[Openstack] storage questions (Fuel 10 Newton deploy)

Jim Okken jim at jokken.com
Thu Aug 24 16:14:40 UTC 2017

Hi all,

We have a pretty complicated storage setup and I am not sure how to
configure Fuel for deployment of the storage nodes. I'm using Fuel
10/Newton. Plus i'm a bit confused on some of the storage aspects
(image/glance, volume/cinder, ephemeral/?.)

We have 3 nodes dedicated to be storage nodes, for HA.

We’re using fiber channel extents and need to use the CEPH filesystem.

I’ll try to simplify the storage situation at first to ask my initial
question without too many details.

We have a fast and a slow storage location. Management tells me they want
the slow location for the Glance images and the fast location for the place
where the instances actually run. (assume compute nodes with slow hard
drives but access to a fast fiber channel volume.)

Where is “the place where the instances actually run”. It isn’t via Glance
nor Cinder is it?

When I configure the storage for CEPH OSD node I see volume settings for
Base System, CEPH and CEPH journal. (I see my slow storage and my fast
storage disks).

When I configure  the storage for a Compute node I see volume settings for
Base system and Virtual Storage. Is this Ephemeral storage? How does a
Virtual Storage volume here compare to the CEPH volume on the CEPH OSD?

I have seen an openstack instance who’s .xml file on the compute node shows
the vHD as a CEPH path (ie:
rbd:compute/f63e4d30-7706-40be-8eda-b74e91b9dac1_disk. Is this a CEPH local
to the compute node or CEPH on the storage node? (Is this Ephemeral

Thanks for any help you might have, I’m a bit confused


-- Jim
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