[Openstack] Can't get data from the neutron metadata proxy

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at bayour.com
Thu Jun 30 15:07:54 UTC 2016

Sorry, but I'm back :(.

I've been googling this all night yesterday and all day today, but
all i can see is that a lot of people are having the same problem 
and that there's bugs in Neutron. However, they're all quite old
and this is Mitaka, so it should be fixed.. ?

Many refer to a "metadata_proxy.ini" file or something like that.
A file i don't have. But on the other hand, the settings they use
in there is available in my neutron.conf so..

The curl client in the instance gives me:

----- s n i p -----
500 Internal Server Error

An unknown error has occurred. Please try your request again.
----- s n i p -----

Name space and process info:

----- s n i p -----
bladeA03:~# ip netns
bladeA03:~# ip netns exec qrouter-39c01b3c-7709-4e4b-9455-60daf31f2b1e iptables -S -t nat | grep 169.254
-A neutron-l3-agent-PREROUTING -d -i qr-+ -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9697
bladeA03:~# ip netns exec qrouter-39c01b3c-7709-4e4b-9455-60daf31f2b1e netstat -anpt | grep 9697
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      25544/python2.7
bladeA03:~# ps | grep -w 25544
25544 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy --pid_file=/var/lib/neutron/external/pids/39c01b3c-7709-4e4b-9455-60daf31f2b1e.pid --metadata_proxy_socket=/var/lib/neutron/metadata_proxy --router_id=39c01b3c-7709-4e4b-9455-60daf31f2b1e --state_path=/var/lib/neutron --metadata_port=9697 --metadata_proxy_user=113 --metadata_proxy_group=117 --debug --verbose --log-file=neutron-ns-metadata-proxy-39c01b3c-7709-4e4b-9455-60daf31f2b1e.log --log-dir=/var/log/neutron
----- s n i p -----

The log say (Neutron running in "debug" mode):

----- s n i p -----
bladeA03:~# tail -f /var/log/neutron/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy-39c01b3c-7709-4e4b-9455-60daf31f2b1e.log -n0
2016-06-30 15:59:38.300 25544 DEBUG neutron.wsgi [-] (25544) accepted ('', 49373) server /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/eventlet/wsgi.py:867
2016-06-30 15:59:38.301 25544 DEBUG neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy [-] Request: GET /2009-04-04/instance-id HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
Content-Type: text/plain
User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/1.0.0j zlib/1.2.6 __call__ /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron/agent/metadata/namespace_proxy.py:51
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy [-] Unexpected error.
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy Traceback (most recent call last):
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron/agent/metadata/namespace_proxy.py", line 57, in __call__
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy     req.body)
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron/agent/metadata/namespace_proxy.py", line 89, in _proxy_request
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy     connection_type=agent_utils.UnixDomainHTTPConnection)
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/httplib2/__init__.py", line 1607, in request
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy     (response, content) = self._request(conn, authority, uri, request_uri, method, body, headers, redirections, cachekey)
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/httplib2/__init__.py", line 1349, in _request
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy     (response, content) = self._conn_request(conn, request_uri, method, body, headers)
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/httplib2/__init__.py", line 1305, in _conn_request
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy     response = conn.getresponse()
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/httplib.py", line 1123, in getresponse
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy     raise ResponseNotReady()
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy ResponseNotReady
2016-06-30 15:59:38.303 25544 ERROR neutron.agent.metadata.namespace_proxy
----- s n i p -----

I'm not sure if this is still a bug, or if i just missed some
configuration. But I've checked and double checked (and tried
varios examples) and they look ok. Let me know what kind of info
you need, and I'll provide.
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