[release-announce] [openstackansible] openstack-ansible 15.1.0 (ocata)

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Mon Apr 3 14:02:12 UTC 2017

We eagerly announce the release of:

openstack-ansible 15.1.0: Ansible playbooks for deploying OpenStack

This release is part of the ocata stable release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


For more details, please see below.


New Features

* Capping the default value for the variable "aodh_wsgi_processes"
  to 16 when the user doesn't configure this variable. Default value
  is twice the number of vCPUs available on the machine with a capping
  value of 16.

* Capping the default value for the variable
  "gnocchi_wsgi_processes" to 16 when the user doesn't configure this
  variable. Default value is twice the number of vCPUs available on
  the machine with a capping value of 16.

* Capping the default value for the variable "ironic_wsgi_processes"
  to 16 when the user doesn't configure this variable. Default value
  is one fourth the number of vCPUs available on the machine with a
  capping value of 16.

* Capping the default value for the variable "sahara_api_workers" to
  16 when the user doesn't configure this variable. Default value is
  half the number of vCPUs available on the machine with a capping
  value of 16.

* Tags have been added to all of the common tags with the prefix
  "common-". This has been done to allow a deployer to rapidly run any
  of the common on a need basis without having to rerun an entire

* The COPR repository for installing LXC on CentOS 7 is now set to a
  higher priority than the default to ensure that LXC packages always
  come from the COPR repository.

* The "galera_client" role will default to using the
  "galera_repo_url" URL if the value for it is set. This simplifies
  using an alternative mirror for the MariaDB server and client as
  only one variable needs to be set to cover them both.

* The default behaviour of "ensure_endpoint" in the keystone module
  has changed to update an existing endpoint, if one exists that
  matches the service name, type, region and interface. This ensures
  that no duplicate service entries can exist per region.

* The repo server file system structure has been updated to allow
  for multiple Operating systems running multiple architectures to be
  run at the same time and served from a single server without
  impacting pools, venvs, wheel archives, and manifests. The new
  structure follows the following pattern *$RELEASE/$OS_TYPE-$ARCH*
  and has been applied to *os-releases*, *venvs*, and *pools*.

* The deployer can now define an environment variable
  "GROUP_VARS_PATH" with the folders of its choice (separated by the
  colon sign) to define an user space group_vars folder. These vars
  will apply but be (currently) overriden by the OpenStack-Ansible
  default group vars, by the set facts, and by the user_* variables.
  If the deployer defines multiple paths, the variables found are
  merged, and precedence is increasing from left to right (the last
  defined in GROUP_VARS_PATH wins)

* The deployer can now define an environment variable
  "HOST_VARS_PATH" with the folders of its choice (separated by the
  colon sign) to define an user space host_vars folder. These vars
  will apply but be (currently) overriden by the OpenStack-Ansible
  default host vars, by the set facts, and by the user_* variables. If
  the deployer defines multiple paths, the variables found are merged,
  and precedence is increasing from left to right (the last defined in

Known Issues

* There is currently an Ansible bug in regards to "HOSTNAME". If the
  host ".bashrc" holds a var named "HOSTNAME", the container where the
  "lxc_container" module attaches will inherit this var and
  potentially set the wrong "$HOSTNAME". See the Ansible fix
  (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/22246) which will be
  released in Ansible version 2.3.

Upgrade Notes

* The repo server file system structure has been updated to allow
  for multiple Operating systems running multiple architectures to be
  run at the same time and served from a single server without
  impacting pools, venvs, wheel archives, and manifests. The new
  structure follows the following pattern *$RELEASE/$OS_TYPE-$ARCH*
  and has been applied to *os-releases*, *venvs*, and *pools*.

* The EPEL repository is now removed in favor of the RDO repository.

  **This is a breaking change for existing CentOS deployments.** The
  "yum" package manager will have errors when it finds that certain
  packages that it installed from EPEL are no longer available.
  Deployers may need to rebuild container or reinstall packages to
  complete this change.

* The "openstack_tempest_gate.sh" script has been removed as it
  requires the use of the "run_tempest.sh" script which has been
  deprecated in Tempest. In order to facilitate the switch, the
  default for the variable "tempest_run" has been set to "yes",
  forcing the role to execute tempest by default. This default can be
  changed by overriding the value to "no". The test whitelist may be
  set through the list variable "tempest_test_whitelist".

