Translations from Zanata
fd97eec Imported Translations from Zanata
66776fd Notifications fixes
8a6ef46 EnvironmentConfiguration changes
d910fe5 KeystoneApiService error handling
fada9c5 HeatApiService error handling
eba15fe IronicInspectorApiService error handling
d5b3995 IronicApiService error handling
03b835b MistralApiService, SwiftApiService error handling
0a45ea3 Imported Translations from Zanata
8420610 Implement Zaqar logger adapter
5d47e06 Add axios and es6-error dependencies
e2373ed Do not show multiple notifications
1b547e6 Localised "General" parameters tab
04c0102 Added two automation ids for CurrentPlan
8c12f00 Add plan description to plan cards
333aca7 Description for the characters allowed for a name can be simplified In the "Register Nodes" window, there is a text describing characters allowed for the name:
c5be597 Hide view switcher on Nodes page
5917e60 PlanList and PlanCard updates
efffec5 Update the documentation link for doc migration
e503bd2 Run generated messages file through prettier
0ef7b11 Add warning state to validation status icons

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

config/tripleo_ui_config.js.sample                 |   3 +-
i18n/locales/de.json                               | 138 +++++--
i18n/locales/es.json                               |  28 +-
i18n/locales/fr.json                               |  18 +-
i18n/locales/id.json                               |  36 +-
i18n/locales/ja.json                               |  18 +-
i18n/locales/ko-KR.json                            |  96 ++++-
i18n/locales/tr-TR.json                            |  18 +-
i18n/locales/zh-CN.json                            | 125 ++++--
npm-shrinkwrap.json                                |  21 +-
package.json                                       |   8 +-
.../notes/download-logs-dfabb7207cb6d965.yaml      |   5 +
.../plan-card-description-05cfd37900984edf.yaml    |   4 +
.../notes/plan-export-fix-514306fd85ab93c1.yaml    |   5 +
.../notes/zaqar-adapter-948a636d67781cd4.yaml      |   5 +
releasenotes/source/conf.py                        |   4 +-
src/js/actions/EnvironmentConfigurationActions.js  |  75 ++--
src/js/actions/ErrorActions.js                     |  46 +++
src/js/actions/LoggerActions.js                    | 136 +++++++
src/js/actions/LoginActions.js                     |  53 +--
src/js/actions/NodesActions.js                     | 169 ++------
src/js/actions/ParametersActions.js                |  45 ++-
src/js/actions/PlansActions.js                     | 435 +++++++++------------
src/js/actions/RegisterNodesActions.js             |  29 +-
src/js/actions/RolesActions.js                     |  12 +-
src/js/actions/StacksActions.js                    |  67 +---
src/js/actions/ValidationsActions.js               |  66 +---
src/js/actions/WorkflowExecutionsActions.js        |  24 +-
src/js/actions/ZaqarActions.js                     |  48 +++
src/js/components/App.js                           |  12 +-
src/js/components/AuthenticatedContent.js          |   4 +-
src/js/components/NavBar.js                        |  14 +
src/js/components/StatusDropdown.js                |  46 +++
src/js/components/UserAuthenticator.js             |   2 -
src/js/components/debug/DebugScreen.js             | 155 ++++++++
src/js/components/deployment_plan/CurrentPlan.js   |   4 +-
src/js/components/deployment_plan/NoPlans.js       |  55 ---
.../EnvironmentConfiguration.js                    |   8 +-
.../EnvironmentConfigurationTopic.js               |   5 +
.../environment_configuration/EnvironmentGroup.js  |  87 +++--
src/js/components/login/Login.js                   |   2 -
.../nodes/NodesToolbar/NodesToolbarForm.js         |  12 +-
src/js/components/nodes/RegisterNodeForm.js        |   4 +-
src/js/components/notifications/Notification.js    |  23 +-
.../notifications/NotificationsToaster.js          |  11 +-
.../components/parameters/EnvironmentParameters.js |   2 +-
src/js/components/parameters/Parameters.js         |   9 +-
src/js/components/plan/EditPlan.js                 | 134 +++----
src/js/components/plan/ExportPlan.js               |   5 +-
src/js/components/plan/ListPlans.js                | 109 ------
src/js/components/plan/NewPlan.js                  |   9 +-
src/js/components/plan/NoPlans.js                  |  55 +++
src/js/components/plan/Plans.js                    |   4 +-
src/js/components/plan/PlansList.js                | 123 ++++++
src/js/components/plan/cards/CreatePlanCard.js     |  41 --
src/js/components/plan/cards/ImportPlanCard.js     |  49 +++
src/js/components/plan/cards/PlanActions.js        |  63 +++
src/js/components/plan/cards/PlanCard.js           | 180 ++++-----
src/js/components/ui/Loader.js                     |  24 +-
src/js/components/ui/dropdown/DropdownKebab.js     |   6 +-
.../utils/BaseHttpRequestErrorHandler.js           |  59 ---
.../components/validations/ValidationStatusIcon.js |   1 +
src/js/components/validations/ValidationsList.js   |   5 +-
src/js/constants/KeystoneApiConstants.js           |   6 +-
src/js/constants/LoggerConstants.js                |  26 ++
src/js/constants/MistralConstants.js               |   2 +
src/js/constants/PlansConstants.js                 |   2 +
src/js/constants/ZaqarConstants.js                 |   7 +-
src/js/immutableRecords/logger.js                  |  24 ++
src/js/immutableRecords/notifications.js           |   4 +-
src/js/immutableRecords/plans.js                   |   2 +
src/js/plugins/i18n.js                             |   2 +
src/js/reducers/appReducer.js                      |   2 +
src/js/reducers/loggerReducer.js                   |  50 +++
src/js/reducers/plansReducer.js                    |  17 +-
src/js/reducers/workflowExecutionsReducer.js       |  10 +-
src/js/selectors/environmentConfiguration.js       |   6 +-
src/js/selectors/notifications.js                  |   2 +-
src/js/selectors/plans.js                          |   2 +
src/js/selectors/validations.js                    |   5 +
src/js/services/HeatApiErrorHandler.js             |  66 ----
src/js/services/HeatApiService.js                  |  66 ++--
src/js/services/IronicApiErrorHandler.js           |  66 ----
src/js/services/IronicApiService.js                |  61 +--
src/js/services/IronicInspectorApiErrorHandler.js  |  74 ----
src/js/services/IronicInspectorApiService.js       |  47 ++-
src/js/services/KeystoneApiErrorHandler.js         |  61 ---
src/js/services/KeystoneApiService.js              | 143 ++++---
src/js/services/MistralApiErrorHandler.js          |  73 ----
src/js/services/MistralApiService.js               | 137 ++++---
src/js/services/SwiftApiErrorHandler.js            |  72 ----
src/js/services/SwiftApiService.js                 |  84 ++--
src/js/services/ZaqarWebSocketService.js           |  17 +-
src/js/services/errors/index.js                    |  92 +++++
src/js/services/logger.js                          | 162 --------
src/js/services/logging/LoggingService.js          | 121 ++++++
src/js/services/logging/adapters/BaseAdapter.js    |  21 +
src/js/services/logging/adapters/ConsoleAdapter.js |  51 +++
src/js/services/logging/adapters/ZaqarAdapter.js   | 100 +++++
src/js/store.js                                    |  16 +-
src/less/base.less                                 |   2 +
src/less/components/Loader.less                    |  12 +
src/less/ui/Plans.less                             |  22 ++
src/less/utils/patternflyOverrides.less            |  33 +-
125 files changed, 3111 insertions(+), 2295 deletions(-)

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