[Openstack] liberty: openstack/nova client, flavor create/list results in errors - help please.
Colin Leavett-Brown
crlb at uvic.ca
Tue Mar 1 17:22:05 UTC 2016
I have install Liberty under CentOS 7.2 using the
CentOS-OpenStack-liberty repository. All verification procedures
detailed in the installation guide run successfully. However, when I try
to create flavors using either the openstack or nova clients, I get errors:
[root at beaver beaver]# export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID=default \
OS_PASSWORD="some_password" \
OS_AUTH_URL=http://osctl:35357/v3 \
[root at beaver beaver]# openstack flavor create xx1 --id "auto"
--vcpus 1 --ram 1024 --disk 10 --swap 0 --ephemeral 0 --public
[root at beaver beaver]# echo $?
[root at beaver beaver]# nova flavor-create "xx1" "auto" 1024 10 1
--swap 0 --ephemeral 0 --is-public
ERROR (KeyError): 'version'
[root at beaver beaver]# echo $?
[root at beaver beaver]#
Similar problems afflict all nova compute serviced commands (eg. server
list, aggregate list, etc.). I am not seeing the problem with either
neutron or glance serviced commands. A "ps -ef" shows the nova api,
cert, consoleauth, scheduler, conductor, and novncproxy process running
on the controller. Command versions are at:
[root at beaver beaver]# openstack --version
openstack 1.7.2
[root at beaver beaver]# nova --version
[root at beaver beaver]#
Any suggestions?
Colin Leavett-Brown
Physics and Astronomy
University of Victoria
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