[Product] Weekly Product WG Meeting

Shamail Tahir itzshamail at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 14:48:34 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

We have a lot of tasks that we have to accomplish between now and October.
In consideration of this, we believe the work group might have enough
things in flight now to warrant a weekly (versus bi-weekly) meeting
schedule.  The initial thought is to possibly hold a rotating schedule
between a conference call (with etherpad) and IRC.  This might allow us to
get more people involved too.

*High-level Tasks (I'm sure there are more that I missed):*
- Refresh roadmap content
- Collect feedback/engage with other working groups
- Identify 5 user stories/use-cases to test requirements workflow
- Socialize Product WG (using standard slides/messaging) at local meetups

I also wanted to take this opportunity to send out a poll to figure out a
time that might allow people from more time zones to participate.  We can
always switch to IRC only meetings if we determine that the conference
calls aren't working out but it's worth a shot.

*Please vote in this Doodle survey to indicate your time preference(s):*
*http://doodle.com/hvzx3in4xgiwnkvv <http://doodle.com/hvzx3in4xgiwnkvv>*

Shamail Tahir
Cloud Architect, EMC
t: @ShamailXD
tz: Eastern Time

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