[Openstack] Glance image definition using V2 API

Cory Hawkless Cory at Hawkless.id.au
Thu Apr 26 04:17:34 UTC 2018

Yep, spot on Fabian, thanks for the pointer

For future reference, the current process to create an image in Glance using a pre-existing volume in Ceph is as follows

Step1 – Create the empty image
glance image-create --container-format=bare --disk-format=raw  --min-ram 2048 --name="Windows Server test"

| Property | Value |
| checksum | None |
| container_format | bare |
| created_at | 2018-04-26T04:08:37Z |
| disk_format | raw |
| id | 763a2ca2-e8f8-4bf9-974f-98d7020e200b |
| locations | [] |
| min_disk | 0 |
| min_ram | 0 |
| name | Windows Server test |
| owner | 40c2b46fb47c4ee7ac076b259c4e0814 |
| protected | False |
| size | None |
| status | queued |
| tags | [] |
| updated_at | 2018-04-26T04:08:37Z |
| virtual_size | None |
| visibility | shared |

Step 2 – Update the ‘location’ attribute
glance location-add --url "rbd://b42a82f3-f493-49f4-98e0-2d355bbe8ee3/saspool/image-Windows2016v1/snap" 763a2ca2-e8f8-4bf9-974f-98d7020e200b

You’ll obviously need to ensure you have a protected snapshow of your image like so
:~# rbd snap create saspool/image-Windows2016v1 at snap
:~# rbd snap protect saspool/image-Windows2016v1 at snap
:~# rbd snap ls saspool/image-Windows2016v1
    18 snap 150 GB Thu Apr 26 13:24:30 2018

You’ll also need to ensure that show_multiple_locations = true is set in glance-api.conf

From: Fabian Zimmermann [mailto:dev.faz at gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, 22 April 2018 2:28 PM
To: Cory Hawkless <Cory at Hawkless.id.au>; openstack at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Openstack] Glance image definition using V2 API


just create an empty image (Without file or location param), then use add-location to set your locations.

Fabian Zimmermann

Am 19. April 2018 06:15:33 MESZ schrieb Cory Hawkless <Cory at Hawkless.id.au>:

Looking for some help with defining glance images. I'm running a new Queens installation and do not have the V1 API enabled in Glance.

So the Glance V1 API has been deprecated for some time now (I believe) and best I can tell there is no support in the V2 API for defining an existing image into glance.
I.E, I have some volumes in my Ceph pool that I'd like to expose to Glance, but the old method of using "glance image-create --disk-format raw --id $IMAGE_ID  --location rbd://$CLUSTER_ID/$POOL/$IMAGE_ID/snap" no longer works because this is a V1 command with the V2 API having no support for the --location flag.

I'm primarily dealing with large(ish) windows images around 100GB mark, so exporting them to a file then importing them using the --file command is very sub optimal.

Without an outright database hack, is there any way to define an existing Ceph based volume to be used by Glance?
If there is not a way to do this then can I safely enable the V1 API in Queens? How long until V1 support is removed and I'm back to square 1

Thanks in advance


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