[Openstack] [Swift] Unexplained 404s

Mark Kirkwood mark.kirkwood at catalyst.net.nz
Tue May 24 10:20:15 UTC 2016

On 24/05/16 11:20, Clay Gerrard wrote:
> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Shrinand Javadekar 
> <shrinand at maginatics.com <mailto:shrinand at maginatics.com>> wrote:
>     If objects are placed on different devices than the computed ones,
>     they will be unavailable until the replication places them at the
>     correct location. 
> This part doesn't sound quite right to me, but the transaction logs 
> will tell.
> My guess is that if the nodes the data is getting written too (primary 
> or handoff) are so overloaded they're getting timed out - it's 
> possible after request_node_count checks on to the backend storage 
> nodes the response still ends up looking like a 404 because none of 
> the nodes that were able to respond had the data.

Agreed, I didn't determine the cause definitively, was guessing too! 
Your explanation sounds more plausible - and yeah, his logs will 
hopefully shed some light!

(I might have a closer look at the slow system here that gets 404's and 
try to see why exactly they are happening - could be a different problem).



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