[Product] PTL Feedback Update for Liberty+ [Request for Volunteers]

Shamail Tahir itzshamail at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 20:15:07 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

As discussed on this mailing list by Kyle M., John G., and others, the data
we have on the release plans for Liberty+ should be revisited to account
for the actual decisions made by the project teams during the design
summit.  We can use this opportunity to also discuss future intentions (not
plans) for Mita and the "N" release with the project teams too.

We could definitely use more volunteers.  Please reply and let us know if
you would be willing to help out with this workstream...

The log from our last meeting was not saved for some reason and therefore I
am recalling from memory the people that volunteered to help so far.
Please let me know if I misrepresented your planned involvement with this

So far, the following people are willing to help:

   - Mike Cohen
   - Jim Haselmaier
   - Megan Rossetti
   - Geoff Arnold
   - Carol Barrett
   - Shamail Tahir

We can discuss a specific plan of action for the team once we know how many
people are willing to help with this effort.  We also need to revisit the
list of projects that we will be tracking for this update, we tracked 18
projects last time.

Shamail Tahir
Cloud Architect, EMC
t: @ShamailXD
tz: Eastern Time

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