[Product] primer on tags (was Re: FW: [openstack-dev] Avoiding regression in project governance)

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Mon Mar 23 21:43:59 UTC 2015

On Wed, 2015-03-18 at 16:01 -0500, Arkady_Kanevsky at DELL.com wrote:
> MY expectation that some small set of tags will be define that will
> help define "release bundles".
> Each of bundle  is targeted toward broad use case and ensure that its
> component versions work together with certain level of maturity and
> stability.
modulo the concept of 'maturity' or 'stability' (since these are too
subjective to apply) everything else you say is correct. Tags are about
describing in richer term each project in OpenStack.

> But more I read the more I see that tags are just generic tagging
> facility with poor to none definition of the tag, no consistency how
> the same tag used
It's a lot to grasp and communication is still confusing, as most of the
'tags' system is in its infancy. At the moment there are only tags that
describe the release. The existing and approved tags are listed on the
Governance repository (this may change in the near future but until


Tags are very well defined. For example, if a project is tagged

It means:

        This tag is part of the release category of tags, describing the
        release model for a given code repository. Development in
        OpenStack is organized around 6-month cycles (like “kilo”), and
        some projects opt to release a version at the end of the cycle.
        The “release:at-6mo-cycle-end” tag describes which projects
        commit to producing a release at the end of the 6-month cycle.
        Note that it doesn’t prevent those projects from also producing
        intermediary releases in the middle of a development cycle.

> by different people and by different WG.
nope, that's why there are only 3 new tags (+1 legacy) approved. Other
tags are being discussed, like:

- Add a tag for affiliation diversity
- WIP - add some tags describing roles
- WIP: Add reference to running an election to new projects requirements

> Is there a defined process how TAGs are defined?

Yes, and it's described in the TC resolution that implemented them:


Currently it says:

        The Technical Committee will define tags and the objective rules
        to apply them. This framework will allow us to progressively
        replace the “integrated release” single badge with a richer and
        more nuanced description of all “OpenStack” projects. It will
        allow the Technical Committee to provide more precise answers to
        the Foundation Board of Directors questions about which set of
        projects may make sense for a given trademark license program.
        It will allow our downstream users to know which projects are
        mature, which are security-supported, which are used in more
        than one public cloud, or which are really massively scalable.
But the TC is evaluating to change that and expand the definition of
tags to other groups, like operators or end-users.

> I feel that TAG is very powerful and flexible mechanism but need to be
> very careful handled to bring clarity and not more confusion.

Yep, it's hard. That's why someone is advocating to slow down on adding
new projects to OpenStack in the new framework.



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