[Product] Ops Summit Tokyo: Operator Feedback into Development Priorities for Openstack Projects

Shamail Tahir itzshamail at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 16:57:07 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

The Product WG had proposed/moderated a session at the ops-meetup that
occurred in Tokyo with the intention of getting ops feedback on questions
that the various project teams had raised during our roadmap refresh
interviews.  These questions were aimed at providing insight to the
development teams as they made architecture/prioritization decisions.  The
attendance at this session was pretty good as we had maybe 20-30 operators
in the room.

The list of questions (and feedback) can be found in this etherpad:

(Thank you so much for entering data into the etherpad Steve Gordon!)

The projects covered during this session were *Cinder*, *Glance*, *Heat*,
*Horizon*, *Triple O*, *Ironic*, *Kolla*, and *Keystone*.  Can the Cross
Project Liaisons (CPLs) for these projects please share the feedback with
those teams?  Let's make sure we close the feedback loop.

If there are any requests for clarifying information, please let Steve
Gordon and myself know and we will try to recall the conversation...

Shamail Tahir
t: @ShamailXD
tz: Eastern Time

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