[Openstack] Fwd: Feedback wanted on Technical Committee Vision
Melvin Hillsman
mrhillsman at gmail.com
Fri Apr 21 22:00:17 UTC 2017
If you did not see this, please take time to review and comment.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: OpenStack Technical Committee <info at openstack.org>
Date: Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 8:53 AM
Subject: Feedback wanted on Technical Committee Vision
To: mrhillsman at gmail.com
Your feedback wanted on the 2019 Technical Committee vision
Hello OpenStackers!
The OpenStack Technical Committee (TC) recently completed work on a draft
for their 2019 vision. The purpose of the vision is to provide a positive
view of what success for any group (in this case, the Technical Committee)
looks like. We would like to get feedback from everyone in the community on
the vision before finalizing it in May.
We are asking community members to provide feedback anonymously by
completing a Survey Gizmo survey[0].
Please visit the Survey Gizmo link to view and review the vision draft:
For questions about the vision draft process or where to send feedback,
please contact OpenStack Technical Committee member Colette Alexander at
colettealexander at gmail.com.
Thanks very much,
-The OpenStack TC & Stewardship Working Group
The vision draft can also be viewed in the goverance repository[1] and is
open for review comments.
[0] http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/3490299/TC-2019-Vision
[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/453262/
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Kind regards,
Melvin Hillsman
OpenStack Engineer, Rackspace
mrhillsman at gmail.com
phone: (210) 312-1267
mobile: (210) 413-1659
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