Deprecation Notes

* The variables "galera_client_apt_repo_url" and
  "galera_client_yum_repo_url" are deprecated in favour of the common
  variable "galera_client_repo_url".

* The "update" state for the "ensure_endpoint" method of the
  "keystone" module is now deprecated, and will be removed in the
  Queens cycle. Setting state to "present" will achieve the same

Security Issues

* The security role will no longer fix file permissions and
  ownership based on the contents of the RPM database by default.
  Deployers can opt in for these changes by setting
  "security_reset_perm_ownership" to "yes".

* The tasks that search for ".shosts" and "shosts.equiv" files (STIG
  ID: RHEL-07-040330) are now skipped by default. The search takes a
  long time to complete on systems with lots of files and it also
  causes a significant amount of disk I/O while it runs.

Other Notes

* The keepalived role was updated, and now includes an optional way
  to configure vrrp scripts timeouts. See also: VRRP timeout PR on
  keepalived role (https://github.com/evrardjp/ansible-

Changes in openstack-ansible 15.0.0..15.1.0

e2b57a5 deploy-guide: fix small rst format issues
d0efeaf Updates ansible-role-requirements to not run Tempest by default.
df360bb Update role SHA's to get CentOS working
f659455 SHA Bump plugins repository to resolve upgrade issues
0e9f6b4 Update Ansible to
bb3b466 Fix pip_links for LB terminated SSL environments
4c37b3b Update SHA of galera_server role backported change
6dcf4ee Add vagrantfile for AIO testing
4713cf4 Updated from global requirements
29f5fa9 Bump Keepalived
510ebc5 Add better support for multi-OS deployments
dd60bb9 Revert to setuptools 33.1.1
15348ad Update all SHAs for 15.0.1
ee398ac Introduce userspace group_vars and host_vars
7968c28 [DOCS] Fixes broken link
d78676d Provide example of using veth pairs for br-vlan
17cc6d8 Use OpenStack-Infra MariaDB mirror in OpenStack-CI
00c0905 Remove epel form bootstrap-host installation.
f98ecfa Updated from global requirements
34e1334 Tidy up upgrade scripts
15e2f3f [docs] Update doc references for Ocata
e7b6056 AIO: Provide facility to exclude apt distributions
b59e9d7 Check if env.d folder exists for upgrades
e8de118 [DOC] Fix doc about EPEL
fd06f38 [docs] Update developer docs script reference
378b8dd [docs] Add scenario customisation information to AIO quick start guide
f4f1fd6 DOC - Add note regarding Ansible hostname bug
3de6602 Answer the upgrade no-going-back prompt
5d90ef2 Ensure that the terminal type is set
d4e6652 Fix upgrade script-library check
aa281bc Check for rbd as a default & optional glance back-end
39a8356 [docs] Add http public endpoint example
7e0e67c Add rsyslog_client configuration for Calico
e865566 Serialize RabbitMQ container prep
2949552 [docs] Fix formatting for Core Reviewers page
c5556dc Added a common tag to the common tasks
34571eb Move upper constraint logic to after python is installed
cd8f931 Adjust gate-check-commit for deploy/upgrade testing

