[Openstack] Ceilometer calculate also offline instances

Vahric Muhtaryan vahric at doruk.net.tr
Wed Jun 1 16:34:45 UTC 2016


I am using kilo release and trying to achieve total vcpu allocated for
project(s). Actually I can get it well , no problem

ceilometer --debug statistics -m vcpus -p 3600 --query

But my issue is little different, ceilometer samples also calculate offline
instances too ! Maybe conceptional it should be like that but I would like
to measure what is active. Is there anyway to say ceilometer or nova for do
not notify offline instances mem,vcpu things Š

vcpusGaugevcpuinstance IDNotificationLibvirt, Hyper-VNumber of virtual CPUs
allocated to the instance

Vahric Muhtaryan

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