[Product] Please welcome Danielle Mundle

Kruithof Jr, Pieter pieter.kruithof.jr at intel.com
Tue Jun 14 16:18:55 UTC 2016

Hi Folks,

Please join me in welcoming Danielle Mundle to the community.

Danielle will be joining OpenStack upstream to help conduct user research on behalf of the OpenStack community.  In past lives, Danielle has provided user research/usability consulting services to companies like Dell, Bose and Citibank.

This month Danielle will be conducting research on behalf of the App Ecosystem WG to help investigate app developers and fill-in any information that is not being provided by the semi-annual survey.  In addition, her longer-term focus will be to investigate how operators prefer to learn about OpenStack and how they triage issues.

Danielle’s IRC handle is uxdanielle.



Piet Kruithof
Sr User Experience Architect, Intel OTC
PTL, OpenStack UX Project

Mobile: 512 576-2844
IRC: piet

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