[Openstack] create floating ip broken under the openstack cli

Jens Harbott j.harbott at x-ion.de
Wed May 23 15:33:55 UTC 2018

2018-05-23 14:02 GMT+00:00 Gary Molenkamp <molenkam at uwo.ca>:
> I have a provider network that has two subnets (Using as an
> publicly routable example):
>> # openstack subnet list | grep 67917c09-6cb4-4622-ae1b-9f5aef890b0f
>> | 066df21a-d23d-4917-8b28-d097957633dc | provider-campus       |
>> 67917c09-6cb4-4622-ae1b-9f5aef890b0f |  |
>> | b955a7bf-0965-4e56-a224-8a93bbcb3e99 | provider-public |
>> 67917c09-6cb4-4622-ae1b-9f5aef890b0f | |
> Normally I use the neutron cli to create a floating ip address on specific
> subnets, but I'm trying to migrate to the openstack cli since the neutron
> cli is marked as deprecated.  My understanding is that the two following
> command should be equivalent to create a floating ip on the provider-public
> subnet. However the first listed subnet (provider-campus) is always used by
> the openstack cli and is the default is not subnet is specified:
> This result is correct:
>> # neutron floatingip-create --tenant-id 774810c91edf4f97ae23ad55ebaf2a18
>> --subnet b955a7bf-0965-4e56-a224-8a93bbcb3e99 provider
>> neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack
>> CLI instead.
>> Created a new floatingip:
>> +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
>> | Field               | Value                                |
>> +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
>> | created_at          | 2018-05-23T13:51:51Z                 |
>> | description         |                                      |
>> | fixed_ip_address    |                                      |
>> | floating_ip_address |                        |
>> | floating_network_id | 67917c09-6cb4-4622-ae1b-9f5aef890b0f |
>> | id                  | 3b02eb6a-12b1-46d8-980c-a543c47836c9 |
>> | port_id             |                                      |
>> | project_id          | 774810c91edf4f97ae23ad55ebaf2a18     |
>> | revision_number     | 0                                    |
>> | router_id           |                                      |
>> | status              | DOWN                                 |
>> | tags                |                                      |
>> | tenant_id           | 774810c91edf4f97ae23ad55ebaf2a18     |
>> | updated_at          | 2018-05-23T13:51:51Z                 |
>> +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
> This result is incorrect:
>> # openstack floating ip create --project 774810c91edf4f97ae23ad55ebaf2a18
>> --subnet b955a7bf-0965-4e56-a224-8a93bbcb3e99 provider
>> +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
>> | Field               | Value                                |
>> +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
>> | created_at          | 2018-05-23T13:53:35Z                 |
>> | description         |                                      |
>> | fixed_ip_address    | None                                 |
>> | floating_ip_address |                         |
>> | floating_network_id | 67917c09-6cb4-4622-ae1b-9f5aef890b0f |
>> | id                  | 37fd261d-ffd3-440b-a19e-6d0fd093d575 |
>> | name                |                         |
>> | port_id             | None                                 |
>> | project_id          | 774810c91edf4f97ae23ad55ebaf2a18     |
>> | revision_number     | 0                                    |
>> | router_id           | None                                 |
>> | status              | DOWN                                 |
>> | updated_at          | 2018-05-23T13:53:35Z                 |
>> +---------------------+--------------------------------------+
> Is this broken or am I doing something incorrect here?  Any pointers would
> be appreciated.
> Version details:
> BaseOS : Centos 7.4.1708
> Openstack-release: centos-release-openstack-pike-1-1.el7.x86_64
> openstack client:  python2-openstackclient-3.12.1-1.el7.noarch
> neutron client: python2-neutronclient-6.5.0-1.el7.noarch

There was a bug in openstacksdk that could cause this behaviour, see
https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstacksdk/+bug/1733258 . You may
want to install the latest version of python-openstackclient into a
virtualenv and use that as a workaround. Not sure if we can backport
the fix, but I'll take a look.


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