- In today's meeting, we agreed[1] that user story owners would update all their User Stories with the standard OpenStack UX Personas[2] - We acknowledged that updating these stories would require a focused effort to complete by our first meeting next year in early January In response, I've created an etherpad[3] to track who is assigned to each User Story and the status of that user story being updated. User Story owners, please update the etherpad accordingly. Thanks! -- Kenny Johnston | irc:kencjohnston | @kencjohnston [1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/product_working_group/2016/product_working_group.2016-12-05-21.02.html [2] http://docs.openstack.org/contributor-guide/ux-ui-guidelines/ux-personas.html [3] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PWG_UX_Persona_Updates