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

README.rst                                         |   4 +-
Vagrantfile                                        | 116 +++++++++++++++++++++
ansible-role-requirements.yml                      |  38 +++----
.../source/app-advanced-config-options.rst         |   4 +-
.../source/app-advanced-config-override.rst        |   2 +-
deploy-guide/source/app-config-prod.rst            |   2 +-
deploy-guide/source/app-config-test.rst            |  14 ++-
deploy-guide/source/app-custom-layouts.rst         |   4 +-
deploy-guide/source/app-resources.rst              |   4 +-
deploy-guide/source/app-security.rst               |   6 +-
deploy-guide/source/configure.rst                  |   8 +-
deploy-guide/source/deploymenthost.rst             |   6 +-
deploy-guide/source/overview-requirements.rst      |   8 +-
deploy-guide/source/targethosts-prepare.rst        |   5 +-
.../draft-operations-guide/advanced-config.rst     |   7 +-
.../maintenance-tasks/rabbitmq-maintain.rst        |  10 ++
.../openstack_interface.cfg.prod.example           |  26 ++++-
.../openstack_interface.cfg.test.example           |  26 ++++-
.../openstack_user_config.yml.prod.example         |   6 ++
.../openstack_user_config.yml.test.example         |   2 +-
.../user_variables.yml.test.example                |   6 ++
playbooks/common-tasks/dynamic-address-fact.yml    |   2 +
playbooks/common-tasks/dynamic-grouping.yml        |   2 +
playbooks/common-tasks/mysql-db-user.yml           |   4 +
playbooks/common-tasks/os-log-dir-setup.yml        |   4 +
playbooks/common-tasks/os-lxc-container-setup.yml  |  16 +++
playbooks/common-tasks/package-cache-proxy.yml     |  11 +-
playbooks/common-tasks/rabbitmq-vhost-user.yml     |   5 +
playbooks/common-tasks/set-pip-upstream-url.yml    |   4 +
playbooks/common-tasks/set-upper-constraints.yml   |  10 ++
playbooks/defaults/repo_packages/gnocchi.yml       |   2 +-
.../defaults/repo_packages/openstack_services.yml  |  60 +++++------
playbooks/inventory/group_vars/all.yml             |  33 +++---
playbooks/inventory/group_vars/repo_all.yml        |   4 +
playbooks/os-glance-install.yml                    |   2 +-
playbooks/os-neutron-install.yml                   |   7 ++
playbooks/rabbitmq-install.yml                     |   1 +
playbooks/repo-build.yml                           |   8 +-
playbooks/utility-install.yml                      |   2 +-
...ble-hostname-bug-rabbitmq-7919f9311d61dcd6.yaml |   9 ++
...pping_aodh_wsgi_processes-6db6da9ba36c8851.yaml |   6 ++
...ng_gnocchi_wsgi_processes-eb67a87e86097a7f.yaml |   6 ++
...ing_ironic_wsgi_processes-6fa7306fc3c29de7.yaml |   6 ++
...apping_sahara_api_workers-d95bdf63093ce893.yaml |   6 ++
.../notes/common-tags-9763f578ea5fe5b6.yaml        |   5 +
.../notes/copr-repo-priority-60b3603b0c1ff2f7.yaml |   6 ++
...-rpm-perms-fix-by-default-b164e39717f0ada7.yaml |   6 ++
...-client-url-var-deprecate-9ced45ea374c3c7d.yaml |   9 ++
.../notes/keepalived-bump-a8f47f5dc7a7491d.yaml    |   6 ++
...one_plugin_default_update-c025bd5508069df3.yaml |  12 +++
.../multi-os-wheel-repos-7910b13547ea59ad.yaml     |  17 +++
.../notes/replace-epel-df390980c03bbaa8.yaml       |   9 ++
...shosts-file-search-opt-in-887f600a79eef07e.yaml |   7 ++
...est-remove-old-run-script-4365fa3b091169d8.yaml |  10 ++
...space_group_and_host_vars-14f77b5eb518e32d.yaml |  22 ++++
requirements.txt                                   |   4 +-
scripts/bootstrap-ansible.sh                       |  20 ++--
scripts/gate-check-commit.sh                       |  65 ++++++++----
scripts/openstack-ansible.rc                       |   7 ++
scripts/run-upgrade.sh                             |  38 +++++--
.../playbooks/deploy-config-changes.yml            |  52 +++++----
.../scripts/migrate_openstack_vars.py              |   2 +-
.../bootstrap-host/tasks/install_packages.yml      |  38 +++----
.../bootstrap-host/tasks/prepare_aio_config.yml    |   7 ++
.../bootstrap-host/templates/apt-sources.list.j2   |  18 ++--
.../templates/user_variables.aio.yml.j2            |   6 ++
77 files changed, 742 insertions(+), 289 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 0f5622d..6d0ae1e 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -5 +5 @@ pip>=7.1.0 # MIT
-setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,>=16.0 # PSF/ZPL
+setuptools!=24.0.0,!=34.0.0,!=34.0.1,!=34.0.2,!=34.0.3,!=34.1.0,!=34.1.1,!=34.2.0,!=34.3.0,!=34.3.1,>=16.0 # PSF/ZPL
@@ -16 +16 @@ PyYAML>=3.10.0 # MIT
-urllib3>=1.15.1  # MIT
+urllib3>=1.15.1 # MIT

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