[Openstack] Traits is not working

Ramu, MohanX mohanx.ramu at intel.com
Tue Oct 3 15:36:36 UTC 2017


We have implemented OpenStack Ocata and Pike releases, able to consume Placement resource providers API, not able to consume resource class APIs'.

I tried to run Triats API in Pike set up too. I am not able to run any Traits API.

As per the Open Stack doc, the Placement API URL is a base URL for Traits also. I am able to run Placement API as per the given doc, not able to run/access the Traits APIs' . Getting 404 (Not Found error).

I tried to post this issue in Open Stack forum ,  Not able to register in forum itself. It will be better, if you have any other forum/mail for getting support from Open Stack team.

 I am trying to post my question here https://ask.openstack.org/en/questions/ask/

As mentioned in below link, the  placement-manage os-traits sync command is not working, it says that command not found.


Pike - Placement API version is 1.0 to 1.10

[cid:image001.png at 01D33C8B.74BC1400]

Ocata - Placement API version is 1.0 to 1.4 which support

[cid:image002.png at 01D33C8B.74BC1400]

We got  404 only, It seems there is a disconnect btw Placement and Triats. Need to understand that are we missing any configuration.

Don't find these details in any OpenStack docs, But I am sure that Placement API's base URI only the base URI for Traits also.


  *   GET /traits: Returns all resource classes.
  *   PUT /traits/{name}: To insert a single custom trait.
  *   GET /traits/{name}: To check if a trait name exists.
  *   DELETE /traits/{name}: To delete the specified trait.
  *   GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/traits: a list of traits associated with a specific resource provider
  *   PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}/traits: Set all the traits for a specific resource provider
  *   DELETE /resource_providers/{uuid}/traits: Remove any existing trait associations for a specific resource provider

Placement Success :

[cid:image002.png at 01D335E7.38DF1D60]

Triats API error:

[cid:image003.png at 01D335E7.38DF1D60]

[cid:image004.png at 01D335E7.38DF1D60]

Thanks & Regards,

Mohan Ramu
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